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Monthly Tips from our Newsletter

Tips from Carola and Chetan about the upcoming energies that you can use NOW!

Chetan’s TIPS for the last part of November


In this last part of November 2015, the Nodes of the Moon are wrapping up their movement through Gates 46, Serendipity and 25, Innocence, two of the “Love” Gates.  The presence of the North Node has given us all caution to check our living and working environments, and our attitudes especially in regards to who belongs where. The presence of the South Node in Gate 25 has given us all access to the Channel of Initiation, Questing for Unity, since mid-July interacting with the planet Uranus in Gate 51, of The Arousing.  It is clear that we have all had the opportunity to reexamine our beliefs around people and their actions and attitudes in these past few months.  On November 29th, the South Node illustrating our past attitudes will move into Gate 36, of Crisis Resolution, and the North Node, signifying where humanity is going, into Gate 6, Conflict Resolution.   At this time we will find out how far we are preparing to evolve as a species beyond reaction, and towards responsibility.


Saturn has wrapped up its sojourn in Gate 34, of Power, where we’ve been encouraged to recognize our strengths in finding and holding to our truth, and moved into Gate 9, of Applied Details.  If anything will trip us up in our lives at present or is going to require of us just that little bit extra attention, it is going to be the details, the fine print and any tendency to leave something half-done as though that amount of interest is going to be sufficient.  This is a great time to clean up and complete perhaps pesky issues in our lives, because if we don’t we’ll find ourselves having to double back to fix them in 2016.  Any contracts, law issues, family disputes, checks and balances merit our extra attention now.


In the coming festive season (in the West), there is more than ever a call for brotherly and sisterly love as Neptune, the planet that relates to our higher qualities of love, selfless and love for love’s sake, continues to transit through Gate 37, of Friendship and Family, and in Line 2, Being Self-Sufficient : Achievements are enhanced through synergy; Endorsing personal responsibility as the foundation for a community’s strength.  In the ‘Family,’ everyone has their appropriate place and responsibilities, and although some responsibilities might be more onerous than others, everyone has a part to play.  In this time and continuing through 2016, we are all called on to remember that we are all on this same little planet together, and the more we offer our love and support to each other, the more the planet and our lives prosper.


Carola’s Planetary TIPS for early November

This month’s energies bring new opportunities 

At the end of October, and especially following the full moon in Taurus opposite the sun in Scorpio on October 27, we began a new cycle of personal transformation.  This, following a period of unexpected and perhaps surprising changes that prompted new professional or business priorities and inspired fresh educational plans, has provided inspiration for us to go deeply within, to consult our soul’s guidance.  Now we know that, rather than merely relying on old habits, we can create the quality of our experiences freshly, each day.  

The month of November began with the first week bringing a beautiful interaction between the sun in Scorpio and the planet of high inspiration, Neptune in Pisces, granting us increased access to our inner Soul-wisdom and higher guidance. Following that, our awareness is moved to the healing energies currently present, especially at the New Moon in Scorpio on November 11.  This season’s healing potential is available first, for improving our social interactions and community participation, and then to up-level the quality of our communications with increased awareness of the creative power of our words.  High intuitive awareness awakens those elements within us that are calling for healing, beckoning us to return to wholeness.

During the first half of November, we have the last of a two-month long planetary aspect between the powerfully transformative planet, Pluto, and the ever-expansive Jupiter.  Now is the time to take action on the plans we have made over the past few months.    Pluto provides the raw power, and Jupiter inspires the functional activities needed to ground our new awareness into the practical living of our daily lives.  Mercury, the planet of thinking and communicating, helps by inspiring us to do great planning and refining before implementing our new inspirations.


On a high note, the planet of expansion, Jupiter, and the deeply spiritual and psychic planet, Neptune dance together to bring a new, highly inspired vision, revealing our essential truth about life, creation, God, and our Soul-purpose.  At the same time the planet of love and money, Venus, continues her progress through the creative sign of Leo, and graces us with high inspiration from a favorable alignment with the planet of innovation and intuition, Uranus.  Those creative ideas will continue flowing this month; write them down as they may be highly useful in the near future!


Carola’s TIPS for late September

Late September brings powerful changes with a Lunar Eclipse

This month ushered in a potent turning point with two eclipses signaling a time for significant changes, internally and externally. On September 12, we had a Solar Eclipse in Virgo that brought heightened awareness of what needs healing in our lives, on physical, emotional and spiritual levels. Especially if this eclipse closely contacted planetary points in your own life chart, your life will be rockin’ and reeling with changes that simply must happen.  Although the eclipse points landing on sensitive points in your chart will catalyze what can feel like an immediate, pressing need to change your reality, let’s not forget that the universe is a friendly place.  Life wants us to thrive, and nothing thrives without change.   


Mid-September brought the often dreaded Mercury retrograde, although I must say that dreading a natural planetary occurrence is a little like dreading the coming of Winter; it is inevitable; so best to make the most sensible use of this three-week window of time when the planet of communication, Mercury, appears to be moving in backward motion.  The retrograde motion of Mercury signals a time for planning, updating, streamlining, repairing, and completing unfinished business or communications; it is not a great time to launch brand new endeavors.


From September 17 until October 9, Mercury is retrograde in Libra, bringing a review of our most significant personal and business relationships, along with a review of our finances. During this time, any situations that need to change will become apparent, and we will use this time period well if we do our discovery and planning, waiting to take action until after October 9.


As we enter the last week of September, we have the Autumn Equinox, when the sun enters the sign of Libra on September 23. This will bring Springtime for our friends in the Southern hemisphere; for those of us in the Northern Hemisphere, we enter the Fall season. With Mercury still in retrograde motion in Libra, the sun approaching will add power to realizations we need, and the actions we get clear are important to implement in the last week of September and into October.


On a high note, the planet of expansion, Jupiter, and the deeply spiritual and psychic planet, Neptune dance together to bring a new, highly inspired vision, revealing our essential truth about life, creation, God, and our Soul-purpose.  At the same time the planet of love and money, Venus, continues her progress through the creative sign of Leo, and graces us with high inspiration from a favorable alignment with the planet of innovation and intuition, Uranus.  Those creative ideas will continue flowing this month; write them down as they may be highly useful in the near future!


Adding fire to the already heated-up month of September, we have a Lunar Eclipse in Aries on September 27. Making it especially powerful, this is a near-total eclipse, and it brings essential changes to our relationships, agreements, and to our way of approaching new situations.  If you have planets within 1-7 degrees in the signs of Aries or Libra (and we can include the signs of Cancer or Capricorn), you will have a significant life-change on your horizon following this eclipse.  Or if you have activations in Gates 25 or 46, (lines 3-6) or Gate 17 or 18, (lines 1-4) in your Human Design Life Chart, that part of your Design will be highly activated, and you can expect to be creating some significant changes in life-direction, creative projects, and/or strategy.


Chetan’s TIPS for the second half of September

The Equinox, when our Sun appears to be crossing over the Equator moving southwards around September 23rd heralds the coming of winter in the North, and summer in the South. From the Human Design perspective, the Sun is moving to shine in Gate 46, of Serendipity, and love of the body, that wondrous vehicle that carries through our life. Translation from the original Chinese for Gate 46 is “Pushing upward into Heaven,” and it must be seen that without our body we are not going to accomplish much in this world.  So, particularly at this time we are given the reminder to nurture, love, appreciate our body, to give it the nourishment it needs, to find the ways it loves to relax, lighten up, be cleansed and treasured. This is body appreciation week!


With the Mercury retrograde (the apparent backwards motion when seen from Earth) that we are in presently, and which continues until September 10th, realize that this time period can really help us get our closets, communications and systems in order.  It is a great time to clean out dross and clutter, both physically and mentally!  Get your systems in order and see if a little extra space in your computer, closet or cognizance might be easily arranged.  Mercury made its turn in Gate 57, of Intuitive Awareness giving us a nudge to gain perspective through our intuitive senses rather than our usual mental approach to life. Intuition gives instant readings on what goes on in our lives – what is positive, useful and constructive and what is no longer serving us.


The planet of self-discipline, Saturn, moved resolutely into Gate 34 of Power and will stay there until mid-November encouraging us to ‘get a life’ and live it to the full! Saturn insists in this time that we honor ourselves to be entitled as much to life and all it offers as anyone else. This is the time to remember how to stick up for yourself — and if you’ve been in the habit of giving your power away, to reclaim it.  Your Human Design shows you exactly how to be true to your own nature through honoring your Type and Authority, and Saturn is giving us all a little extra juice to realign in our lives. 

Carola’s TIPS for early September

Early September rocks our lives with a Solar Eclipse 


The planetary landscape for the first half of September promises to bring some exciting and interesting challenges into our lives.

We begin the month with the planet of love and romance, Venus, traveling in retrograde (apparent backwards) motion in Leo. This means it is clean-up time in our romantic relationships and with our money scene.   

Retrograde since July 25, Venus is now almost finished with her comprehensive sweep of our past incompletes with creative endeavors, with our monetary mistakes, and with surfacing our underlying relationship issues. The planet that brings revolutionary changes, Uranus, is in a favorable triangle with Venus, lighting our awareness with new possibilities and pointing the way to our next big, “jump” in consciousness. Change is the current name of the game; change in our love life, our monetary flow, our values, and even, with Mars joining the fray, our work or business direction. If you haven’t already done so, make peace with your past, correct misunderstandings with loved ones and get clear on your journey forward during the first week of September.


On September 7, Venus resumes direct motion in Leo, and together with Mars, starts pressing for immediate action toward those substantial changes we realize must happen.


The planet of communication, Mercury, now in Libra, seeks a new equilibrium and urges us to find a way to bring greater cooperation into everything we do, but a tense aspect from transformational Pluto keeps pushing for more substantial change, regardless of the upheaval that ensues. Luckily, at the same time, the Sun and Jupiter in Virgo join in a harmonious angle with Pluto in Capricorn, empowering us to act boldly, and ensuring success with any endeavor that is motivated from our highest truth.


Essentially, the current planetary conversation urges us to act with clarity and move with certainty to create our next experiences.


On September 12, we have a Solar Eclipse in Virgo that brings yet more changes by increasing our awareness about our health and well-being. In the weeks following the eclipse we may find ourselves making new and better decisions about our dietary, exercise, and health routines. Opposite the eclipse point, Chiron in Pisces calls for deep level healing of old emotional pain and psychological issues.


In the light of coming planetary changes, with an ever-increasing population of awakening humans, it is vital that we clear any past residue that may, in any way, be holding us back from experiencing the pure joy and creativity of our Soul-presence. At the same time, mid-month, Jupiter and Neptune call for a new, highly inspired vision to emerge in our awareness, one that takes us beyond what we have been taught about religion, about God and about life, and reveals our own Soul’s truth.  


Chetan’s TIPS for the first two weeks of September


  • The recent week has seen some dramatic shifts in confidence in the stock markets, political figures’ integrity and infidelity tendencies. The shocking turns of events around these situations might easily be attributed to the planet Uranus slowing to make a retrograde movement (apparent backwards motion when ruled from earth) in Gate 51, ‘The Arousing.’  From now until at least April 2016, Uranus is going to keep us all on our toes, so stay tuned for more activities and revelations that have a ‘shock’ quotient.
  • Early September gives us all pause to reflect on how our lives are going.  In the Northern hemisphere, we are preparing for winter months, potential weather changes and time for introspection. In the Southern hemisphere, the seasons are opening up for longer days. As September opens, take some time to review the year past and recognize if you are ‘on track’ and that your life appeals to you, or not.  When the Equinox is passed on September 22/23, there comes the potential to alter the course of your life.


  • On September 7th, Jupiter moves into Gate 40 of ‘Deliverance’ and ‘Freedom for yourself and from any hardship.’ By itself, this transit encourages us to be really clear about to whom and to what we commit ourselves and what really holds value for us. The fact that Neptune is in Gate 37 of ‘Friendship and Family’ implies that for the month of September and up until October 3rd, everyone has the Channel of ‘Community’ by transit. If ever there was a time for the people of the world to come together, this is it! Consider, for example, refugees from Africa and the Middle East trying to get a life in Europe, or perhaps the United States and Canada.


Carola’s Planetary TIPS for early August

Early August Promises High Creative Innovation…..


The first week of August has brought some very high, exciting and inspiring energy, despite the fact that a Saturn aspect continues to call for much dedicated work. Chetan and I are using the planetary aspects to do both; have some fun and R&R, but continuing to focus on our business as well!  Let’s take a look at what life holds in store for the coming two weeks.


We had a full moon in Aquarius, opposite the sun in Leo on July 31, ushering in the fulfillment of our activities generated in mid-July. The first week of August brought energy to carry through with existing plans and endeavors. Ideally, we have been grounding our new plans with carefully considered and highly effective action that spearheads a new chapter in our lives!  Creative energies run particularly high on

August 5, and this may have been a day for a big breakthrough, or major turning point. 


The pressure to be productive at the same time we have the inner urge to relax, have fun, and explore can feel a bit frustrating, but this aspect lessens on August 8-9 and moves out entirely by August 11, as the planet of expansion, Jupiter, leaves playful Leo for a year-long trek through practical Virgo.  This will turn our focus to refining and improving what has been created. At the same time, we should remember that the planet of love, romance and money, Venus, is moving in retrograde (apparent backwards motion) in Leo, calling into question our values and current capacity for growing love and wealth. This is not necessarily an unfriendly process.   Approximately every 20 months, Venus goes retrograde specifically to give us time to reassess our love life, our finances, and our values, ideally helping us to grow in our capacity to attract wealth and love, and to do so with more wisdom.


During the latter part of the second week in August, on the 14th, we have a new moon in Leo that joins the retrograde Venus, all in a flowing aspect to the planet of radical change, Uranus, opening new possibilities for creative and innovative expansion!  If you desire to make changes in your love life or in the way you attract and handle monetary resources, this is the time to get crystal-clear and exceedingly innovative on what those changes need to be. From August 14-18 the planet of communication, Mercury, is in a highly favorable triangle to the powerful planet of transformation, Pluto.  Working in conjunction with the innovative energies of Uranus, we can use this time to set the bar really high on what we intend to accomplish during the remaining months of 2015!


Chetan’s TIPS for the first two weeks of August

From now through the end of November 2015, the Channel of “Initiation,” (51-25) has been activated for everyone by Uranus, the planet of awakening (suddenly) and the South Node, the origins of our changeable habits. We are all being subjected to transformation of our lives, breaking out of old patterns, opinions, beliefs and all things we have been told to, that we have ingested and which has held us in fictions.  Breathe deep…into your heart!


Until August 12, the Channel of “Allowing for Success,” (46-29) is activated for everyone by the North Node, where we are aiming ourselves, and Jupiter, the planet of expansion and huge growth, making this particular time in life to thoroughly enjoy yourself!  Be total, trust your choices, allow yourself to be in complete presence and connection with who you are and what life is giving you.  Success comes in many shapes and forms, and the great indication here is to encourage yourself to be fulfilled in your life.


As the Sun enters Gate 7, “Uniformity,” on August 6th, it marks a great time to reestablish your bearings in life.  Are you aimed towards those destinations that appeal to you most in these changing times?  Are you allowing new influences to enter your life through the experiences you are having and the people you meet?  Remember that throughout 2015 Neptune, in Gate 37, of “Friendship and Family,” is bringing many new people and influences into your life.


Carola’s Planetary TIPS for late July


Late July Brings Rapid Changes and a Fast Pace


With playful and optimistic Jupiter and the magnetically attractive Venus traveling closely together in Leo, we are ready for some relaxation and play time.  Much as we would like to however, we are not going to be able to completely set work aside for very long; we are feeling the pressure to use these highly creative energies to get some practical things accomplished.

The New Moon in Cancer on July 15 set the stage for the later part of July, with a favorable aspect from Neptune and Chiron in Pisces setting the theme of reaching a higher vision.  A catalyst for change, the new moon faces off with electric Uranus, calling for a clear-cut departure from ‘playing it safe’ and a leap into a powerful transformation.  Amidst rapid changes, disrupting our customary way of doing things, we find what has enduring stability.


The third week of July, and especially around July 22-23, when the sun will exit Cancer and enter the sign of Leo, we may all be feeling quite a bit of tension.  Mercury and Mars, close in the sign of Cancer, made a strong opposition to the planet of transformation, Pluto.  If we look more deeply, we will see the importance of doing some soul-searching around one’s highest purpose and how we express that purpose in the world.     

We are currently enjoying what will be the last few weeks of a long-standing planetary dance of innovation and creativity with Jupiter and Uranus. Whatever creative projects you have been working on, will need to be brought to completion soon, as the energy shifts in later August, and we are inspired to take very practical steps with implementing on all those new, great ideas!

Just as she slipped out of Leo to enter Virgo, the planet of love and romance, Venus, started traveling in retrograde (apparent backwards) motion.                         


When Venus retrogrades, she does so for six weeks, during which time we are given an opportunity to review our financial situation as well as our love life.  The review is a necessary process that gives us an opportunity to understand and integrate all that we have been learning, creating and experiencing in our love life and in our finances over the previous 20 months. But it can also make it unwise to sign any new contracts or start any significant relationship during the time of Venus retrograde. Completing old or existing business, however, is exactly the kind of thing Venus retrograde is made for.  Having that talk you have been meaning to have to clarify things in your important relationships, for instance, is a perfect use of Venus retrograde.


The month closes with a full moon in Aquarius, opposite the sun in Leo.  The full moon sheds light and brings to a point of action, the energies begun at the new moon, mid-month.  We can see very clearly what our next steps are, and, if we are paying attention, those steps lead us to a new and highly positive use of our energies and resources.  The fun has just begun with the sun in Leo, and it promises to stay exciting in early August as well.  Plan to do something fun, or creative, just for you!


Chetan’s TIPS for the last two weeks of July

This is a great time to expand your horizons either by travel or through reading, education, discussion, artistic pursuits and other means as the Sun moves through Gate 56, The Wanderer, and Stimulation, and the Earth moves through Gate 60, Limitations (that are to be seen for what they are and transcended).


From July 25th, the Sun then closes out the month in Gate 31, where we can utilize what we’ve just experienced in moving our own and others’ lives forwards through our Influence (Sun in Gate 31) and renewed and re-stimulated Imagination (Earth in Gate 41).


The Nodes have moved from Gates, 18, Improving (North Node), and 17, Opinions (South Node) to Gate 46, Serendipity (North Node) and Gate 25, Innocence (South Node).  South Node placements describe where we are coming from, and North Node placements where we aspire to…


The significance of these Nodal movements that happen every 17+ years, is that we have been asked to review any dogmatic principles that we have assumed or borrowed that we know to be unaligned with our integrity…And now, to reexamine who we are and what we stand for in life.  Do we sense that a lot of the standards we have been upholding are plainly not right?  Are we ready to reassume our Innocence as pure individuals with as much right to life as anyone else? Can we accept where we are as presenting situations for us that bring us the greatest fulfillment, or do we have to consider making a move?


Venus starts a “retrograde” (apparent backwards motion when viewed from Earth) on July 25th in Gate 59, “Intimacy,” and Line 1, “Penetrating, Evolution is only possible through interaction.” Venus represents for us Joy, Love, Beauty, the Feminine, Luxury, Wealth and other attributes.


When she makes one of these retrogrades, which Venus manages every year, she gives us the opportunity to reexamine our attitudes towards those attributes and particularly at this time in our own personal attitudes towards intimacy.  How comfortable are we all, men and women alike, with the power of the feminine?  By the time Venus turns around on September 5th, we will all have been questioning this matter, and hopefully evolved in our attitudes.


Carola’s Planetary TIPS for early July

July blazed in with a Full Moon lighting the sky!


Each month the full moon brings the over-all themes of the month into focus for us to get clear on our choices and tale action.  With the sun in the sign of Cancer and moon opposite in Capricorn, we should get very clear of what strategies to implement in our life and business.


What is illuminated around the Full Moon, July 1-2, as the main theme for the first half of July includes: 


  • Very high, clear inner vision along with the tension and inner drive to bring that vision into some useful expression.  
  • The possibility of attuning beyond our current mind-set, allowing wisdom and creative inspiration to ‘dawn’ in our awareness.
  • An intense push orchestrated by the sun and Mars, catalyzing us to take action.
  • The continuation of one of the main themes of 2015, a big ‘wake-up’ call urging us to use our divinely inspired gifts to share the wisdom we have gained.
  • One of the most favorable opportunity cycles we could experience, one that gets more powerfully activated in our lives as we share our love, creative inspiration and good fortune.


No period in time is free of challenges and early this month, with Pluto opposite the sun and Mars, we move into a big cycle that invites us to healing and transformation.  When we fully embrace whatever needs healing within us, it ceases to show up as pain, and becomes opportunity. 


So many of us in our modern culture have that knee-jerk reaction of avoidance, and all that does is prolong and intensify the pain.  Instead, lean into it, like stretching after exercise or holding a yoga pose, and allow it to release.  When it does, you will receive the gift it contains.


Artistic creativity abounds during this same period of time, so if you have a song in you, or a beautiful vision calling you to dance, draw, take photos, or write, follow that inspiration! 


The huge creative up-swing, high inspiration and potentially, phenomenal growth cycle initiated by Venus and Jupiter in mid-June, continues through July 18 as the planet of innovation, major changes, and big breakthroughs, Uranus, forms a magnetic triangle with both Jupiter and Venus.  Stay wide open to receiving; this can be a richly rewarding time to reap the benefits of your efforts and intentions.

As we move into the middle of July, we will have a New Moon that sows the seed of an entirely new cycle; look for our Newsletter, mid-month to learn more!


Chetan’s TIPS for the first part of July

The visual presence of Jupiter and Venus together in the sky these past few days has maybe given us cause to consider events outside our daily lives and all that appears in the “news” to dim our spirits.


In these next weeks, we are going to find out some interesting ideas about the planet Pluto and “his” Moons, Charon, Hydra, Styx, Nix and Cerberos, to name a few……as the Horizon Satellite blazes a trail past at some 4 ½ billion miles distance from us.


Just as on Mars, we are looking for our origins, Pluto, the Greek lord of the Underworld, might reflect to us some of the things we’ve forgotten concerning our sojourn on earth, and why we decided to have life in the form that we have here….and what we are going to do about it as co-creators.


As July opens, the Nodes are balancing between the North Node in Gate 18, Improving, and the South Node in 17, Opinions, leaving this part of the sky and our destinies for the last time on July 14th, Bastille Day in France, before December 2033.  For interest’s sake, the Nodes entered these Gates on May 6th, 2015.  The North Node holds the direction for where humanity is going……the South Node, where we’ve been. 


In America, particularly with the rulings of the Supreme Court on Universal Gay Marriage and Healthcare, the sudden reaction against the Confederate Flag and the passing into law the mysterious TPP agreement (that no one in America has read outside of a locked and guarded room), and in Europe, trying to find a 21st Century solution for debt forgiveness in Greece, and an on-going chaos in the world of fanatics in North Africa the Middle East, many crusty old opinions, particularly relating to the conscious growth of humanity have been reviewed, and openings have appeared for revisions in how we relate with each other. Stay tuned for the next nodal adventures!


Saturn, the planet of the life-lessons we must learn or they’ll keep on repeating and slowing us down in our journey, is transiting through Gate 14 of Prosperity, and stays through July in Line 5, “Being Sincere : Appropriate interactions with others concerning material matters.” Saturn cautions us to be honorable in our material dealings with (ourselves and) others.


We all have the opportunity to hold appreciation for everything that is given to us, whether we have a tendency to see it as good or bad at first.  Despite the fact that we’ve forgotten, we have all made agreements to be here, and if we keep tripping over the same obstacles then something is indicating that we need to raise our awareness, get over ourselves, and embrace our life in ways that move us past these obstacles. 


Appreciating Prosperity and how to allow it to find us at this time is key!


Carola’s Planetary TIPS for late June 

Let the Fun Begin

In this segment we explore how to make the most of the opportunities available in the last two weeks of June.  With the planet of communications, Mercury, retrograde (apparent backwards motion) through June 11, we are just now emerging from a period of reflection on our most recent plans and activities. 

We may have had breakthrough ideas, and important revelations, but it is only in the period from June 12-16 that we fully realize the changes we must make in order to move forward creatively.  Without exception, each of my private Coaching Clients have been undergoing a revolution in the way they are conducting their businesses or professions, and indeed, Chetan and myself have also had several important breakthroughs on this subject, just in the past few days.

Bringing a big jolt of inspiration for activity, the New Moon in Gemini on June 16 signals the beginning of a highly productive and potentially deeply creative next two weeks.   We enter a window of planetary energy that is highly conducive to new realizations, big opportunities and potentially life-changing events on June 17; and this window stays open through July 2.   

One caveat during this time:  Saturn, the planet of our ‘Life’s Lessons” enters a sector that brings any outstanding issues in need of healing, to the surface.  This will be more impactful for some and less so for others, but the theme is here for all.  Essentially, this aspect gives us a (hopefully gentle) nudge in the direction of completing old pain, and resolving past issues or misunderstandings, so that we can be free to create more of what we truly desire in life.  

Chetan’s TIPS for the second part of June 

On June 11th, the planet Neptune, our connection to our more spiritual nature, our dreams and fancies turned towards a retrograde (apparent backwards motion relative to earth) in Gate 37 of Friendship and Family.   Throughout the whole of 2015, Neptune is passing backwards and forwards accenting this part of human nature that brings us into an expanded realm of friendships.  

This year is a great year to expand your social register, to modify your social habits and patterns and to allow yourself to make connections and friendships in relationships with people you may have previously ignored or bypassed.  Many issues in our lives are accelerating dramatically and it is our relating into many different areas of life and the mirroring and intelligence that we find there that often offers us the fastest and most amazing growth. 

Saturn also is in retrograde motion and from June 14th has reentered Gate 14 of Prosperity, and especially line 6, which I sometimes call the „Millionaire’s Line,“ and where it remains until June 29th.  Saturn relates very much to our life lessons, our self-discipline and our „shadow nature“ or that side of ourselves we are reluctant to embrace readily.

The significance of  Saturn in this placement is that we have the opportunity to reap the rewards for all the efforts we have put out in our lives…..if only we can allow ourselves to recognize the value in what we have done and claim the rewards! So, please reexamine those areas of your life where you know there is a harvest ready to be harvested.  How have you invested in yourself and never claimed the return from that part of your life?

Jupiter, the planet of expansion, often called the „Guru“ planet or the „Great Benefic“ has recently moved into Gate 4 of Solutions, and will stay there until mid-July.  There is an old saying that „easy is right,“ and we may all feel that easy solutions to long-held problems are showing up for us now.  

It always feel good when we find great solutions to problems and issues that have been on our minds or annoying us, but there has to be a note of caution here.  

Solutions are generally at best temporary, and so when you find some apparent solution to an awkward problem, make sure you check it out thoroughly with your own Authority before you put to much weight on it.  

Carola’s Planetary TIPS for early June 

Time for a Change

As the month opens, we have a Full Moon in the fun-loving, adventuresome and restless sign of Sagittarius on June 2. Although this can really make us want to put our party shoes on and get into action on our dreams, and inspirations, we have a simultaneous big caution sign in the sky.

If you remember from my writing about the last week of May, we still have a tendency to be missing something important, or working under an assumption that simply isn’t true. If you will slow down a bit, deeply consider your choices, and follow your highest truth, this full moon can bring the clarity you need.

We have been in a healing cycle that is just completing and the light of the full moon reveals how far we have come in our journey. In the first few days of June, intuitive insight will be flowing freely and the inspiration to do something brand new, ‘out of the box’ and highly creative, arrives. The best path to getting it done, however, may take another few days to show up.  

By June 5-6, your innovative ideas align with the practical elements needed to bring them into expression. Let’s remember, though, that Mercury is still retrograde, so, we may have gotten that long-awaited break-through but we are still in the planning stages until Mercury resumes direct motion after June 11. The first clear day I see to take action on our new realizations or ideas, is June 17.

The first two weeks of June promise to be filled with a sense of possibility, a break-through in our understanding of something quite fundamental to our future success, and a movement toward much higher alignment with our soul-purpose. If we can add a good dose of patience to the mix, we may even find ourselves quite at peace, right in the eye of the storm. 

Chetan’s TIPS for the beginning of June 

As we enter June we are in the middle of a Mercury Retrograde that gives us a time to regroup and rearrange any plans or enterprises that need attention. 

Presently, Mercury is in Gate 16, Selectivity, giving us time to double-check we are putting our attention and resources into projects and issues that have relevance and a prospectively useful future. 

With so many BSO’s (Bright Shiny Objects) vying for our attention these days, we have time to pause before engaging with anyone or anything for longer term commitments. 

On June 11th, Mercury pivots on Gate 20, The Now, Line 5, Meditating, offering us perhaps one of the clearest views we can ever get of how our minds continually find any opportunity and reason to take over and run our lives.

Jupiter is transiting through Gate 7, of Uniformity, often called ‘The Army’ in traditional translations of the IChing, for the last time over the next 12 years.  Having spent several weeks during the past 6 months influencing this area of our lives, we can register now that we have around us the family/team members who are going to contribute best towards any projects or endeavors that we have set in place for the foreseeable future. 

On June 15, Jupiter cycles back into Gate 4, Solutions, where we will look around for, and be offered clarifications and resolutions for situations we have been pondering for many months, perhaps even years.  It’s great when things just drop into place!

The North and South Nodes in Gates 18, Improving, and 17, Opinions, are directing our attention towards being our own authority in our lives. We are given the opportunity in this time to examine just how much we trust in ourselves to be in charge of our own life, and how much we tend to ‘give ourselves away’ to supposed authority-figures……priests, politicians, teachers, gurus, and others. 

All of us are filled with knowledge, concepts and ideals that have been spoon-fed to us over the years from all sources, and now is a perfect time to examine just how much of our power we give away unwittingly to sources that really do not operate in any way towards our best interests.

Carola’s Planetary TIPS for late May 

What does time have to do with it?

I remember 32 years ago, when I first began my professional practice in Santa Fe, New Mexico, back then, astrology was not ever, a coffee-table conversation. One simply did not hear conversations, like, “oh, my God, as soon as Mercury went retrograde….I lost all the data I thought I had stored on a back-up drive!”…. Now, it is commonplace. However, if we are resenting or resisting Mercury retrograde, we are still not getting the memo!

Mercury in retrograde (apparent backwards motion) happens regularly, three times per year, for about 23-24 days each.  It is a natural part of our experience of time, and it has a positive purpose; it gets us to slow down, check our facts, make sure we are on-track with our goals, make adjustments, do planning, and take care of things we have been avoiding. On May 18, Mercury turned retrograde in its home sign of Gemini, and will continue until June 11, when it resumes forward motion. To make the best use of this ‘pause in time’, make a list of all the things you need to catch up on, including routine maintenance on cars, computers, and machinery, dental appointments, delayed decisions, over-due conversations, as well as future-planning, then get those activities calendared and completed.  When we create a ritual out of it, we stop avoiding and simply, ‘lean into’ Mercury retrograde, we find it can be a friendly process!

In the last week of May, we may experience a sudden upset; something out of the blue that brings a big change. While it may appear to “just happen”, it is actually a necessary change that has been brewing for some time now. Remember, our thoughts create the reality we experience, and this turn of events is most likely something that has been brewing for a few months. It may be inconvenient, but we reduce our stress and ensure a smoother experience, when we simply accept it, and take the necessary action.  It is time, after all, for this situation to get resolved. Building through the last few days of May and into early June, is a set of planetary energies that puts pressure on us to challenge our beliefs and assumptions. There may be something we aren’t seeing clearly, a particular approach that just isn’t working, an old belief that is doing us more harm than good, or perhaps an agreement that needs to be reexamined. Devoting the time for meditation and inquiry will be essential to creating an atmosphere for that clarity to arrive. 

Some healing in an existing relationship is possible during late May. It could be something as simple as just coming into a higher state of acceptance or compassion, but if you have been looking for a breakthrough, stay open, as it has every good chance of arriving now.   

Chetan’s TIPS for the last two weeks of May 

Mercury started a retrograde, apparent backwards motion when viewed from earth on May 18th in Gateway 35, of Progress and Line 2, called ‘Growing.’ The period of time for the next 3 weeks until at least June 11th, highlights this : that in all our expansive processes in life, much depends on our getting the right assistance to see them through.  We may all have projects in motion at this time and right now we can deliberately pause to see if we have the right players on board to assist us, and to review all the considerations in place in these projects so that we get the best results possible as they come to fruition.

From May 30th, Pluto returns to Gate 38 where it has been for the past 3 years, inviting us all to continue paying attention to Human Rights.  We have watched massive changes particularly in the West in regards to Gay Rights, and presently Ethnic Rights … and doubtless in the years ahead there will be upheavals in finally embracing Women’s Rights.  The question Pluto poses is how much is the world going to transform in the coming generation? (because all children born in this time will have this transformational activation in their Designs). Pluto completes its temporary visit into Gate 54, Ambitions, at the end of May until January 2016, so these two last weeks of May are a really good time to do some long-range visioning.  Pluto in Gate 54 is among other things about the rights of everyone to be able to access a high standard of life materially regardless of their birth or racial origins.  However you see yourself or consider yourself seen by the world around you, from your core, do you allow yourself to reach beyond your imposed ‘comfort’ zone?

Several transits activate the ‘Busy, busy, busy’ Channel 20-34 in these last weeks of May and everyone is going to feel a certain busier–than-normal scene going on in their lives.  The whole question for those who have this Channel as a part of their Design, and those of us who receive this activation temporarily is : It’s fine to be busy but are you really clear exactly what it is you are being busy about?  Or does the idea of frantically spinning your wheels going nowhere in particular appeal?  We are all going to need to advise ourselves to appreciate a rise in tempo but also a need to direct this extra energy considerately and according to our own Authority which directs us consistently over the long term.

Carola’s Planetary TIPS for early May 

Love, redefined 

As the month of May unfolds, we continue to experience the high creativity cycle that came into play during the last ten days of April. A full moon on May 3 brought to light a new wisdom, born of the spiritual evolution that has been slowly and surely awakening us to a much higher possibility for humanity than we have previously imagined.  Expansion and innovation are at an all-time high, making us busier than ever and calling for important decisions to be made now.  While the energy for new possibility continues building in early May, a powerful aspect from Pluto, the planet of transformation, to the Sun ensures we have all the energy needed to bring sweeping changes into the fabric of our lives and work or business. 

We may be feeling more, “on-path” than we have in some time, and it is certainly true that, with the two recent eclipses, a major alignment has occurred. However, we must be mindful to stay focused, make clear decisions, and be particularly painstaking with communications during the entire month of May.  The danger is an all-too common tendency under these planetary aspects to ‘bite off more than we can chew’, overextending ourselves to the point of ineffectiveness.  Especially now, it is vitally important that you use your Human Design decision-making keys for all of your important decisions.  From May 8- 13th, we are particularly prone to overlook vital details, and to being misunderstood in our communications, so do be aware and especially careful with any agreements, and verbal promises. 

As we move toward the middle of May, the planet Venus moves into a highly harmonious interchange with Neptune, and we may find ourselves filled to over-flowing with inspiration, love and compassion. Don’t let personal expectations get in the way of experiencing the purest flow of love, which you will find emanating directly from your divine essence. The more you allow, the more you are filled with love. Unlike any other exchange we humans experience, the giving away of love always results in more love coming your way; it simply a natural and universal principle. We are undergoing a healing of our old value system, so it can give way to the new one emerging in our collective awareness. Remember to take time to celebrate your successes!

The Merry Month of May!

Chetan’s TIPS for the first two weeks of May 

The Merry Month of May commences with the Sun in Gate 24,Returning, and the Incarnation Theme of The Four Directionsgiving us the opportunity to check our bearings.  As well as giving us the impulse to reflect on our place in present times, it also gives us the nudge to go out beyond our current orbits to receive some fresh air and perspectives.  So many of the things in our lives that we have felt to be in place and secure are shifting, and fresh evaluations can help us adjust quickly to the changing order.

Jupiter has sidled into Gate 7, Uniformity, after a long stint in Gate 33, Retreat, Line 6, Letting go! where we’ve been encouraged to drop associations and modalities that no longer serve us.  In Gate 7,Uniformity, Jupiter’s movements are encouraging us to find those people in our lives who join with us in common consent, who combine their efforts and resources to further us all….in other words, “Our Team!”  From now until the middle of June is a great time to establish who is with us and how we can all just “work together…..“

May 2015 is the last month in which Pluto is in Gate 54, Ambition, (until January 2016,) where it gives us a glimpse of what is to be when we form the connections, networks, friend-works, measured moves and associations to catapult us forward through all sorts of obstacles, real or imagined, that restrict the expansion and transformation we know to be a part of our destiny.  After May, Pluto returns to Gate 38, and continues scolding us in all areas relating to Human Rights that are not being addressed honestly.

The Way Forward Appears 

Carola’s Planetary TIPS for the second half of April 

In my last article, March 31, I shared with you about the potenttotal lunar eclipse on April 4 that rocked our lives and our world with pressure to get moving on the changes we know we need to make. Cultivating new opportunities is one of the most productive things you can do in the last two weeks of this month.  Even though the attraction of money may have been slower at the beginning of the month, the potential is there now, and for the next two weeks, to turn that trend around, and start attracting the money and resources you need to fund your next creations. This will be especially true after April 20, when Venus (love and money) completes a hard aspect with Neptune (dreams and spiritual vision), and moves into a more favorable alignment in the last week of the month; one that really supports you in opening up the money flow.

While the energetic forces are certainly with us to attract greater abundance, it is a big mistake to just sit back and expect it to fall into our laps. What is being called forth in these highly transformative times, is our ability to co-create with universal forces that cycle our vision, beliefs and intentions back to us. Use the next few days to get clear on any outstanding relationship issues; ask if there is something you are not currently seeing clearly, and go deeper, to access your Truth in both love and with financial choices. 

A New Moon in Aries on April 18 signals the time to begin. Use the days in the middle of April, from the 16-22nd, to heal any misunderstandings, and find your crystal-clear alignment with your own heart and soul’s truth, then allow that clarity to guide you!  If you’ve been working with your Human Design, you know there is a certain pathway to make the right decisions and choose the ideal people, timing and opportunities to embrace so you can fulfill your intentions and Soul’s calling.  Don’t invest your beliefs in appearances….instead, invest your God-given, creative ability to literally, command the outcome you seek. The planetary energies during the last week of April are pregnant with possibility… use this time wisely, to move your vision into reality!  New ideas and opportunities will be flowing abundantly, creativity will be at an all-time high, and you will be seeing clearly, your unique way forward.

Chetan’s TIPS for the second half of April 

As the world heats up, we have to be more and more  aware to stay cool!

The extraordinary idea that war and violence are still a part of the human experience becomes amplified when we give it energy.  If you have noticed that awareness is growing in so many areas of meditation, communications, health, education, wealth, and as awareness grows, so does the reality.  When we give energy and clear intention towards what we want and what we know is beneficial for us, so it has the chance to show itself in our life.  Likewise, when we put our energy and intention towards those aspects of the human experience that are detrimental, that is exactly what we attract.

As consciousness grows, so also the pendulum swings the other way….and the potential for unconsciousness grows too.  Dark and light are always in balance, so it is up to each individual to decide which side has more appeal.  Are you going to energize creativity or destruction … remembering that destruction (violence, war, etc.) is easy, and that creativity takes conscious personal commitment?  Love is the essential key.

On April 16th, Pluto, the planet we associate with the deepest of undercurrents for dramatic transformation stops its ‘forward’ motion and starts to sidle backwards when seen from our perspective. It has been testing us for the past month to see if we are ready to step forward into a new reality of transformative endeavor in Gate 54, of Ambition, triggering us to question our higher (or lower) aspirations for life….  This is a milestone for all of us.

Why am I so interested about Pluto ‘discovered’ 85 years ago?  Well, since January 16th, 2006, there’s been an exploration device called “New Horizons” sailing towards Pluto for a close-up encounter of Pluto and her several moons.  If you remember what your life was like in 2006 and that this device is going to be closest to Pluto on July 14th, 2015, you might have pause to see what has transpired for you in that time period, and what is shifting within you, consciously, unconsciously or as part of the collective unconscious here on earth.  This is a time to choose.  You as a perfect expression of consciousness in human form: What do you want?

From the end of May, Pluto returns to Gate 38 where it lodges until January 3rd, 2016, to remind us again of all areas of Human Rights that need dramatic overhaul.

In other news, Jupiter is still insisting we let go of people and things from our lives that are no longer serving us in the highest way.  On April 29th, Jupiter moves into Gate 7, of Uniformity, when we recommence team building.

During the last week in April, it will be a good time to take stock of your material resources.  If you have not given all your money to various tax departments it could be a good time to strategize what to do with what’s left, as the Money Channel, 45-21 is activated between Venus (45, Gathering Together) and the South Node (21, Control and Strategizing). The lesson at this time might be to try something novel.

Carola’s Planetary TIPS for the first half of April 

Powerful Changes on the Horizon 

A Solar Eclipse on March 20 served to awaken us to new possibilities, pointing the way to the necessary transformation that must take place for us to fully self-actualize and fulfill our purpose.  As we emerge from the highly challenging energies of mid-March, including a catalytic clash between the planet of transformation, Pluto, and the revolutionary Uranus, we begin the month of April with many changes to integrate into our daily lives.  For those who have been doing their inner awareness work, the result is alignment with ones’ highest truth.  With full inner integrity and soul alignment, true and lasting success occurs.

As the month of April begins to unfold, we are guided to take action on the changes we have realized are essential.  The world may be ‘rockin’ and rollin’ with massive challenges, from the threat of war, to stock market instability, to political gridlock, but theonly real solution is a consciousness revolution.  Albert Einstein was correct when he said that we cannot change the problems we have created with the same level of consciousness with which they were created.

As you may know, there is a massive, grass-roots, global awakening taking place and gaining momentum daily; to join it places you in the position of being part of the solution by up-leveling your consciousness.  As we add with ever increasing intensity: positive visualization, joy-filled co-creation, and effective, inspired actions, we exponentially increase our world’s chances of becoming a harmonious, inter-connected, active creation field.

The first two weeks of April are pregnant with possibility as we experience another eclipse; this one a total lunar eclipse on April 4 that promises to act like a lightning rod, attracting both, the challenges and intense pressure for necessary changes, along with the experiences, people and opportunities that are designed to move us forward on our new path.  All eclipses bring changes, and this one targets our most significant relationships, calling for big transformation in the way we show up in relationships.  Our love-boat may be rocking at home, but this eclipse also reaches into our business relationships, igniting change that will only be painful if we resist it. 

Here’s the specific areas of transformation to work with:

Are we being fair in our communications and transactions?

Do we refuse to see the other’s viewpoint, or, see both sides of an issue? 

Are we bringing our highest truth and best efforts?

Do we give the company we work for, or clients and customers, our best?

Is there some big truth you have been withholding, and….

Are you ready to become courageous, take responsibility for your results, and make the big changes life is inviting you to make?

If we are willing to do the inner work, this eclipse releases so much positive energy for inspired changes, that a big, positive leap could be taken now, and throughout the Spring, in the direction of your highest soul’s inspiration.  The first half of the month promises to be fertile with new possibilities, breakthrough ideas, and fortunate connections that help us to get new plans, processes, and personal or business relationships working in highly creative and deeply rewarding ways!

Chetan’s Human Design Tips for April 1st’s fortnight in 2015 

So much transformational energy is working for us in this time as Pluto shuffles further into Gate 54 of Ambition, urging us to have a really good look at what we are doing for ourselves, particularly in terms of our entrepreneurial efforts. Are we making the best use of our connections? Are we really putting our efforts into what serves us best? This activation continues until the end of May, when Pluto shuffles back to Gate 38, Opposition and Perseverance, for the rest of the year, where we continue attending to the many imbalances in the world of human, race and women’s rights.

On April 5th, for 5 days, the Sun and Uranus occupy Gate 51, called the Arousing.  For us all, when we are shaken by dramatic changes, we have two possibilities: the first is to be frozen in a state of overwhelm as though everything in our life is just too much, or, the second possibility is to recognize the potential for growth and transformation in the rapidly changing circumstances, and take advantage of the opportunities they bring. Remember what Einstein said, “No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it.” This time is a great opportunity for us all to think outside the box!

On April 8th, Jupiter moves quietly into Gate 33 with the 6th Line for the last time in 12 years.  Gate 33 is called Retreat (so we can assimilate our experiences), and the 6thLine is called “Letting go! So we can move from one scene to the next, one moment to the next,” without holding on to a whole collection of preconditions and hangups.  There is a wonderful meditation involving writing all your grievances and concerns on a piece of paper, and releasing all those issues by carefully lighting the paper, and letting them all disappear in smoke, with great awareness.  Even if you don’t manage such a ceremony, for the whole month of April, before Jupiter moves on, be aware of the possibility to release unnecessary issues and put down excess baggage, so you can move more freely, breathe more deeply, and spend much more time smiling and laughing!

Carola’s Planetary TIPS for the last two weeks of March

It’s Now, or Never! 

Perhaps you’ve been reading astrological predictions that paint a scary picture for these very powerful times we are living through, and while it’s true that we have some of the greatest planetary challenges of the century happening now, we are fully at choice about how we move through these changes. Since 2008 (remember the financial crash?) our world’s systems have been undergoing deep questioning, radical disruption and huge break-downs, thanks to the planet of death-and-rebirth, Pluto’s, entrance into Capricorn. Challenges have intensified in the past three to four years as Uranus, the planet of revolution, has faced off with the formidable Pluto, erupting in aspects of maximum intensity that have shaken us to the roots. For many years now, we have witnessed breakdowns and challenges to our political, legal, religious, educational, health care and financial systems. 

Few of us have been untouched by the intensity of our times. Many feel lost, confused, frustrated and uncertain, but indulging those feelings keeps us stuck in a self-fulfilling prophesy that can only lead from bad to worse. We are being invited to learn how to influence the quality of our own lives through the use of positive intention and high-vibration living. Specifically, we must recognize the power of our own thoughts, intentions, beliefs and attitudes to, literally, shape our reality, and learn to become the master of our own lives. And, the good news: the universe is conspiring to help us, more than we realize!

Two very potent planetary events take place in the next few days; the seventh, and final, right angle aspect between Pluto and Uranus on the 16 and a Solar Eclipse at the very last of Pisces on March 20, just hours before the Vernal Equinox. This powerful mix of energies is designed to bring us to a point of maximum realization, so we can make the necessary changes in our lives and in our awareness. We can choose to meet these challenges with equanimity, honesty and acceptance, or we ‘can go down fighting and screaming’ with massive resistance to what is simply, our own truth. A therapist I worked with once said, “The truth is always friendly”…. I agree; it is not alwayseasy, but it always is in our highest and best interest. All that is needed is the courage and strength of character to embrace our truth and act upon it. 

As we move through the ‘pressure cooker’ of energies mid-month, we emerge in the last ten days of March with clearer vision, high inspiration, and opportunities coming our way. 

We may even experience a few miracles! 

Chetan’s Human Design Tips for the last two weeks of March  

With Pluto moved for a couple of brief months, into Gate 54, of Ambitions, both material and spiritual, we are all encouraged to look around us and see who is “with” us, supporting us in our lives, helping us in our Transformation…. and who is not. And if they are not, then why are we giving them so much attention and energy? Just exactly who are we trying to please, and why?

Starting now, and continuing until late in September, Saturn is in Gate 14, of Prosperity and Proficiency. When we are proficient, we are prosperous, and for most of this year we are called on to step up our game in those areas of our lives where we spend most of our time. There is always a difference between Mastery, and being competent.

The planet Uranus, of shock and awakening, has now moved into Gate 51 and will stay there throughout 2015 and for a good part of 2016. Gate 51 is called Arousing and Shock, and gives us the sharp impulse to commence new activities, forge new connections in our lives, and requires of us that for at least the next six months, we make it a plan to expect the unexpected!  With Neptune also traversing Gate 37, of Friendship and Family, this is a great time to appreciate every single person who comes into your life, because they are carrying with them unusual opportunities for us to grow and expand through our experiences.