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Get Your Free Human Design Report

ROCK your RESULTS The Secret to Success in your Career, Relationships & Life Begins
with your FREE Human Design Report! Get instant access to your free sample report by filling out the form

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Get Your Free Human Design Report

ROCK your RESULTS The Secret to Success in your Career, Relationships & Life Begins
with your FREE Human Design Report! Get instant access to your free sample report by filling out the form

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Получите свое Бесплатное Толкование в Дизайне Человека

ROCK your RESULTS The Secret to Success in your Career, Relationships & Life Begins
with your FREE Human Design Report! Get instant access to your free sample report by filling out the form

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Cyrillic characters etc.)

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time must be entered in Military Format, for example:4:27 pm is entered as 16 (hour) and 27 (minute)

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    address (reportservice@evolutionaryhumandesign.com)
    to your list of safe email addresses.**Please be aware this address is for Report delivery only,
    and is not monitored, if you wish to contact us, please do so at: contact@evolutionaryhumandesign.com
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The Human Design Professional Consultant
Training: Level Four

And for a limited time you
can receive the BEST

Do you wonder how you can be of greater service? Would you love to share your gifts with the world and know you are making a big difference?

We are truly in an Age of Upheaval…..with a Promise of Huge Transformation!

As we watch changes to so many long-held beliefs and old attitudes on religion, politics, gender, nationality, climate change, money, work and personal identity, we have a choice: to be a silent observer, or to become one of the Change-Makers in this time of global crisis.

While dramatic challenges continue to become more and more apparent, we recognize that the past ideologies and “fixes” no longer work. The “rules” have changed, and we are moving into a completely new era.

Now, more than ever, it is essential that we each claim our role as thought leaders and guides for humanity in these rapidly changing times.

Do you feel “called” to bring transformation into the lives of those seeking a more meaningful life?

Human Design was given to us as a gift for these times.

As the first “Aquarian” system, it is becoming the new International language. Human Design empowers us to recognize, accept, and love our own uniqueness, gifts and abilities, as well as those of others.

It brings us to an intelligent appreciation of the cooperation and co-creation that is possible as the world transforms into higher consciousness.

Long before Human Design was discovered, Chetan was told about it in 1979 by a savant in India, who among other things told him that he would be introducing this system to the whole world through books, readings and teaching. (Chetan had some trouble appreciating this information at the time, however, he has been in awe of watching it come to pass). For the past 20 years, Chetan has practiced Human Design full-time, reading for thousands of people and training hundreds!

Carola began with Astrological Consulting, then learned transformational counseling, and more recently Human Design, through first being recognized by extraordinary teachers and then coming to realize her own gifts that have now clarified and enhanced the lives of thousands of people through her personal readings and Transformational Business Success Coaching.

Having worked deeply for years to refine the system and distill it into an easy-to-learn format, Chetan and Carola formed Human Design For Us All to broadcast the Human Design message worldwide, and have since drawn people of over 150 nationalities to discover this remarkable system and begin using it in their lives.

We have trained hundreds of students, world-wide, to master their knowledge of Human Design, and to learn the most effective ways of relaying it.

Levels One, Two and Three are designed to teach you the basics of Human Design, and we hope you have been encouraged to know: 

The layout of the Life Chart and be very familiar with the “Three Keys,” 

Understand the magic of Channels and Circuitry
Enjoy your introduction to Relationships in Human Design.

Whether you desire to become a full or part-time consultant, or to use Human Design in your current coaching, consulting, healing or advisory practice, or simply want to explore deeper into this amazing system, Human Design will enhance not only your life, but the lives of everyone around you…. 

Now it is time for planning to take the next step to become masterful and confident with Human Design!

Our previous students not only have had an amazing time learning Human Design and have gone on to create a private practice, producing Human Design Readings for others:

In our Human Design Level 4 Consultant Training, we provide in-depth training and immersion in which you will get hands-on guidance as we walk you through the stages of delivering a powerful reading.

Guided Reading Practice

Small Group Exercises

We have created a step-by-step, easy-to-master, Learning Process to make it easy for you to begin translating your knowledge into highly empowering readings for your clients.

We observe, comment and guide your learning as you practice with fellow students.

Learning the Reading Formula

We give you real-time feedback throughout your learning.

Practicing One-on-One

And we also have great fun!

Here’s what one of our recent graduates had to say
at her Level 4 Training with us…

The Human Design For Us All Professional Consultant

Our Level 4 Live, Immersion Human Design Professional Consultant In-Depth Training is produced in a small group atmosphere with Chetan and Carola, including 6 days of in-depth training, plus a 3- part Webinar Series on establishing and growing your Human Design Business- following the Live Training.

Limited time, fast-acting bonus offers…

Full Pay fast acting Bonus — Your choice of:
  • 1-hour Deep Dive, Comprehensive Astrological Life Path Session with Carola Eastwood,
  • 1-hour Deep Dive, Comprehensive Human Design Session with Chetan Parkyn
Payment plan fast acting Bonus: Take advantage of our most manageable and
affordable monthly payments now before they go up, plus your choice of:
  • 30-minute Astrological Life Path Overview Session with Carola Eastwood, OR
  • 30-minute Human Design Overview Session with Chetan Parkyn

These Bonus offers will only be valid until December 18th!

But don’t wait to register, the earlier the better… We only have limited space, be sure to secure your spot now!

Level 4 Training coming this May 2-7, 2020.

Your Live, In Person Event will be held in Beautiful Scottsdale, Arizona.

If you plan to make payments for your Training Program, please choose that option right away, so that you can take advantage of the lowest payment plan available.

Full Payment

One-time payment of $3995, Full Pay fast acting Bonus: Your choice of 1-hour Astrological Life Path Session with Carola Eastwood, OR 1-hour Human Design Session with Chetan Parkyn

Choose this option now to receive your Fast-Acting BONUS

Payment Plan

Pay a deposit of $1250 today, plus 8 Monthly Payments of $358.75, Full Pay fast acting Bonus: Your choice of 30-minute Astrological Life Path Session with Carola Eastwood, OR 30-minute Human Design Session with Chetan Parkyn

Choose this option now to receive your Fast-Acting BONUS and your most manageable payment plan.

As a Human Design Consultant, you become a powerful “change agent”. Relaying Human Design can completely transform someone’s understanding about themselves, their life, their family, their career, and put them on a path toward fulfillment and success!

Imagine being able to….

Watch your clients light up with recognition as you reveal their Design

Have the confidence to be the force that brings about revolutionary change in your clients’ lives.

Witness a powerful transformation in your client’s awareness unfold before your eyes as you confidently reveal their “success codes” 

Experience the deep fulfillment of knowing that you are making a powerful contribution to humanity.

Have your own private practice and make great money doing what you love.

Once your Training is complete…

You will be invited to attend a series of Three, Online Video Practicum Sessions with Chetan and Carola, produced live, to help you get your questions answered as you begin to give readings and to give you specific coaching on setting up and growing a private practice delivering Human Design Readings.

Human Design Consultant Training, Level Four

This is a LIVE, In-Person, Six Day Immersive Professional Training, followed by Three On-Line Live Practicum with Q & A Sessions 


Current Enrollment in, or previous Completion of, our Levels One, Two and Three

Alternatively, previous study in the Human Design System with an understanding of all the factors included in our Levels 1-3 Training

For an Overview of what is included in Levels 1-3, Go to: https://evolutionaryhumandesign.com/hdts

Scroll toward the bottom of the Page and Read: 

Human Design Consultant Training, Level One (5-Downloadable Online Training Video’s with an Illustrated PDF Workbook and study guide, provided online in our Private Member Center) 

Human Design Consultant Training, Level Two (7-Downloadable Online Training Video’s with an Illustrated PDF Workbook and study guide, provided online in our Private Member Center) 

Human Design Consultant Training, Level Three (9-Downloadable Online Training Video’s with an Illustrated PDF Workbook, provided online in our Private Member Center) 

Human Design Consultant Training, Level Four

Intro to Professional Certification — Overview

Review of essential components of the HD Life Chart 

Gates Overview, written quiz: Name and describe the 64 Gates 

Channels Overview, quiz: Name and describe the 36 Channels

Note: Practicum time will be provided daily on Days 2, 3 and 4, to re-take the Quiz 

Beginning the Reading: Introduction to the HD Reading Formula

Beginning the Reading Process: Overview, Type, Authority, Profile

Presentation: Step-by-Step process through the Reading Formula

One to One Process~ Practice with charts provided in partners

Q & A, Sharing 

Presentation: Reading for Reflectors

Integration of chart factors 

Intro to Reading the Lines and Demonstration

Giving the Reading

Presentation: Introducing the (“Incarnation”), Life- Theme with an In-Depth Study of the components, Examples and Materials. 

Q & A, Sharing

One to One Process~ Practice giving Readings

Q & A, Sharing

Demo by Chetan with step-by-step Deconstruction and Q & A, led by Carola 

Discussion, Feedback for Improving Reading Delivery 

Practice the Reading Formula, with Feedback at each stage of the Reading 

Presentation: Professional Reading Demo 

Practice: Giving HD Reading through the entire process, up to Lines 

Presentation: Guidelines for Reading the Lines 

Complete Individual Reading & Reading Relationship Charts

The Complete Reading with Lines: Demo

One-to-One Practice Reading the Lines, with feedback 

Sharing and Q & A on Reading the Lines 

One to One Process Giving Complete HD Reading, with feedback

Sharing and Q & A on complete HD Reading

Relationship Readings, The Formula

Demo Relationship Readings

One to One Process~ Relationship Reading practice

Group Sharing and Q & A about Readings

Setting up Professional Practice; Ethical Principles and Industry Standards

Practical and Business Aspects of Conducting a Private Practice

In Person Training, Practicum, Final Exam and Certification

Our Level 4 Live, Immersion Human Design Professional Consultant In-Depth Training is produced in a small group atmosphere with Chetan and Carola, including 6 days of in-depth training, plus a 3- part Webinar Series on establishing and growing your Human Design Business- following the Live Training.

Limited time, fast-acting bonus offers…

Full Pay fast acting Bonus — Your choice of:
  • 1-hour Deep Dive, Comprehensive Astrological Life Path Session with Carola Eastwood,
  • 1-hour Deep Dive, Comprehensive Human Design Session with Chetan Parkyn
Payment plan fast acting Bonus: Take advantage of our most manageable and
affordable monthly payments now before they go up, plus your choice of:
  • 30-minute Astrological Life Path Overview Session with Carola Eastwood, OR
  • 30-minute Human Design Overview Session with Chetan Parkyn

These Bonus offers will only be valid until December 18th!

But don’t wait to register, the earlier the better… We only have limited space, be sure to secure your spot now!

Level 4 Training coming this May 2-7, 2020.

Your Live, In Person Event will be held in Beautiful Scottsdale, Arizona.

If you plan to make payments for your Training Program, please choose that option right away, so that you can take advantage of the lowest payment plan available.

Full Payment

One-time payment of $3995, Full Pay fast acting Bonus: Your choice of 1-hour Astrological Life Path Session with Carola Eastwood, OR 1-hour Human Design Session with Chetan Parkyn

Choose this option now to receive your Fast-Acting BONUS

Payment Plan

Pay a deposit of $1250 today, plus 8 Monthly Payments of $358.75, Full Pay fast acting Bonus: Your choice of 30-minute Astrological Life Path Session with Carola Eastwood, OR 30-minute Human Design Session with Chetan Parkyn

Choose this option now to receive your Fast-Acting BONUS and your most manageable payment plan.