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Получите свое Бесплатное Толкование в Дизайне Человека

ROCK your RESULTS The Secret to Success in your Career, Relationships & Life Begins
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Human Design Circuitry and the Art of “Knowing” — Part 1

Human Design Circuitry and the Art of “Knowing” — Part 1

When You Know, You Know: Part 1

Until something becomes a present knowing, it remains as knowledge and basically borrowed information.

Libraries, schools, and universities, let alone Google, are stuffed with information and knowledge, and tales of scientific and religious revelations.  So much can be learned from this massive amount of information, and certainly, this information describes an endlessly erratic pathway for the human and other species.  But, so what? Is our intelligence increasing, or are we simply trapped in an information overload?

Anyone who has attended a school will come to realize that instead of receiving an education, in which our own gifts and natural abilities were recognized, honored, supported, and encouraged, we’ve been stuffed with a massive amount of borrowed knowledge. We’ve become burdened with bogus rules and beliefs handed down through multiple generations as though this was going to do us some personal good in life.


A Movement in Consciousness?

Egypt Cairo - Giza. General view of pyramids with Sphinx

In the West, we’ve been persuaded that the story of consciousness is locked within a couple of thousand years. That, apart from some inexplicable anomalies including impossible structures like the pyramids and the Sphinx in Egypt, massive intricate temples carved from a single rock that are found at Ellora in India, and weird legends of Atlantean and Lemurian civilizations, we are now supposedly experiencing the “peak” of human consciousness and capabilities.  


It is true to say that we now have the potential to move out of a series of “Dark Ages,” but we have a long way to go to arrive back into the “Light Ages.”  And to do so, we have to drop much of the information we have been forced to absorb. 

And yet, the information keeps piling on through a so-called “news system” bank-rolled by advertisers and the vested interests of a few people.  Consciousness is held back by the belief systems laid down by priests, imams, and preachers of the 300-odd major world religions each claiming exclusive access to their particular concept of deity. Self-serving laws are brewed up by politicians who have little interest in the “civil service” they are supposed to represent and therefore stifle personal empowerment. The technological multitude of devices channeling Netflix, YouTube, and other media’s instant entertainment keep us distracted, uncreative, constantly comparing, and diverted from living a personally fulfilling life.


Consciousness Moves

Is there a remedy for this tragedy, or is this extraordinary world doomed to be smothered by a bombardment of mostly useless information that is disempowering at best?

Fortunately, we have been given Human Design …. a potentially very simple, self-remembering device, containing within it personal keys to particular locks that once opened, reveal the essential aspects to our life and consciousness, and give us the means to live a truly empowered and fulfilling life.

The danger with this remarkable system is that it can remain a pile of accumulated knowledge that gets parroted and repeated according to the particular way in which it was presented to the world, rather than continuously practiced by each individual as a personal empowerment device.

It is up to us to set the example. To live our Design and to Read and Teach it in a way that brings about personal empowerment, rather than being the purveyors of a long list of information “bites.”

So, how do we set that example? How do we grow our consciousness around and within Human Design? We can begin by taking a closer look at Circuitry in the Human Design Life Chart. In our next blog, we’ll dive deeper into the three Main Circuits and explore the ways in which they give us a unique view into the areas of potential growth of consciousness within a chart.


For now, we invite you to get your FREE Human Design report and begin to explore the vast potential within your own unique design.


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With Warmest Wishes,







Chetan & Carola

