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The Human Design Manifesting Generator: Greta Thunberg

The Human Design Manifesting Generator: Greta Thunberg

She’s been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize, she’s been on the cover of Time Magazine, she’s been lauded by international climate change advocacy groups, she’s been criticized by world leaders, including Vladimir Putin and French President Emmanuel Macron, and she has inspired others to take action in a global phenomenon dubbed “The Greta Effect.” And she’s done it all before the age of 16. So, who is Greta Thunberg, and why is she so compelling? Part of it has to do with her Type in Human Design: Manifesting Generator.


What Are Human Design Types?

In Human Design, all people fall into 5 specific Types (Manifestors, Manifesting Generators, Generators, Projectors, and Reflectors) with countless crossover and variations in-between. These Human Design Types provide the basic blueprints for the best way to navigate through life.


Greta’s Type is that of a Manifesting Generator. The “Generator” part of her Design includes the Channel 5-15, which represents “Being in the Flow of Life.” This Channel is common to all living things from humans to animals, trees, insects, and even microbes. And thus, Greta is deeply in touch with nature and the natural.



Born in Stockholm, Sweden on January 3rd, 2003. And it only took eight short years for her to recognize what would become her primary motivating issue in life. According to Greta, when she was just eight years old, she learned about climate change in school and immediately began to wonder why it seemed that so little was being done about it.


Meanwhile, across the pond, the unceasing onslaught of gun violence continued to plague the streets, schools, churches, theaters, and shopping malls of the USA. Frustrated by the apparent apathy of the US government, a group of young students in Florida took action which culminated in a school strike, and the 2018 gun control protest dubbed the “March for Our Lives”. And it was this protest that seemed to invite Greta to take her own action against what she saw as an even more ominous, if less immediate, threat.


A Built-in Bullsh*t Detector

In her award winning 2018 essay on climate change, Greta wrote «I want to feel safe. How can I feel safe when I know we are in the greatest crisis in human history?” Shortly thereafter, she decided to follow the example of her American counterparts and skipped school to raise awareness about climate change. The method was simple: She stood in front of the Swedish parliament, holding a sign that said, «Skolstrejk för klimatet» (School Strike for Climate), handing out leaflets that said, «I am doing this because you adults are shitting on my future» and refusing to return to class until her voice was heard.


Her ability to see through the lies and her readiness to stand up and fight are also right there in her Human Design. Her conscious Sun is in Gate 38, Line 3, “The Fighter : Being Tenacious : Accepting challenges as part of your growth,” is part of her Personal Life Theme of Tension, a Theme that transforms a sleepy society. Those who have this particular Theme are allergic to BS, and are very quick to call out inauthenticity.


Before she found her inspiration, communication wasn’t her strong suit. In fact, she had long since been diagnosed with Asperger’s Syndrome, OCD, and Selective Mutism, about which she had this to say:  “That basically means I only speak when I think it’s necessary. Now is one of those moments.»


A Powerful Messenger Empowering Others

Her simple message spread like wildfire. In a matter of weeks, she went from anonymous Swedish schoolgirl to global climate icon. Since then she has spoken at the World Economic Forum, attended the UN Climate Action Summit, and inspired her generation to take action. And, perhaps most importantly, Thunberg has become an example to everyone, regardless of age, gender, background, or medical diagnosis. Her message about climate change has also inadvertently sent a message to everyone who feels they have no power and no voice: “Yes you do.”

To learn more about the Human Design Manifesting Generator Type and find out your own Human Design Type, get your Free Human Design Report here.


