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Получите свое Бесплатное Толкование в Дизайне Человека

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Human Design Circuitry and the Art of “Knowing” – Part 3

Individual Circuitry

Human Design Circuitry and the Art of “Knowing” – Part 3

Last week, In Part 2 of this series, we took a deep dive into Tribal and Collective Human Design Circuitry and explored how they relate to different forms of familiarity and understanding. This week we finish off the series by exploring the Individual Human Design Circuitry and the potential for transformation it contains.


The format Channel in the Individual Circuitry (Channel 3-60) called “Mutation” provides a perfect foundation and means to comprehend any of the Hexagrams/Gates and Channels in the Knowing, Integration, and Centering Circuits. Individuality is novel, different, and transforming. It breaks new ground, opens unseen doorways, says strange things, and shocks.

Individual Human Design Circuitry

The King James Christian Bible commences with a description of “In the beginning was the word…” This is actually incorrect.  Obviously, in the beginning, was silence.  To find our way to the source, which is the reason we are so enraptured with Human Design and self-discovery, is to find our way through the noise to silence, to an inner stillness.

In that stillness, we “know.”

Individual Knowing

Individual transformation happens through the vibrations we call “sound and silence,” in the realm of frequencies that we consider auditory. Everyone hears what they are capable of hearing, and the Hexagrams/Gates/Channels of the Individual Circuitry indicate how we are affected by the sound frequencies we perceive.

For those who have defined Channels and single Gates in a defined Center in Individual Circuitry, sensitivity to sounds is an essential part of life. Individuals are acoustic in nature, and as such can be moved by sound, whether that be in nature, through music, speech, or other means to an inner realization. Individuals know perfectly well which sounds resonate for them, and which sounds do not.

Resonant sounds can lead an individual to a point where quite naturally one drops into a space of quiet stillness … and in that stillness, there is a knowing. The knowing is personal, and it is complete. It requires no outer influences, knowledge, beliefs, or any other input.

Once a person with defined Individual Circuitry “knows,” there is no going back to the old ways in which life previously moved. Transformation has taken place. Something has shifted inside, and genes (or inner makeup) have realigned themselves to vibrationally harmonic “Truth.”

Undefined Individual Hexagrams/Gates

Those with no defined Channels or Gates activated in defined Centers in the Individual Human Design Circuitry, come to “knowing” in a different way when they allow themselves to move beyond any fixed conditioning.

Consider the image of an undefined Center as a room containing valuable aspects of our makeup in the form of a lifetime’s accrued wisdom. Wherever one has a Gate in the Individual Circuitry in that “room,” it is as though you have a light bulb in that part of the room that can turn on to reveal your wisdom.

When someone with that Center defined in their Chart joins you, or “enters” that room, defining that Center, immediately the light bulb in the area (Gate) containing the potential for Individual Wisdom “lights up.” In that moment, the “knowing” contained in that aspect of one’s nature is available, and a sudden glimpse of the stillness, peace, and completeness is there and yours, if you are watchful. Somewhere inside you, you know.



How to use Human Design

Human Design is a Self-Remembering device. It is in its infancy. The original download was extraordinary, the downloader, Ra, exceptional, and the knowledge-base brilliant. And it was presented to the world for the most part as a 5th-Line Labyrinth. (Ra had a 5/1 Profile). Our work and play with Human Design is first to find our own way through this Labyrinth, recognize our own “knowing,” and then authentically, in our own particular and precious way, guide others to find theirs.

This is sacred work, and humanity has never had such an urgent need for this wisdom.

If you would like to begin your own Human Design journey, we invite you to get started by downloading your FREE Human Design Report.


