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Получите свое Бесплатное Толкование в Дизайне Человека

ROCK your RESULTS The Secret to Success in your Career, Relationships & Life Begins
with your FREE Human Design Report! Get instant access to your free sample report by filling out the form

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Three Secrets to Defeating Self-sabotage with Human Design

Three Secrets to Defeating Self-sabotage with Human Design

Three Secrets to Defeating Self-sabotage with Human Design

See if this resonates with you at all.

You start to get some traction in your life. Everything feels like it’s finally falling into place. You’re happy and healthy and your relationships are going well.

Then out of nowhere, things begin to unravel.

    • You do something or say something to upset or alienate your partner.
    • You squander a golden opportunity in your business.
    • You make a financial blunder that can take years to fix.


Then you’re left scratching your head, wondering what happened. You have to build up that relationship all over again or start from square one with a floundering business, or any number of other rebuild scenarios that you must endure.

These are telltale signs of self-sabotage. The insidious process repeats itself again and again, like the film Groundhog Day, until you can do the necessary inner work to see a paradigm shift in your life.

Self-sabotage is your subconscious telling you that you don’t deserve to live your best life. It could be due to deep-seated trauma from your childhood or guilt from an unresolved issue in your past. Whatever the cause, your subconscious will command your brain to bring about circumstances and events to take you down a few pegs, back to where you feel you are more worthy.

How You Can Take Back Control

This is an area where people don’t realize that Human Design can work wonders. When you are aligned with your true purpose you are far less inclined to engage in self-sabotage behaviors. This is because you have more clarity about what you were meant to do in this life.

Your Human Design reading with Chetan and coaching with Carola can bring this about. Once you have a better understanding of the motivations behind your inner saboteur, you can take real steps to counteract the foundational behaviors, and begin to experience more consistent success.

For example, there are certain subliminal triggers that lead you to self-defeating actions. These repeat themselves over and over again because your subconscious is actually trying to protect you from harm. It sees any actions that are outside your comfort zone as a threat, even if they’re positive because it’s something you’re not used to. Whether it’s your career, your health, your business, or your relationships, anything in your life that’s out of the ordinary is perceived as an invader and must be dealt with. The results are your self-sabotaging behaviors, bringing you back down to a manageable state of being.

Human Design Counteracts Your Triggers

learning about human design typesA Human Design Reading with Chetan can help you become more aware of the origins of your self-defeating behaviors. You gain a better understanding of why these things happen over and over. And, best of all, with the help of a skilled Human Design practitioner, you develop strategies that will help you break free of your self-sabotage so you can live to your fullest potential, without fear, guilt, or regret.

Unlike other Human Design Readers, Chetan is both a pioneer and a cutting-edge practitioner who constantly has his finger on the pulse of the ever-evolving and expanding world of Human Design. Chetan has made it his life’s passion to bring the life-changing benefits of Human Design to more and more people.

Of course, this email is just scratching the surface of the life-changing power of Human Design. To learn more and to finally put an end to self-sabotage we invite to you visit our website to get your Free Human Design Report so you can discover all the ways you can fulfill your destiny and live the life you truly deserve.













Warmest Wishes,

Chetan & Carola
