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The Human Design Chart & The Book of Lines: Gateway 44, Patterns, Lines 1-6

Human Design Chart

The Human Design Chart & The Book of Lines: Gateway 44, Patterns, Lines 1-6

Last week, we explored hexagram 28, the game player, and now we shift gears into the 44. The 44th hexagram is the hexagram of patterns. It’s very much about the nose, how we sniff out what’s happening around us. It’s about instinct and cellular memory.


All of us have experienced times when we have a taste of something, we drink something, we smell something, and all the sudden it reminds us of another chapter in our lives. We’re transported to something that was going on for us when we were a baby, or some memory of some other time. And that’s what this 44th gateway in the Human Design chart is about, this instinctual cellular memory.


Traditionally, the 44 is called “Coming to Meet.” Notice it’s not going to meet, it’s coming to meet. It’s a coming together. And in that coming together, there’s an internal recognition of what it is in life, or who it is in life, that’s approaching you. It’s about this very quick recognition of somebody else’s motivations. Maybe their gifts, maybe their talents, maybe their intentions for you, maybe their agendas.

Human Design Chart 


The 44 can just read this stuff instinctually. So, I use the word “Patterns” because in following the single thread that this instinct gives you, you can get to the whole pattern, the whole layout and makeup of a situation.


Let’s see how this plays out in the Human Design chart line by line:


First Line: Be Alert

First lines are always the foundation of the hexagram. If you want to find out what the hexagram is all about, have a look at the first line.


Here, the first line is called “Be alert: watching all internal sensations while interacting with others.” It’s about your nose, your sense of smell, your instincts that are picking up on stuff around you. Everybody may be in the same circumstance, but you’ve got to trust your own gift. So, it comes down to the internal sensations you’re getting and being able to pick up on the clues they give you. You either pay attention to your instinctive warnings or ignore them and endure the results.


I think all of us have been in a situation where we’ve had a signal, we had a clear instinct about something or other, but we put our attention on something else, and sure enough we missed the possibility of following through on our instincts. So, the first line here is telling us to stay alert to those opportunities.


Second Line: Be Conscientious

Second lines always have this great quality of innocence. But they are also subject to being unsophisticated and criticized for that lack of sophistication. Because they go about things in such an easy, natural way, they don’t necessarily see the complications in certain situations.


The second line here is saying, “be conscientious.” It warns you to watch for any impulse that’ll cause you to give yourself away. So, again it’s telling you to trust your insights. Trust what comes to you. Whether it makes any logical sense or not, trust it.


When you restrain any impulses to act carelessly, you can easily handle all situations. So, it comes down to paying attention. It’s about being conscientious about the signals that you are getting, and recognizing the impulses that threaten to pull you off course.


Third Line: Holding Back

Third line’s always have this pioneering aspect. With a natural curiosity, they have this potential to go into things headfirst with a great sense of trust. But here, the third line is called “Holding Back.” It asks you to hang on a minute, to recognize an occasional need to hesitate in asserting yourself. You read a situation and maybe your impulse is to just jump in, but maybe there’s more to that situation. Follow the thread and get the whole layout before you commit yourself.


The caution here is to be aware that third lines always have a thing with commitment. There is a call to be aware of when it is right or wrong for you to commit yourself in a particular situation. There can be a tendency to get caught up in other people’s egos, to go along with other people’s agendas. We all have to be really careful about that.


Trusting your instincts or needing to impress others makes you clear, or not, in your actions. Ask yourself, “am I impressing myself or impressing everybody else? Am I living true to myself or am I playing to the audience around me?”


Fourth Line: Forbearing

Fourth lines always have this capacity to be influential and bring clarity into other people’s lives. The fourth line here is called “Forbearing,” and it’s about being tolerant in your interactions with others.


Even if you can read what’s really needed, it really works well for you when you can draw people to your way of seeing things. Being clear with your own intentions allows you to gain support.


If you want others to go along with your agenda, to buy your product, invest in your program, then you must first be very clear with your intention. This will then allow you to naturally engage the trust of other people and gain their support.


Fifth Line: Integrating

The fifth line always has the potential for leadership. It has the grand of view of things, the vision of what can be done. The line is called “Integrating: upholding a presence that is exemplary.” This basically means that you’re in it on behalf of everybody else, and in support of everybody else around you.


You align with the laws of nature and high integrity. You can see what everybody needs, what everybody is wanting here, what’s to be put forward, how to read the situations, and you have the potential of being here to serve.


On the other side of this potential to serve is the potential to take advantage. You have a drive to convince others in ways that maneuver them to your own advantage. Because you can see the bigger picture perhaps more clearly than those around you, there’s always the potential for a bit of manipulation. So that’s something to be aware of. Everybody has to be treated from a place of high integrity, because that is what really furthers the world.


Sixth Line: Withdrawing

The whole question with the sixth line is whether to get involved or not. As a sixth line, you see the whole picture with great clarity, and have the potential to get overwhelmed by the lack of clarity in people around you.


People don’t know what their agendas are, they don’t know what they’re demanding of life, and you can read that. There’s this feeling that everybody wants a piece of you, or a piece of your ability to get the whole picture. So, the sixth line has this aspect of withdrawing, protecting yourself from becoming overwhelmed. But something to watch out for is that while distancing yourself from complex situations ensures your own wellbeing, it also can attract criticism.


The key here is support. You move through tough situations advantageously while maintaining the support of others. What a great thing it is, is when you get support from other people, particularly in this area, where you have the knack, you’re getting the agenda, you’re seeing what’s really going on, and then you somehow find a way to get everyone to join in with you and lend their support.


When you can garner that support, that’s when things really start to work. That’s when things get fun. Life wants us to have an amazing experience here because it is an amazing experience whether we acknowledge it or not. And the 44 just gives us access to a very different realm of comprehension. It’s that quick viewing of situations. That clear, instinctive sense of where things are going.


So, there we are, that’s the 44th gateway in the Human Design chart. we’ll check in again soon. In the meantime, if you’d like to learn more about Human Design, and discover how your own Human Design chart informs and shapes your life, get your Free Human Design Report today.


