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The Human Design Chart & The Book of Lines: Gate 49, Revolution, Lines 1-6

Gate 49 Featured Image

The Human Design Chart & The Book of Lines: Gate 49, Revolution, Lines 1-6

Last time, we explored Hexagram 13, which illustrates the art of listening, connecting and sharing stories. Now, the Sun has moved on into Gateway 49, which is in the Emotions Center of the Human Design Chart. And we call this Gateway, “Revolution.”

The Channel itself (19-49) is the Channel we call “Sensitivity.” We might say the 19 is reaching out to make a connection, and the 49 is the gatekeeper. It decides who’s in, who’s out, who gets to make the connection and come into the fold. So, the 49 operates on principles.




There are three distinct levels to this Gateway:

♦ The lowest level is the Rejection. It’s an outright knee-jerk rejection. It says, “You don’t belong, go away. I don’t want to have anything to do with you.”

♦ The next level is the Revolution. And revolution bases itself on principles. It says, “I’ve got my principles, you’ve got your principles, and we’re just going to have to fight over it. We’ll overthrow the whole thing if we have to.”

♦ The highest level (which is the one I would encourage everyone to pay attention to), is the Rebel. And the Rebel says, “I see what you’re up to and I don’t buy it. You go and have your revolution. Knock yourself out. I’m just going to be over here doing my own thing. I’m not fan material.”

The Rebel is not a blind follower. And that is essentially the crux of the matter here. The Rebel takes a conscious approach to things. It’s involved in creating a consciousness revolution, which is absolutely a possibility for the world in these highly changeable times.


HD Gate 49 Graphic


Let’s see how this plays out in the Human Design Chart line by line:


First Line: Waiting

The first line always lays out the principle behind the whole Hexagram. And the principle behind revolutionary change is waiting for the right timing. That’s why the line is called, “Awaiting Right Timing: Conserving your energy until you have clarity.” Specifically, emotional clarity.

The question is whether you just feel annoyed by a situation, or if you feel really clear that it’s time to make a massive change, to totally rearrange things and enact new principles.

Noticing many changing potentials, you have the awareness to wait for the right circumstances. It’s about recognizing when the time is right for you to make a change. You’re not pushing things. You’re not forcing things. You’re not seeking to be violent with these changes. It’s a call to be honorable and practical with the changes you want to make, rather than idealistic and reactionary.


Second Line: Being Firm

The second line always has a natural presence with things, and as long as they remain natural, even to the point of being unsophisticated, they hold their clarity. And here the line is called, “Being firm: Envisioning right outcomes for changes.” And after all, what’s the point in making a change if there isn’t a right outcome?

You either hold to firm principles or act for change’s sake. Change for change’s sake can be very creative, but it can also be totally—and needlessly—destructive and wasteful of energy.

Your grounded disposition holds you in your principles when times of change come. You want to be very clear in your principles before you make any dramatic changes, especially ones that are going to affect everybody else. You stay in that grounded disposition. You stay true to what you perceive as right.


Third Line: Informing

Third lines are experimental. They are never sure if they should commit or not. Here, the line is called, “Informing: Finding the support of other people in times of change.”

The 19-49 Channel is in the stream of what we call the Tribe, which has to do with family, community, corporation, nationality, etc. And the key word within the Tribe is “support.” So, going back to the levels of the 49: on the low level, the Reactionary, you are excluding people. You’re not going to give or receive support from them. On the middle level, the Revolution, you’re holding onto your party line no matter what. But once we get to the level of the Rebel, you’ll play your part in this, but you’re only going to act in a way that you sense is right. You have your own principles, but nobody else is going to suffer because of your actions.

There needs to be mutual agreement for everybody to be ready for changes. And that’s what the third line is all about here. It’s about finding out who’s with you, who’s in agreement, who is in a position to give and receive support in times of upheaval.


Fourth Line: Making Ready

The fourth line here is called, “Making ready: Accumulating energy and motivation for radical changes.” You have an expansive overview of society’s needs, and this allows you to implement changes that benefit everyone. And this is a big thing with the fourth line: nobody’s excluded. Everybody gets to benefit from this. We’re all in this scene together.

Sincerely aligning with your truth, or simply being opportunistic, you enrich or deplete society. What is your truth? What is the truth of your revolution? We all have to work that one out for ourselves, but when we’re not aligned with it and act purely in our self-interest, everybody else pays the price.

Your changeable nature can take advantage of others during times of upheaval. Fourth lines have to be really clear about this. Do we have consensus here? Do we have agreement here? If we don’t, anyone that’s not in consensus may very well suffer the consequences.


Fifth Line: Being Sentient

The fifth line always has a leadership quality. And here we call it, “Being sentient: The inner feeling for the rightness of changes.” Fifth lines have this big picture understanding of what could take place, an overview of the things that could come about to really benefit our society and community. However, there’s always the potential to chase after things that are unreal, or be overly influenced by what they perceive as the principles of other people.

The whole point of revolution is rearranging the old into something new, stepping up into a new consciousness. The fifth line has to be really aware about this. There is a need to be clear on whether or not the change you’re bringing about is actually needed and beneficial, or if you’re just sort of fixing things and solving problems in a stop-gap sort of way.

The danger with the fifth line is that it can very easily find ways to control people. So, it’s very important, in this leadership role, that when you guide others, you do so with their backing. It’s about everyone being on board and working for the benefit of everyone. Otherwise, you risk becoming some sort of overlord.


Sixth Line: Appreciating

The sixth line has the overview of the whole Hexagram. And here, the line is called “Appreciating: Contentment with expanding on previous changes.” Revolution requires constant review. You are always reviewing the changes that have taken place, determining if it all worked the way you had imagined. Did it provide an overall benefit for everybody?

After that, you expand further, take it up another level. With all changes, further growth is possible. But it’s possible when everyone adjusts to the new circumstances, when everyone is up to speed with the new setup.

Appreciating yourself and others supports everyone to drop the old and grow the new. when the life circumstances around you make you feel you’re being appreciated, it feels good. It makes you feel like you want to stay on board with what’s happening. But if you seek perfection in transitioning situations, it can be hard for others to feel appreciated. It devolves into nitpicking, rather than staying with the broader principles that serve the whole.

Perfection is always an unattainable goal, but it is part of the process of creating a new system. We might strive for perfection and fail and fail and keep failing, but maybe we get a little closer each time, improving on our past revolutions in new ways that serve more people. It’s part of the human experience. We take things step by step. We don’t always get it right, but when we all get on board with something together, things can go very, very beautifully.


So, there we are, that’s the 49th Gateway in the Human Design Chart. We’ll check in again soon. In the meantime, if you’d like to learn more about Human Design and discover how your own Human Design Chart informs and shapes your life, get your Free Human Design Report today.
