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The Human Design Chart & The Book of Lines: Gate 45, Gathering Together, Lines 1-6

Gate 45 Gathering Together

The Human Design Chart & The Book of Lines: Gate 45, Gathering Together, Lines 1-6

Last time, we explored Hexagram 35 in the Human Design Chart, which showed us how to become more conscious of the experiences that will bring about progress in our lives. Now, the Sun is moving into Gate 45, which we call “Gathering Together.”

Where Gateway 35 was in the Collective Abstract Circuitry, Gateway 45 is the voice of the Tribal Circuitry. And the tribe operates on a very different level from the collective. The collective is all about rules and belief systems, while the tribe is all based around interrelation, the sense that we’re all in this together. And it’s a voice that comes directly from the Heart Center, or the Willpower Center. So, it’s always expressing a sense of value, and looking for what has value for us in life, particularly material value.



It’s about being comfortable in this material world, and allowing ourselves to draw things together, to gather together resources. There are two key things needed to make a successful tribe (whether it’s a family, community, corporation, nation, etc.). The first is turnover. A tribe needs new entries (new children, employees, etc.) And the second is lots of money/resources, so there are no shortages anywhere. Firm alignment with that which best supports everyone brings together a strong community.

If you have Gate 45 in your Human Design Chart, you generally need to get the last word on things. You’re the leader in a sense, the king or queen of the tribe. You have the final decision. And it’s part of your nature to appreciate 100% consensus. You need the whole tribe pulling together. You’ve got to have a happy kingdom or queendom.

How do we do that? How do we make for a happy kingdom? It’s the king or queen’s responsibility to make sure everybody has a roof over their head, everybody has money in the bank, everybody has food in the fridge, and everybody has a sense of freedom in their life. That’s a tall order sometimes, but that’s what comes along with Gate 45: Gathering it together, pulling it all together for the tribe.




Let’s see how this works as we look at Gate 45 in the Human Design Chart line by line:


First Line: Blending

The first line is called “Blending: Finding common ground with others before moving forward.” You may have heard of times when leaders, kings, and queens have gone into disguise and mingled with the common folk to find out what’s really going on in the populace. And that’s the nature of the first line here. You’ve got to be in touch with the common cause. You’ve got to find the common ground before making decisions. 

The modern equivalent might be the TV show “Undercover Boss,” where CEOs spend a week or so in disguise, working alongside their employees. And it almost always ends with the CEO realizing they had been completely out of touch with their employees, and taking measures to improve working conditions, pay, etc.

Your openness and firmness in any leadership role encourages the backing of those being led. It’s a great thing when you’ve got everybody’s on board with you, that you’re providing well for your people, for your kingdom, and you feel you have this big surge of energy behind you.

Your clear inner intent expands your ability to receive material and spiritual assistance. But the other side of it is that, in being naturally attractive to others, you can become overwhelmed by their problems. Everybody wants a piece of the action. So, you have to be very particular. You have to have your ministers, your intermediaries, some mediating influence so you can set your life up in a way where not every little bit of nonsense is yours to deal with all the time.


Second Line: Contributing

The second line is called, “Contributing: Trusting in the guidance and the company you attract.” You may not have a kingdom, but you still want to be really clear about who is important for you in your life. Who are the ones that give you support? Because the key word in anything to do with the tribe, and Tribal Circuitry, is support.

Being open or closed in the company you attract measures the blessings that you receive. These blessings can be spiritual as well as material. But you’ve got to be very clear about trusting the people around you, the people you attract.

On the other side of it, you tend to go it alone rather than appreciate the blessings that your company brings. It’s a sad thing when we push people out of our lives because we don’t see that they’re contributing in some way, or we don’t really trust what it is they’re bringing with them.


Third Line: Separating

Third lines always have commitment issues. Shall I, or shan’t I? They’ve got one foot out the door, never quite sure if they want to fully get involved or not. Here, the third line is called “Separating: Proceeding in life without obvious support or common accord.”

You either discover how to gather resources and support or find troubles that create hardship. There’s a lot of experimentation that takes place in third lines. In the end, it’s about recognizing that there are a lot of different ways of doing the same thing. And you may try all the ones that don’t work until you find the ones that do. What I always say to people with third lines in their chart is this: maintain your sense of humor. Recognize where things screw up. Recognize where things go absolutely haywire. It might feel depressing in the moment, but it makes for a great story later on in life.

Your deep attunement to the workings within hierarchy intuits how to gain resources. You have a natural sense of hierarchical structures, how the power dynamics work, and how to work within them. But, on the other hand, if you’re unable to find common accord, you might ask, “Do I truly want to be involved?” And this goes back to the whole root of Gate 45: Who is your tribe? Who is your community? You may not be the king or the queen, but who are the people around you in your life that you support and who support you in return?


Fourth Line: Being Brave

The fourth line is called, “Being Brave: Selflessly striving to accomplish benefits for one and all.” You might say the king or the queen’s throne is the loneliest place in the court. Everybody’s looking at you. When catastrophe approaches, all eyes turn to you for the answer.

Fourth lines are always in this place of wanting to serve everybody. They want to have everybody on board and on the same page. But here, you have to be brave. You have to put out things that are perhaps unpopular in the first place. You have to consult and manage the resources to find a solution, to find out what’s really needed, and what’s really possible. But it is in your nature to strive to serve everyone.

Your inner alignment with a higher sense of purpose assists everyone on the material plane. You’re looking beyond the obvious. You’re looking beyond everything that’s been tried and done before to find the higher purpose, the maximum benefit for the maximum amount of people in your tribe.


Fifth Line: Being Virtuous

The fifth line is called “Being Virtuous: The virtues that attract the confidence of others.” Fifth lines are the natural leaders, the guides. They are, in a sense, the natural kings or queens because they can look around the court and see what’s going on, and they can also look into the distance and see where things might need to go. And the question is: Are you a virtuous king/queen or not?

Your attitude of independence or entitlement affect the way in which you are perceived. It goes back to the throne being the loneliest seat in the house. When you’re the one everyone looks to for answers, it’s a powerful thing. But beware of the ego. It’s about being present and connected, rather than entitled and aloof. After all, the real purpose of the king and queen is to serve the people so that everyone senses they are included.

Your innovative approach to leadership is naturally attractive to other people. But, assuming a grandiose approach to leading others, you must be practical to be effective. There’s a balance to be struck here between innovation, finding new solutions in order to provide for the community, and being practical, being in touch with the pulse of the tribe, knowing what is actually needed on the ground floor in any moment.


Sixth Line: Being Self-Dependent

The sixth line is called “Being Self-Dependent: Trusting that you receive what you need.” Sixth lines always are in a place of potential wisdom. They are the experts. They have the overview of it all. They can see what a happy king/queendom looks like. And the crux of the whole thing is resources. Resources and plenty of tribal members that are on the same page giving their support.

As the sage, as the overseer, people naturally assume the sixth line is going to take charge. They expect you to make sure everybody gets an education, a roof over their heads, money, and all their essential needs met. You either remain unfazed by others’ attitudes and stay true to your own nature, recognizing what it is that’s really needed for the tribe, or you capitulate when challenged materially.

Relying on your inner independence, you succeed despite employing unorthodox techniques. The sixth line has to look over the top of it all and see the broad scale of what’s really needed. And this can call for unorthodox techniques, which might be questioned at first, until people see the new resources and new possibilities that arrive as a result. But on the other side of it, taking failure personally, you’ll find regrets.

This position in which you find yourself requires responsibility. You might feel a great deal of weight on your shoulders. But if you’re very clear on your Type and Authority, and stay true to yourself, your inner independence, you’ll come through for yourself and your tribe. It’s a great responsibility, but it’s also a great privilege, which is why I always remind people with Gate 45 in their Charts to count your blessings. You’re right where you belong.


So, there we are, that’s Gate 45 in the Human Design Chart. We’ll check in again soon. In the meantime, if you’d like to learn more about how your Design informs and shapes your life, get your Free Human Design Report today.
