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The Book of Lines: Human Design Gateway 19, Approach, Lines 1-6

Gate 19 Approach featured image

The Book of Lines: Human Design Gateway 19, Approach, Lines 1-6

Last time, we explored Hexagram 41, which illuminated the power of imagination. Now, the Sun has moved on into Human Design Gateway 19, and this is the Gateway we call “Approach.” In the I-Ching, there are four Gateways that have movement implied in them, and Gate 19 is the one of Approach, moving outwards, connecting.





As with anything in the Tribal Circuits, Gate 19 is there to give and receive support. That is the overall thrust of Gate 19 coming out of the Root Center. There are two ways to view any activity in the Root Center: It is either the source of grounding and also uplifting energy we receive from Mother Earth, or it can be experienced as the source of intense pressure and stress to perform in life.

Let’s just be very clear about it: we may have come from other realms and star systems, but in this lifetime it’s a really good thing to have a connection with Mother Earth while we’re here. So, with Gate 19 there is a thrust to get out and be involved. It gives us a push to find inclusion, to interact, to connect, which can even lead to the point of taking on too much of other people’s stress and getting burnt out if we’re not careful.

On one level, it’s involved in joining with the family, with the tribe, with the community, etc. But it’s also the quest for Unity. It’s finding itself in this duality matrix here on the earth: male/female, day/night, black/white, up/down, and so on. And it’s looking for unification again. Those who have Gate 19 in their Design often find themselves triggering other people to make a move on their spiritual path, to find wholeness in both physical and spiritual planes. But there’s the realization: it is one thing to get someone started, it is another to then encourage them to find their own unique way. It is not Gate 19’s job to carry people or do everything for them.


So, is it possible that Unity can be embraced here on planet Earth in this duality? Is there just one thing going on? Or do we always see two sides of it, the good and the bad, the up and the down, the right and the wrong? In this quest for Unity, gate 19 has to be very clear about the distinction between needs and wants.



Gate 19 Approach graphic



 Let’s take a look at Human Design Gateway 19 line by line:


First Line: Finding Mutuality

The first line always lays out the foundation of the Hexagram. And here, the line is called “Finding Mutuality.” Where’s the common ground? Where’s the agreement? Where’s the balance between giving and taking as much as my need is met by your need?

When we look at the whole Channel, 19-49, we’ve given it the name of “Sensitivity.” On one side, Gate 19 is just pressured to make the connection. The 49 asks, “do we want this connection or not? Is it somebody who really belongs? Is this an energy we want on board? Do they honor our principles?”

What people will find if they have this whole 19-49 Channel is that they’re not just sensitive, they’re hypersensitive. They can touch in on anything. They can feel all kinds of things going on in other people’s lives. And they have a more acute ability than others to realize for themselves what it is others might need.

So, this first line is very clear in finding mutuality, reaching out to find supportive company, finding who else is on the same page. But your emotional detachments and inner equilibrium are tested through interactions with others. There’s a balance to be considered. Will the support that you give be reciprocated?

Because you want so badly to be connected, there’s the possibility of going overboard. On the other hand, there’s the potential for holding back, because you want others to need you more. So, Gate 19 is always in that state of finding the mutual balance.


Second Line: Cooperating

The second line is called, “Cooperating: A right approach wins allies.” Second lines always have a natural approach to things. You tune into what is actually needed in the context. You have a natural gift to assist others by summoning support from many sources. And there’s an innocence in your approach to bringing different factions or different people together.

You overcome all difficulties by trusting in your uncontrived high ideals. That’s the beauty of the second line: as long as everything stays natural, it’s great, you’re being you and things are flowing along. The second line generally avoids complexity and overcomplication.

There are possible issues that arise when inclusion becomes more important than actually contributing or giving the support that other people are looking for. There is a potential to be drawn into being there for others so that you feel included and not necessarily always to assist them.


Third Line: Getting Involved

The third line always has commitment issues. When a third line does commit, it’s a done deal. But up until that point, there can be a hesitancy to fully get involved. And that’s what the line is called here: “Getting Involved: Great care is needed to distinguish real needs and wants.”

Third lines are risk takers. They often blindly jump into something without realizing the consequences. So, it comes back to checking in with your Type and Authority to get clear on your real wants and needs before you get involved in any situation.

Your moodiness can become a neediness that dominates all your interactions with others. There can be this sense of wanting to belong so badly that it wipes out everything else. It wipes out any sense of clarity.

All your relationships will suffer if you are motivated by neediness instead of inner clarity. And we might apply this to the whole of the 19th Hexagram. If you are motivated by neediness—either your neediness or somebody else’s—you can expect chaos. Expect yourself to be worn out, not appreciated, not connected, and certainly not supported.


Fourth Line: Maturity

The fourth line here is called “Maturity: Composed behavior in group interactions furthers teamwork.” The fourth line always has the potential to be very influential. There’s a sense that we’re all involved in this together. Fourth lines are on the lookout for the natural inclusion of those around them. So, the maturity for the fourth line is in being able to determine whether or not this is actually the case. Is there genuine support here, or am I deluding myself?

It’s important that you are coming from a clear space in what it is that you’re promoting. The moment there’s disapproval, the moment that somebody starts looking the other way, or wanting to do things differently, the fourth line has the potential to collapse. So, when it comes to composed behavior in group interactions, you’ll need to constantly check in, make sure that everybody is informed and up to speed.

You are mostly at ease being among others and you appreciate everyone’s contributions. When everybody’s on the same page, everybody’s pulling together, it’s just a such a great sensation. And the fourth line has the potential to get everyone tuned into that approach to life.


Fifth Line: Delegating

The fifth line always has the potential for leadership and guidance. You can see the potentials, you can see how to arrange, how to organize, how to set things up. And the fifth line here is called “Delegating: Offering up personal initiatives to capable helpers.” You support everyone by delegating to capable assistance while retaining overall responsibility.

Your inner confidence and strength of purpose allows you to enjoy seeing your associates get ahead. One of the great things I’ve experienced in teaching Human Design for over 30 years now, is seeing people I’ve trained just take off, not only in their own personal lives and understanding, but also in how they relay their growth into other people’s lives as well. And the fifth line has that as well, that sense of purpose in seeing others flourish in your joint efforts.

On the other hand, when you delegate authority without regard for someone’s capabilities, chaos ensues. This is always a potential situation with a fifth line. There is a need to check in, to recognize if everybody is really clear about what it is they’re promoting. It’s a call to be alert about how you choose your delegates, and make sure you’re coming from a place of clarity rather than coercion of some sort.


Sixth Line: The Sage

The sixth line has the overview of the whole Hexagram. It understands the context of needs and wants. And here, the line is called “The Sage: Teaching about inner growth from your own depth of experience.”

As I said earlier, the 19th Human Design Gateway is very much the beginning of a quest for Unity. The sixth line will have gone through many arenas of personal experience in this quest for Unity, which puts them in a place of being able to offer inner growth or potential teaching about inner growth from their own wisdom.

 You can provide immense support to others through imparting compassionate wisdom. And what’s the compassionate wisdom? That we’re all in the same boat. We’re all chugging along in the same way. We’re all looking for that Unity. It doesn’t matter what deck you’re on, whether you’re pulling on the oars or sitting in a deck chair, we’re all on this trip together. Compassionate wisdom embraces everybody on board. And the sixth line, the Sage, knows how to offer things into different levels of intelligence and the different levels of quality of life that people are having.

 Sometimes the magnanimous nature of the Sage needs to be drawn out. It needs to be enticed to commit, to engage, to be able to inform people here. You have a need to be approached respectfully so you can then impart your wisdom. Many of the great teachers make themselves a little obscure, a little distant, and not everybody is welcomed. Or some people have to jump through hurdles. It comes down to respect, due diligence, and how we choose to engage and support each other with compassionate wisdom.


So, there we are, that’s Human Design Gateway 19. We’ll check in again soon. In the meantime, if you’d like to learn more about Human Design and discover how your own Design informs and shapes your life, get your Free Human Design Report today.


