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The Book of Lines: Human Design Gate 41, Imagination, Lines 1-6

Gate 41 Imagination featured image

The Book of Lines: Human Design Gate 41, Imagination, Lines 1-6

Last week, we explored Hexagram 60, in which we found our way through the blocks and limitations that are imposed or self-imposed in our lives. Now, the Sun has moved on into Human Design Gate 41.

In the traditional I-Ching, Gate 41 is the Gateway called, “Decrease.” And certainly, in the Northern hemisphere, we’re now in the time of year where we’re in the pits of winter, when resources traditionally run low and we’re all huddled around the fire, wondering when things are going to pick back up.



It’s a time when things might look bleak, but in that space comes the possibility to imagine, to have a look at where things might go. To ask ourselves how we can rearrange things in the world, take some different steps, make some new choices, open ourselves up to new adventures. So, I call it the Gateway of “Imagination.” Hexagram 41 is associated with the “Start Codon” in genetics, and so whenever the Gate 41 is triggered, it opens a doorway to completely new life experiences.


Gate 41 Imagination graphic


Let’s take a look at Human Design Gate 41 line by line:


First Line: Moderating

The first line always lays out the foundation of the Hexagram. And here, the line is called “Moderating: Finding the balance between giving and receiving.” With the imagination, we view what might be possible, we conjure up the potentials and experiences that might open up to us. And this requires balance.

In order to be able to receive, it’s crucial that you first find out what it is that you have to offer of yourself. What do you have to do, or where do you have to place yourself in order to be in the best possible situation for the experiences to take place?

Your creative imagination streams resources in ways that benefit yourself and others. You have the ability to push the envelope and go a little bit beyond what we’ve allowed ourselves to see before. On the other hand, there is a potential to overthink and run into confusion with your role and resources. So again, it comes back to finding that balance.


Second Line: Being Considerate

The second line is called “Being considerate: Being recognized for the services you render.” Anyone with Human Design Gate 41 will know that they have an imagination. And your imagination could be absolutely straightforward and very clear, or it can be totally involved in fantasy and things that are completely outside the realm of possibility. But nevertheless, we often see fantasies that do come into reality.

By indulging others without diminishing yourself, you find rewards in fulfilling endeavors. The second line has a very natural approach to opening up doorways, opening up possibilities, and having a strong imagination. So, it’s important that you continue to approach things in your natural and straightforward way, while being attentive to your process.

Second lines can easily get very troubled by other people’s input. You want to work things out in your own way, on your own time, and you don’t like being interrupted. Here, you have the discipline to watch out for yourself while considering others’ needs. But if you demand attention and reward for assisting others, you’ll eventually diminish yourself and your own aspirations.


Third Line: Synergizing

The third line is always looking to experiment. It wants to push the envelope and try something new. Here the line is called, “Synergizing: Experiences are fulfilled because of right alliances.” Commitment is always a feature of the third line. Who and what do you commit to? Is there really the possibility to commit? Or is it all just too much trouble?

In all your life experiences there’s a need to select suitable company and essential resources. It’s important to surround yourself with the right network of people who are able to take on the vision, take on the imagination. There’s a call to find out who’s with you and who’s not. Who can keep pace with you and who cannot. Who’s up for an exciting experience. Who’s looking to find fulfillment.

You also enter partnerships that can endure times of separation and aloneness. You’ll see that at times you won’t be involved with certain people in your life for some time, and then you come together again, and things keep moving forward. You know how to find suitable connections, and you also know how to move on to other groups and other experiences.


Fourth Line: Examining Shortcomings

The fourth line here is called “Examining Shortcomings: Diminishing your poor habits increases your fortunes.” It’s perhaps something all of us are a little reluctant to do, but it’s important for us to investigate how much of our imagination is real and how much is fantasy.

So, what is a bad habit? A bad habit is constantly reacting, going along with somebody else’s ideas, living according to somebody else’s way of life, borrowing rules, borrowing belief systems, and trying to mimic somebody else’s way of being. And the good habits begin when you start living true to yourself.

I often get asked, “How do I make it for myself in this lifetime? How do I get rich? How do I get a successful business? How do I get a successful partnership? A successful life?” It all comes down to being true to yourself, living according to your Type, Authority, Profile, and Life Theme. This puts you in harmony with yourself and the world around you. And when you’re in tune with yourself, and remember your sense of humor, the fulfillment comes quite naturally.


Fifth Line: Being Recognized

The fifth line is called “Being recognized: Inner clarity ensures rewards.” The fifth line has the ability to open up all kinds of doors and imaginative possibilities for other people. It can point the way to expansive experiences. And because it has this ability, fifth lines often live in a projection field of other people’s desires and fantasies and wants and needs. This is why inner clarity is crucial.

The fifth line can offer all these different things for people, but it has to come from you first. You have to recognize this is something that comes through you before getting involved with other people’s demands and expectations.

You push to clarify the essential attitudes that will promote your fullness of purpose. Sometimes you just have to go for it. You have to follow the dream. When that imagination shows up, when you’ve seen the vision of what is possible, you have to see it through, and this requires a profound level of trust.


Sixth Line: Being Fulfilled

The sixth line here is called “Being fulfilled: Bringing benefits to others while expanding your own resources.” The sixth line has the overview of the whole arena of imagination. You have a very powerful imagination, a sense of fantasy, and a sense of all the gifts that can be offered in life.

At the end of the day, it’s a sense of being really fulfilled, of being able to provide things for other people, while also providing things for yourself that bring about enriching experiences. It can be found in the most complicated of experiences, or it can be found in something as simple as inviting somebody to tea and having a really great conversation with them. It’s what we’re always looking for in life: a sense of fulfillment.

You enrich everyone around you through your inner watchfulness and your selective ways. Your disciplined view enhances your own resources and also brings in expansion for others. You have the ability to look at things clearly in any situation and figure out what the experience is that’s being offered. Where does the vision need to go? What can you point out to somebody that can really give them benefit in their lives?

You have this extraordinary gift of seeing things that other people can’t necessarily see. You have the imagination and the courage to follow through on it. The clarity to proceed. The world always has a great place for the visionaries, and that is naturally what the 41st Human Design Gate is all about: exploring the vision, expanding the envelope, living life to the fullest.


So, there we are, that’s Human Design Gate 41. We’ll check in again soon. In the meantime, if you’d like to learn more about Human Design and discover how your own Design informs and shapes your life, get your Free Human Design Report today.


