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Sean Connery and Human Design: From Scotland with Love

Sean Connery and Human Design: From Scotland with Love

Sir Sean Connery passed away in October at age 90. Although he won a cabinet full of awards (including an Oscar, several Golden Globes and a handful of BAFTAs) for other films, he will undoubtedly always be remembered as the first, and perhaps the best, actor ever to introduce himself as “Bond, James Bond.” But, as a man who mostly kept to himself, what do we really know about the original 007? For deeper insight into the life of this beloved movie icon, here’s a brief Sean Connery Human Design reading:

The Sleeping Phoenix

Connery was born into the Personal Life Theme of The “Sleeping Phoenix” with a 2/4, Emotionally driven Manifesting Generator Design.

Those born into a “Sleeping Phoenix” Theme mostly find themselves several years ahead of their time and living in ways that often defy the commonplace or the collective, status quo approach to living. Connery was no exception. While many people settle into their careers early on, Connery zigged and zagged his way to his calling—and even then, he continued to regularly shy away from it.

Connery’s first job was as a milkman in his native Edinburgh, Scotland, which gave him an intimate knowledge of every nook and cranny of his beloved home (he even had a tattoo that said “Scotland Forever”). From there, he joined the Royal Navy until he was discharged for medical reasons. After that, he bounced around from truck driver, to lifeguard, to artist’s model, to competitive bodybuilder. He even dabbled in football (soccer), earning tryouts for various professional and semi-professional clubs in Scotland and England—according to legend, he even earned an invitation to play for Manchester United. But it was during a bodybuilding competition that the door to a career in acting swung open.

After hearing about an open audition from one of his competitors, Connery landed a small part in a traveling production of South Pacific. He was such a hit that by the end of the tour he had worked his way up to a starring role. But it would be another ten years, after a slew of roles in various TV shows and minor films, before he would get his big break playing the role that would come to define his career.

Manifesting Generator

But in Sean Connery, Human Design shows us a man who was wary of being pinned down. His Manifesting Generator Design, made up of a powerful series of defined Channels, indicates a strong individual nature and someone who would not take any bureaucratic BS from anyone. He was reluctant to take on the James Bond series because he feared he would be chained to the character. And he was right. Over the next four years, he would reprise the role four more times and reportedly hated being recognized as Bond in public. «I am fed up to here with the whole Bond bit,” he said in an interview, «I have always hated that damned James Bond. I’d like to kill him.»

His defined Format Channel, 53-42, of Cycles and his undefined Self Center gave him a lifetime of playing multiple roles in multiple forms, even after the 007 stamp had been almost indelibly stamped on him. While continuing to act, Connery would write poetry in his free time, even while on set. One of his directors described him as «a man of great depth and intelligence» who possessed the «most extraordinary memory.» He was also an avid golfer and participated in Scottish Politics—giving financial support to the movement for Scottish independence.

Deep Dish Antenna

His “Deep Dish” antenna made up of the defined Channels 28-38, Struggle, and 39-55, The Full Emotional Spectrum, aimed at his guidance Throat Gate 8, gave him a presence that would often take a movie set or personal encounter into a profound and novel dimension and experience of life. And indeed, everyone who met him seems to describe him as more of a presence than a man. He had a vitality to him that reached through the screen and imposed itself on viewers—even in some of his less-than-stellar films.

In Sean Connery, Human Design shows us a star who cared little for stardom and instead sought to fulfill his own deep and wandering curiosity. And although we will always remember him as the quintessential 007, Connery had the ability to open up the world’s consciousness into new levels of appreciation for some of the more diverse and engaging areas of life.

If you would like to delve into your own Human Design and discover how you were designed to live, start by getting your free Human Design Report today.




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