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Получите свое Бесплатное Толкование в Дизайне Человека

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Realizing Identity Through Human Design – Part 3

Realizing Identity Through Human Design – Part 3

Last week, we discussed the Defined and Undefined Self Center and explored the various ways in which they define and underlie our identities. In the final installment of this series, we’re taking a look at the Open Self Center and exploring what happens when a Self Center has zero activations.


An Open Self Center

A Self Center with no activations is literally open to all the winds and currents of life. There is no fixed trajectory and no particular way in which life and love are to be lived and enjoyed.

All ways are equal!

All ways hold unlimited potential!

You are literally “Everyman,” or “Everywoman.” You are “free” to be whoever you choose… of course, preferably played out according to the Type and Authority in your Life Chart!

Looking to find out who you are is going to be an eternal mystery, at least until the curtain comes down on your life, and you receive a replay of all the multiple roles you played.

There exist many similarities between those who have an undefined and those with an open Self Center, except, the open Self Center has no easy way of measuring life.  Space and potential can appear limitless with no physical or moral boundaries, companionship confusing, and fixed ways limiting.


Open Self Center


There can appear to be an easy dependence on others, but also a profound discomfort in always relying on them to point the way or set parameters and restrictions.

Again, as with those who have an undefined Self Center, you mirror the world back to itself. Everyone sees in you whatever they are capable of seeing, like or dislike, approve or disapprove, and they are getting a potentially perfect reflection of themselves.

Regardless, you are reminded to appreciate the guidance coming through your Type and Authority.  You are in a world of your own that is almost incomprehensible to those with defined Self Centers. To them, you might appear lost, drifting, or abandoned.

Remember, you are not here to seek approval of who you are.  Let life give you that approval as you remain true to your own nature, and what is whispered to you through your own unique Design.


It is a very important thing for anyone with an undefined or open Self Center to realize: you are a mirror to the world.  

Most people on interacting with you are getting a reflected image of themselves, with perhaps a few alternative suggestions to step outside of their set ways of living. You don’t have to borrow other’s ways, or “make nice” to them because they don’t like themselves and appear to approve or disapprove of you!



Remember the freedom in being a “nobody in particular!”

For those who have their Self Center defined. Thank you for holding a steady course for the world. Be aware of those with undefined or open Self Centers as they flit about trying anything and everything in the self-search exploration; as they seek ways to expand on the possibilities that life, apparently randomly to you, might offer them. 

Please be open to suggestions every now and again, that there might be some alternatives to the particular ways of living you’ve always taken for granted….

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