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Human Design & The Book of Lines: Gate 2, Receptivity, Lines 1-6

Human Design Gate 2 featured image

Human Design & The Book of Lines: Gate 2, Receptivity, Lines 1-6

Last time, we explored Hexagram 24, learning how to transcend the constant churn of our mental machinery, and find our own clarity amidst the noise. Now, the Sun is moving into Human Design Gate 2, which we call “Receptivity.”

As the Gateway of Receptivity, Gate 2 allows things to come to us, it allows us to receive. And, as it’s also the Gateway of natural guidance, Gate 2 acts like a doorway to a personal knowing. But where does this guidance, this knowing, come from? We don’t know. But the thing is, it doesn’t really matter. As long as we are receptive to it, a natural connection exists to this unseen and sometimes inexplicable inner guidance.




So, when the Sun is passing through the second Gateway, we have an opportunity to be open to a whole host of little signals. We have an opportunity to open that doorway to personal knowing.

We are surrounded by data and information. Libraries, google, AI, etc. give us access to all the accumulated information we’ve gathered about the world throughout our history. But in the middle of all that, is you. Your story. Your truth. And you won’t find that in the databases, encyclopedias, and religious volumes. It’s within.

So, the second Gateway is key in reminding us that the truth resides within. And we can access it because we have his ability to receive guidance. Receptivity provides the means to finding a way through—a way which is in accord with, and guided by, the higher self. It has the means to reorient us.


Human Design Gate 2 image


Let’s see how this works as we look at Human Design Gate 2 line by line:


First Line: Crystal Vision

The first line is called “Crystal Vision.” You’ve probably had times in your life when suddenly, your eyes are opened wider, your senses are opened wider. Everything is part of your awareness. And you get this sudden sense of extraordinary connection into nature or into the reality of what it is that’s playing out around you. How often do we get to stop and really appreciate what an extraordinary experience we’re having here? Those precious moments when we feel absolutely in accord with existence.

Your inner knowing comes through appreciation of the beauty and fragility of life. Life is a very precious thing. The carbon-based life form is extremely sensitive, very fragile, and yet somehow the conditions here are absolutely perfect for it. So, among other things, the second Gateway reminds us to go out into nature, to join with the natural world. Soak in this amazing planet, this amazing experience of being alive.

Through this sensibility to life, you align yourself with high ideals. You become more receptive to what it is that life wants to offer you. But beware of forcing things. When you’re in this state of connection and receptivity to the beauty of life, it can be tempting to want more of it, to force it. But it, like life itself, is a very fragile thing and requires sensitivity.


Second Line: Gifted

Second lines always have this quality of being somewhat free and easy. They move through things in a very natural way. And the second line here is called, “Gifted: Natural access to an intelligence that often defies logical explanation.”

The second line has this ability, this genius, that opens up whole new arenas of life. You have these moments of realization, and you don’t even know where they come from. You have access to an inner sense of knowing beyond the scope of any accumulated knowledge. This receptivity opens up an extraordinary possibility for you to absorb things that cannot necessarily be explained.

Your natural gift for knowing must be acknowledged sooner or later. At some point people are going to realize there’s something about you, that you have a way of receiving and relaying things that’s difficult to understand. But it’s important to be aware of the tendency to seek power through this knowledge. With your access to this perception, there’s the potential to take advantage. So, remember to be clear about whether you’re seeking to grow and expand and offer your knowing, or if you are just taking advantage.


Third Line: Patient Knowing

Here, the third line is called “Patient knowing: Acknowledging that life never ceases giving lessons.” Third lines are very quick to jump into things without any appreciation of the consequences. They’re pioneers and experimenters.  

Aligning with your own particular way brings special rewards in your own perfect timing. It’s a call to be patient. Things might seem foggy, but sooner or later everything will become clear. You don’t quite know why something might look very important for you in the moment, then suddenly comes a moment of clarity, and you recognize what it is. You know.

By being receptive, you learn to adapt to every conceivable experience that life offers you. Adaptation is key for third lines. Something that one moment looks like a complete disaster turns out to have been a priceless learning experience which takes you to a whole new level of understanding and appreciation about life. But you get there by being open, being receptive.


Fourth Line: Concealing

The fourth line is called, “Concealing: Knowing much, but revealing only the essential.” You get these downloads of clarity, this instant and expansive realization. But how do you share it? Is it even possible to convey these things to other people? There is universal and learnable knowledge, but some things are impossible to transfer clearly.

After all, this is about an inner knowing. It’s a very personal thing. And as a fourth line you naturally want to share it. You want to see if anyone else is picking up the same thing. You want to bring other people into the fold. But while some things can be conveyed, not everything is shareable. Sometimes in the highest interests of harmony, your knowledge does not need to be expressed. Some things are just between you and the universe, and that’s OK.

One thing to look out for here is a tendency to be unable to keep silent. You might feel compelled to share everything you receive. But this only increases the likelihood of you causing upset. It’s a tendency to say things that are not really meant to be conveyed. Things that will just not make sense to the people around you. And the fallout from that can be expansive. So, the fourth line has to be very calm about what it is that’s coming through. Does it need to be conveyed or not? Is it appropriate? Will it do anybody else any good? Or is it just for you?


Fifth Line: Strategy

The fifth line always has the vision, the broad overview of things. It’s the guide, the leader. And here, the line is called “Strategy: Biding your time until action is merited, you interconnect to every asset life offers.”

Receptivity is almost like attuning to everything that’s going on all at once. There are no limits. Every signal, every color, sound, frequency, everything, is suddenly available. And the fifth line has the means to know when and how to direct this flow of newly available resources.

You might feel that you want to just dive in and share everything with everyone. Help everyone you can as quickly as possible. But here, the fifth line is calling you to bide your time. When ready, you’ll be able to communicate clearly what it is people need to hear. And this can be extremely powerful. The insight you share has the ability to completely take people out of something that’s not working for them and bring them back into a harmonic frequency in their lives.


Sixth Line: Being Preoccupied

The sixth line is called “Being preoccupied: Tunnel vision limits your capacity to expand fully.” The sixth line here has the potential to get tuned into one thing and disregard everything else that’s going on.

Detaching from suspicions, fears, and doubts is essential to receiving clear inner guidance. And where do the suspicions fears and doubts come from? They come from the society around us, from the rule systems around us, the belief systems. The things that tell us we’ve got to do it this way, or else. So, the sixth line has the potential to be totally open, but you must detach from these suspicions, fears, and doubt. Then you’ll receive this clear inner guidance.

Security can become an excuse or a reason for everything, even for betraying your own ideals. This is a call not to abandon your high ideals, not to close yourself off to the possibility for expansion and receptivity, just because it might feel safer to do so. Life wants us to grow. It wants us to expand. If we give in to the conditioning that society puts us through simply because we want to feel secure, we miss out on all of it. We miss out on that inner knowing.


So, there we are, that’s Human Design Gate 2. We’ll check in again soon. In the meantime, if you’d like to learn more about how your own Design informs and shapes your life, get your Free Human Design Report today.
