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Human Design System & The Book of Lines: Gate 58, Joyous Vitality, Lines 1-6

Human Design System Image

Human Design System & The Book of Lines: Gate 58, Joyous Vitality, Lines 1-6

How are you doing? I ask because right now we’re in this season of joy, and it’s a very important thing for us to realize. It’s a foundational aspect of life. If we’re going to do something, if we’re going to engage in our life in some way or other, there needs to be a sense of joy about it. Otherwise, what’s the point? So how do we recognize our own joy? The Human Design System has some insight.


Last week, we explored Hexagram 10, which was all about how we behave when faced with challenges. Now, we shift gears into the 58th Gateway, which is all about embracing joy. And you’ll see that in this season in the world, there are so many different societies that are celebrating. The foundation of it all is joy, and it’s really worthwhile remembering to have this joy in our life.



But why is joy important?


The 58th gateway is the beginning of what’s known in the Human Design System as the “stream of mastery.” And the whole thing about mastery is finding out what brings you joy, what you really love to do, and committing to it, practicing it over and over again.


At the root of all growth and endeavor lies the vital spark of life that can be described as joyfulness. Think of a musician who masters their instrument. They can just play anything and improvise and make it sound incredible. That’s mastery. And why did they start playing? Because it brought them joy. And the same can be applied to building, designing, cooking, writing, mathematics, all kinds of different things. They all start with that vital spark of joy.


Human Design System - Joyous Vitality image


So, let’s see what the Human Design System has to say about it, line by line:


First Line: Harmonizing

The first line is always foundational in any hexagram. Here the first line is called, “Harmonizing: aligning your life with your spontaneous, cheerful nature.”


The 58 gives us a choice, a very foundational choice, when we wake up in the morning or when some big change comes into our life. And the choice is, “am I gonna have fun? Am I gonna be joyous with this? Am I gonna engage with it? Am I really gonna be involved? Am I gonna bring that vital spark with me, or am I just gonna be miserable?”


By living in freedom from doubts and concerns, you bring joy to yourself and others. In accessing your inner harmony, you promote joy for one and all. And what is that inner harmony? It’s that sense that you’re here in this life, that you belong here, you are engaged with what you’re doing. And this harmony is contagious. Others pick up on it.


Second Line: Looking Onwards

The second line always has a natural approach to things, and here it’s called “Looking Onwards.” It’s about observing, watching, witnessing.


Attunement to your inner joy attracts enjoyable activities. If all is well within, watch what happens on the outside. Your inner calm creates external joy. What is on the outside is on the inside, and what is on the inside is on the outside. That is the natural way of the second line, just being part of all this, being within it all.


One thing to look out for here is that you easily find activities that can lack apparently lasting values. It is an essential thing that everything that we engage with has a lasting value. But going back to the idea of mastery, if we’re seeking to master something, there has to be a dedication to it in some way or other. So just be watchful about getting pulled off track


Third Line: Exciting

The third line is always in this experimental stage in life, always pushing the envelope, trying new things. Here, the third line is called “Exciting: the draw of worldly enjoyments requires great inner selectivity.” In this world where there are so many distractions on offer, so many potential fun things to try out, the third line has to be really selective.


What is it that really draws your attention? Of course, with the Human Design System, we’re always reminding ourselves to trust our Type and Authority to see what really has meaning for us. It’s important to remember that happiness really is an inside job. It is something that happens within us. We might say that something or someone makes us happy, but that happiness is experienced within ourselves. So, this internal joy is a very important thing to recognize.


You have a tendency to restlessly chase after worldly delights, going from one exciting thing to the next. But, while there’s something wonderful about trying all these different things that are on offer for us, in the end we need to recognize whether this is all coming from an inner joy, or is it just that the outside distraction is so intense and it’s hard to avoid?


Fourth Line: Being Spontaneous

The fourth line is called “Being spontaneous: quick recognition of joyful stimulations.” You have an ability to tune in right away and know if something is vibrating with you on a level that gives you a sensation of joy.


You find strictly beneficial incentives or indulge everything and become drained of energy. Again, there are so many things on offer, what is it that really calls to us? The joy is potentially there, but joy is an internal thing. We all have to work that out for ourselves.


The danger here is that you may get lost deciding which stimulations to select and end up making choices that exhausts you. So, this fourth line here is saying there’s a great potential to go overboard on things if you’re not careful. Be spontaneous, absolutely, but with care, with quick recognition of what it is that really brings joy.


Fifth Line: Being Discreet

The fifth line is called “Being discreet: being clear in all your inner needs and wants.” The fifth line always has this ability to look outwards and see what it is that other people might be seeking in this life. You know how to facilitate joy for them, how to bring about this spark into other people’s lives.


Fifth lines have that great capacity to guide and lead in people in all different sorts of ways. But while you have the ability to facilitate joy in everybody’s life, the bottom line is to figure out whether you are working on everybody else’s behalf, or if you’re coming from a place that’s clear within you.


You’re either clear in your associations or tend to trust everyone and end up being misled. This is the inner reality check for the fifth line: be very clear before providing for everybody else, or trying to rescue everybody else.


Sixth Line: Attracting

The sixth line here is called “Attracting: drawing to yourself all manner of stimulations.” Sixth lines are always in that place to be able to oversee or administer for other people, to sort out other people’s issues and problems and difficulties for them. And here the difficulty is the potential for getting caught up in other people’s whims.  


The thrill of excitement can be so strong that you can get lost in it and become wildly active. All of us from time to time go racing around, wondering where on earth are we going next. Where life is calling us next.


If you link your inner world to outer stimulations, you do not lose track of your own joy. And you’ll know if you’ve got the sixth line here that it’s an amazing thing to be able to sit back from life and sense that joy, knowing that you’re in an environment where things are just playing out and you’ve come to that inner acceptance.


So, the bottom line while the sun’s going through the 58: let’s indulge in this joy, but let’s carry it further in our lives as well. When you’re getting out of bed in the morning and there’s a big day ahead of you, tune in for a moment and just think “where am I coming from? Am I dreading the day? Where’s that joy in me?” And if you can find that joy and start your day with it, that joy can expand and expand into the world and life around you.


So, there we are, that’s the 58th gateway in the Human Design System. We’ll check in again soon. In the meantime, if you’d like to learn more about the Human Design System and discover how your own Design informs and shapes your life, get your Free Human Design Report today.
