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Human Design Gates & The Book of Lines: Hexagram/Gate 34, Power, Lines 1-6

Human Design Gates - Power featured image

Human Design Gates & The Book of Lines: Hexagram/Gate 34, Power, Lines 1-6

In our last video (and accompanying blog) on the Human Design Gates, we examined the 14th Gateway which was all about prosperity and what motivates us. 


As we once again examine the Human Design Gates, the sun seems to have moved on into Gateway number 34, and this is the gateway we call Power. One of the most important things for all humans to understand is we are powerful beings and we have to know how to use power appropriately.


And so when the sun comes into Gateway number 34, which it does for several days, it opens up that whole arena for us to examine how we use our power in the world. Are we powerless or are we overexerting in our use of power? 



So when we look at the Human Design Gates here, the 34 to the 57, we call it Power. Empowering intuition. We also call it the channel of resurrection. Literally the power to raise the beds. And people who have this in their chart know they have this ability to really uplift people. A lot of people that are coaches or guides have this knack for being able to get people going, get people out of a stagnant situation and get them moving.


Human Design Gates - Power


So the thing about the 34 is basically to recognize the power that is there. We all have power but the whole thing is to use it well. And we use it well when we use it according to our own type and authority. But during this time when there’s a transit in there of this channel of 34 to 20 in the Human Design Gates, we’re all going to see a little bit of an uptake in our potential activities in that time.


It’s very important to understand that yes, we are all given access to power. I mean, do we squash an ant just because it’s walking across the path in front of us, or do we make a move to step over it? How do we use our power? Do we get in traffic and just race through everywhere full speed ahead? Or do we just take care to make sure we don’t get in an accident.


How we use our power all comes from an inner balance and just being in touch. What does the situation need? What is the need of an expression of power in this particular moment in time? 


We see a lot of times that power gets used in reaction to situations and the whole thing is the intelligence of this 34th of the Human Design Gates is when it comes through response. What is actually needed in this particular situation, in this particular moment in time. 


And what we find is when we start using our gut response and we start getting really clear about this internal signal, you are absolutely tuned into the needs of the moment. You are actually tuned into your own natural inherent intelligence. 


The reaction is interplay with somebody else’s concept or something you’ve been taught about life and it’s a very, very different state of affairs. You’re actually acting outside of your own true nature. So the 34 has a lot to teach us all in this part of our lives. How do we use our power?


First Line: Being Presumptive

And the first line, as with all first lines, it’s the foundation of the whole thing. And what is power all about? Why do we need to use power? Because we’re human beings. We have a life to play through. We have all kinds of things to perhaps accomplish in this lifetime in our way. And the first line calls itself being presumptive. Oh, I’ve got this power. And it can be a haphazard, sometimes clumsy use of power. What do I do with this thing? Do I push this gently or do I push hard or do I punch? What should I do? How do I use this power? 


So using power well comes from your inner strength or calming reactions to its use in others. The first thing is from your inner strength, as it relates to how you use your power, what kind of pressure, what kind of force is needed. 


The second part of it is if you push a little bit too hard, you’ll get reactions. People will come back at you and then you start learning. Oh, right, maybe when I do this again and I won’t push so hard, I won’t need to push so hard, so I’ll just use the right amount. So it’s a kind of learning curve in finding the balance of how to use power. And all of us, every day of our life in one way or another, we are going to get questioned on this. Just how much applicational energy or power is needed in this situation.


The Saturn side of it, you have the discipline. Saturn always brings the discipline. So the kind of highest level of this first line would be to have the discipline to control how you use your power by examining your motives. Where am I coming? Am I coming from inner balance? And if I am, fine, this is what’s needed for this situation.


Pluto says, personal transformation usually comes through reactions to your use of power. People come back at you when you overdo something and you say OK maybe that was a little bit too much. I need to calm down. I need to play slightly less in that kind of a scenario. But you start finding a personal transformation in how you’re using your power.


Second Line: Being Temperate

The second line, always the most natural of all the lines, and also the most potentially in denial about it. Do I have power? I’m supposed to use it. And the line is called Being Temperate, moderating how much power is needed. Resistance lessens when you apply power carefully. Again, it’s a learning curve.


In times of success, you either increase or lose your respect for others. We’re all playing in a power field on some level or another. Who’s the top dog? Who’s the next one down? What’s the pecking order? What’s all of that about? 


And the thing of it is the 34 is about being in individual circuitry, which says there is no pecking order. There’s me living my life as a sovereign being.  And so as I say, the use of power and the recognition of power are very important things. You use power indiscriminately and all of a sudden you start building a pecking order. You start building a different layering of the people around you or the experiences around you in life.


The Mars energy, we might say, the higher application of this, you have the energy to continue in your efforts, especially when success is sure. You see yourself applying your power well, you’re getting through with things, and sure enough, you say, oh I’m on the right track here. It’s going well for me. I’m on a natural path that works for me. 


And then the Venus side of it, which always tends to look for other people’s approval on some level, and always seeking admiration for your achievements saps your inner strength. And again, this is another thing about anything in the individual circuitry. It’s nice getting a pat on the back every now and again. People are proving what you’re doing. But take it with a pinch of salt because generally speaking, some people are going to approve, some people are going to disapprove. It’s just how things are. 


The individual nature is, I don’t necessarily fit into the rules or descriptions of anybody else’s understanding about life. And so, if you’re always looking for that pat on the back, you’ll see your quality of life and your ability to use your power start to go down. You start appeasing situations.


Third Line: Estimating

Third line, the experimenter, the pioneer, the first one in. The line is called Estimating, using power in accordance with prevailing conditions. 


They have to be very alert. I’m the first one in, Nobody’s done this before. I haven’t done it before. How much power is really needed in this situation? Do I put my foot flat on the gas or do I go gently with it? Using your power discretely or being overly zealous and attracting complications. And I think probably all of us have known times when we’ve put too much energy into something and we found there’s complications that come about as a result of that. 


Saturn again always gives a potentially disciplined point of view on things. You have the self-discipline to use your power in proportions of the situations at hand. And there it is, it’s a learning curve. How much do I gauge is needed in this moment in time, in this particular application? Do I need to borrow from other times I’ve done something like this and just go for it anyhow? Or do I gauge how much energy is really needed? 


And then Mercury here by fabricating roles for how you use your power, you find yourself reacting to reality. You start making up whatever it is you’re playing in, instead of the reality of what it is that’s being played out in front of you and what it is that you are projecting into the world around you. 


So third lines always have that thing around commitment. Is it all or nothing or is it just a tempered approach to things, using my power in accordance with what is really needed here.


Fourth Line: Inner Strength

We come to the fourth line, and fourth lines are always in this place of being naturally influential, but also saying, am I actually looking for people’s approval in terms of what I do. And the line here is called Inner Strength.


All of us have to come to an appreciation inside ourselves sometimes to have this inner strength. Otherwise, I just get buffeted around by life all over the place. Maintaining inner balance assures achievement. That’s what this hexagram is all about, the inner balance. The use of power is right when it comes from an inner balance.


And here it is, trusting or doubting your inner clarity results in the success or failure of any effort. Trust in your inner clarity whatever your type of authority happens to be. The fourth line here has defined that inner strength. Where am I in all of this? 


Pluto is this very transformational energy and it’s perhaps the higher frequency of this particular line. You power through any situation by aligning with your inner clarity and confidence. There it is. I’m not trying to appease anybody. I just feel we’re all in this together. There can be great benefits here in using the power appropriately.


But then we see the Mars side. That’s a lower frequency in this particular hexagram here. The potential of the abuse of power comes by ignoring your personal integrity. You start playing somebody else’s game. You start playing to the crowd rather than seeing what it is that comes through you naturally. What is influenced in you can come out so beautifully to facilitate and help people grow in their life by being empowered through your influence.


Fifth Line: Accepting

We get to the fifth line, the natural leader line, the teacher line, the line is called Accepting. Nothing to prove in your easy use of power. Some interesting words there. You’re at home with power. You’re naturally attuned to power. It’s something that comes through you. There’s not an issue around it. I’m a powerful being and people can see this. People will project this onto me. 


Now, the great thing for the fifth line is to realize there’s all these projections of what I’m going to do for everybody. But if I’m real in myself, I have this reality check of how to use this power that I am a powerful being. There’s no issue around that. I come from what’s true for me and provide this power into the lives of others. 


Seeing how your power affects others, you either embrace this or are uncomfortable with it. Now, how many of us have really been encouraged to be a powerful being? And you’ll just see, not so much. And the 34 is really accepting this for us during this week. Yes. You’ve got power. Use it well. Get comfortable with it. Get comfortable being uncomfortable if it’s something you haven’t quite come to terms with yet. 


So the Mars side of things, we might say the higher frequency of this line says the strength and persistence use power appropriately and when necessary, not just because everyone’s clamoring for it. It comes from you, it’s integrated, it’s clear, it’s straightforward, and it’s applied into whatever it is that needs applying. 


The moon goes through various seasons. Being moody affects your consistent use of power and results in you being hesitant. Nothing worse than being hesitant in the use of power when power needs to be used. And you’ll just say, oh my goodness, I’ve got to come to terms and I’ve got to be really comfortable with how I use my power. It’s a natural thing. 


Sixth Line: Being Careful

We come into the sixth line, the top of the hexagram, top gateway, and it can see power, it can see the effects of power, and it either wants to get involved or back away from it. Is it going to bring an advantage in the use of power. Here the line is called Being Careful, being wise to reassess the use or display of power.


It has a huge effect. We look around us in the world and there are these people called politicians. One wonders what they are doing. Are they actually states people looking out for the benefit of the country or the charter or the constitution or whatever it is they signed up for?


Or are they somehow just maneuvering things? Playing a party line, seeking favor, playing politics, saying whatever wants to come out of their mouth, or being integrated and being straightforward and clear. So here the sixth line sees the whole game, the whole politic game, and it says really I have to reassess the use or display of power.


How does it get used appropriately? Do I barge through everything? Do I use my power to push everyone aside? Do I always stomp my foot and get my way? Or do I see that this is something that’s going to have an effect in all kinds of different areas. And so the line says your discriminate or indiscriminate use of power means outcomes are harmonious or not.


When we use power appropriately, and we see it brings great benefit not only to ourselves but to everybody else, this is what brings about a harmonious environment. When we use our power to invade another country or start shooting at people or bombing people, or totally misusing our faculties, then it is absolutely an indiscriminate use of power. It’s deliberately destructive. 


You learn to adapt, to use your power or maintain stability in any situation. It doesn’t matter what’s going on. You are so attuned, so in balance with what’s going on around you that this natural easy use of power is careful and it’s administered in a way that is beneficial to everybody involved.


It brings about the growth of life. It is using power to beget more life, joy, abundance, and possibility. The universe is always expanding. Creativity is always expanding. And so the 34 is this gateway through the use of power we can bring about this growth within humanity.



You’ll consistently move energy towards achieving what is empowering, appropriate, and essential to the needs of the moment. At the same time, seek to avoid what might be considered aggressive and egoistic.


The most important thing is to recognize is, as a human being, I am naturally a powerful being. I don’t care what the circumstances or situations are around me. I have the power to be myself. I have the power to be true to myself in this life, and that’s what the 34 is all about. 


The power, the great strengths, raw power, sacral power, generator power, is only great when its display or use comes from an inner balance and being true to oneself. You start finding yourself being more and more true to existence in the world around you, and you really find your place in the world as a sovereign.


That’s the wrap up for Gate 34, and we’ll check in again soon. In the meantime, if you’d like to learn more about Human Design Gates and discover how your own Design informs and shapes your life, get your Free Human Design Report today. 

