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Human Design Gates & The Book of Lines: Hexagram/Gate 32, Duration, Lines 1-6

Human Design Gates

Human Design Gates & The Book of Lines: Hexagram/Gate 32, Duration, Lines 1-6

As we move through the Human Design gates, we see that the sun has moved out of gate 57, the gateway individual intuition, and now moves on into the 32, which is a very different gateway. If the 57 has everything to do with our personal intuition, the 30 do has a lot to do with our nose, and particularly the sense of instinct.


What do we mean when we say that something “smells fishy,” or that it “smells like rain,” or “smells like money”? We’re talking about instinct. It’s a fascinating thing, instinct. It’s definitely not logical, but it’s something we all know we have; this ability to recognizing where things are going.


Human Design Gates


Being watchful is a common theme with many Human Design gates. But it is especially key here. Gate 32 is called “Duration” and it’s all about keeping our finger on the pulse of continuity and change, figuring out what it is that’s really going to endure the test of time. This gateway gives us the potential perspective to see what it is that’s really valuable, what’s really worth our time, interest and energy for the long haul.


 Let’s see how this plays out line by line:


First Line: Being Consistent

The first line is called “Being Consistent” which is a necessary aspect of endurance and putting your energy into things that will stand the test of time. Lasting results require a constancy in your attitude.


Attitude is another key idea here, because when things are not working out for us, we have a choice: do we go down with whatever it is that’s failing, or do we shift our attitude and recognize our failure as an opportunity to modify what we’re doing?


This is one of the hallmarks of the entrepreneur: the idea that it takes a thousand failures to get to a single success. It’s the ability to remain consistent, to know that there’s something great here if you can have the endurance to make it work. If it’s not working, modify, rearrange, do something completely different. But if you throw in the towel and give up, that’s the true failure.


Second Line: Avoiding Extremes

The second line called “Avoiding Extremes.”  There’s a potential here to fiddle around with things that are already working perfectly. The second line can kind of lose that sense of steadiness and trust. It can jump to the conclusion that something needs fixing, needs tweaking, needs rearranging somehow. But, there’s no need to fix what doesn’t need fixing.

The Achilles heel for the second line is getting overwhelmed by other people’s input. People will tell you to follow their way of doing things, to follow their approach, that your way won’t work, etc. And second lines can get bogged down by this.

This is the key here for second lines: Your natural approach to relating with changes brings benefit for everyone. Everybody benefits from the second line just proceeding in a very natural, perhaps even unsophisticated way.


Third Line: Withstanding

Third lines always have a kind of touch and go approach to things. They’re the first ones in. They’re the innovators, the explorers, the pioneers in a sense. And here the third line is called “Withstanding: using your inner guidance when distracted by change.”


Your steady or casual approach to taking on changes determines your ability to adapt to them. Change is the constant in life, and one of the greatest gifts of all third lines is adaptation, your ability to adapt to changes. The key to this ability to adapt is clarity. During all times of transformation, you want to remain clear on your inner, enduring intentions.


There is a tendency to get distracted here, to make problems out to be bigger than they are. And this can limit your alertness at times of change. So, it’s important to stay present, stay alert, stay watchful, and trust your inner, enduring intentions.


Fourth Line: Being Realistic

The fourth line is the influential line. It’s always concerned with empowering and influencing other people in their lives. And the fourth line here is called “Being realistic: reevaluating your needs.”


Fourth lines can very easily get tangled up in everybody else’s suppositions, ideas or constraints. But it is through being true to your own overall goals that you can gain the confidence you need when challenged by changes.


You may see little disturbances along the way, but the overall goal is constant. You may have to make adjustments, redefine the product, or the contract or whatever it is that you’re working on, but it’s about staying in that constant presence, and being realistic about the bigger picture.


Fifth Line: Complying

The fifth line is the leadership line, and here it’s called “Complying: staying aligned with changes.” The fifth line can see afar, can see how things are evolving, but there’s always this projection field, this input that says “you’re supposed to do this, you’ve got to do that, you’ve got to pay attention over here,” and so on. And the fifth line has to stay constant in their own perception of the way things are.


It’s about staying aligned with changes and being really watchful of what is happening. You need to interact creatively in all of life’s changing and challenging situations. Which is to say, rather than looking for pie in the sky solutions, you need to look for the practical thing that’s needed when there’s a big change taking place.


Sixth Line: Witnessing


Very often a sixth line can be just overseeing the whole hexagram. Observing the nature of change that’s taking place. And the line here is called “Witnessing: impassively observing your world even as you move in it.” And this line has the potential to be highly meditative.


You are constantly attuning with the changes of the world going on around you. Now the question is, “am I going to engage? Am I going to be involved or not? Or is it just a call to be meditative as everything does change?” You have a need to accept change or else live in fear of being continually overwhelmed by life.


Life brings on change. More and more these days we’re having to make decisions about things. We evaluate circumstances because everything is changing. We’re having to learn to stand on our own feet more than ever before, to trust in our own senses, to trust in our own abilities. So here you have a need to accept change, because it’s going to happen anyhow.


So the role of the 32 is to think about what we provide. To figure out how we set things in place that withstand the test of time, that give people that sense of connection and presence in life, that sense that they’re included.


There is fear associated with many Human Design gates. And the fear of the 32 is the fear of failure. “It’s not gonna work. I’m not gonna manage. It’s all gonna be over one day. And what’s the point?” The key is to stay present. We’re going to fail. We’re going to feel overwhelmed by situations. but the key to fulfillment in life is being present, to snap back into the present tense and take stock of this moment in time. This reality. Then we have the opportunity for complete revaluation, to endure all the changes that are taking place.


That’s the wrap up for Human Design 32 and we’ll check in again soon. In the meantime, if you’d like to learn more about Human Design gates, and to discover how your own Design informs and shapes your life, get your Free Human Design Report today.

