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Human Design Gates & The Book of Lines: Hexagram/Gate 14, Prosperity, Lines 1-6

Human Design Gate 14

Human Design Gates & The Book of Lines: Hexagram/Gate 14, Prosperity, Lines 1-6

In our last video (and accompanying Human Design Gates blog) we explored the 43rd Gateway and how coming up with a breakthrough concept can present you with new decisions on how to handle it. 


When we look out into space from our place here on Earth, it looks like the sun has moved on into a new hexagram, number 14 in the Human Design Gates. So let’s have a look. We’re up in the top right hand corner here. You’ll see gateway number 14 there. And we’re seeing it right at the end of the blue marking of Scorpio. And just at the beginning of the orange markings of Sagittarius, we go almost directly opposite.


And we get to gateway number two, the gateway of receptivity. And this is the most yin, most feminine, most receptive of all the hexagrams in the Human Design Gates so it’s a little bit off center. They’re not 180 degrees apart, but they make up this channel of two 14, which is the Channel of the Alchemist.


And the Alchemist basically is somebody who has the means to transform something of their own mediocre means into something quite different, changing base metal into gold. So it’s a very particular channel engaging very much with our sense of prosperity, wealth, and that whole realm of creating something we might describe even as being miraculous.


People with this channel are quite often very competent around money and creating wealth. But let’s have a look at gateway number 14. The gate is called Prosperity. In the traditional Chinese translation, it’s called Possession In Great Measure. I see it as a gateway of harvesting. You put out an effort, you put out some kind of implementation in the world, and you draw the results from it. It’s very specific how this all takes place. And it says there is a knack in learning to embody genuine ease in situations involving resources of property, wealth, and affluence. 


Human Design Gate 14


It’s a big puzzle for all of us here in the material world. We are spirited beings playing in this money sphere, in this material world and Prosperity this 14th gateway draws our attention to what we’re doing in our wealth scenario. Are we allowed to be wealthy or are we just living in a state of poverty consciousness that we can only go so far that we’re not deserving?


And there’s been all kinds of descriptions put around this for us, such as money doesn’t grow on trees and money’s the root of all evil. And a lot of people, whether they have the wealth or not, whether they engage in this prosperity or not, there’s a lot of miserable millionaires in this world. And billionaires too, for that matter.


There’s a lot of very happy people who somehow engage on a level of prosperity we would have to say in much lesser terms of wealth and well-being. So ultimately, what we’re going to say about this 14th gateway, it is very much an internal attitude that describes how we draw the benefit of what we put out into the world, how we engage in this prosperity.


So our attitude around wealth in terms of this 14th gateway of Prosperity is definitely worth looking at.


First Line: Satisfaction

The first line shines a light here on our attitude towards wealth. There’s a very famous saying, “do what you love and the money will follow.” And in a sense it engages quite well with this whole theme of the first line here in that whatever you do, do you have enough presence and commitment and engagement with it that you would do it for nothing.


Do you have a joy or a love for what it is that you do? Do you derive that inner satisfaction? Now again, we’re back in the individual circuitry which is all about transformation in life. So there’s a great transformation possible for us in our attitude to money to just see that being detached from the rewards that we derive from what we do is the key to accessing this prosperity.


Yes, the money needs to come. Yes, one prices oneself accordingly in the work that one does. But it’s the transformation that takes place through engaging in a wholesome way with our attitude towards prosperity. So the first line is called Satisfaction: examining closely what it is that really motivates you. Is it the money or is it the joy of what it is that you do? And I’m not saying work for free. But do you love it so much that you WOULD do it for free?


Gate 14 is one of the very significant Human Design Gates in this regard. And when the sun goes in here, we all have five or six days of really examining our attitude towards wealth and prosperity. Am I in the right job? Have I been railroaded into other people’s concepts of what wealth and prosperity are all about? 


When the sun goes into the 14, we have the opportunity to really look closely at what it is that motivates us. Are we here to be a slave to work? Is our whole life about the job description that we have? Or is it about us really engaging as a free spirit, as a sovereign being in our life and being as creative and prosperous as possible? 


Here the line says, a dependence on anything outside you to make you happy will be found to be misplaced. Yes, all kinds of things could spark happiness in us, but the same things can spark the opposite. It’s an inside job whether we’re happy or not, and you can’t make somebody else happy. It’s an inner attitude they have to have to help themselves. And it’s exactly the same thing around prosperity. It’s that inner attitude. Can we find that? Can we find the fun, the joy, the engagement, the fulfillment, and the transformation in what it is that we do, and in that sense of prosperity in the world?


And let’s just face it. Whether you’ve ever realized this or not, we live in an abundant universe. There’s more than enough for everyone, and yet somehow this word economy has been drawn into shortages and shortfalls. All these things have been drawn in, and so the 14th gateway has this possibility to penetrate, to transform that whole attitude and go into a very, very different space.


So, the first line just sees there’s unlimited expansion possible if one has the right attitude: I love what I do. I engage fully with it. I’m totally into it. I’m responding well. 


The other side of it with Mercury, attempting to control the flow of resources in life requires you to have great trust. So overly counting the beans or counting the pros and cons about things, putting a kind of mental block on the whole concept of prosperity. Am I getting anywhere? Am I allowed to be creative? Am I allowed to put forward what I love to do in life?


Second Line: Wholesomeness

The second line has this very natural approach to life, and as long as it stays natural and open, all kinds of great things happen for the second line. But the moment it starts defending itself or getting in denial, this particular line is just saying it’s not a bad thing to take on assistance from other people.


The second line has this very natural way of going about things. So let’s look at this line, engaging Wholesomeness: the growing wisdom and capability to manage your assets elegantly. There’s something to be said about elegance in life and to have fun with that. To be playful in the whole arena of prosperity and the second line is just saying, don’t take it for granted necessarily, but do see what can take place through that.


You maximize your resources for obtaining good assistance or by going it alone. Nothing wrong with taking on a financial consultant or somebody to oversee what it is that’s going on in the whole realm of prosperity in your life. And here Jupiter  gives it a flavor. Your key to expanding wealth lies in receiving assistance or by going it alone.


Your key to expanding wealth lies in receiving assistance from willing and capable helpers. Just recognizing who’s in this, who gets what I’m up to, who can help me expand my whole arena of prosperity. 


And there’s the Mars energy, the tendency to want to go it alone. If you only trust your own capability to carry everything, you’ll soon become overloaded. And so it is, engaging too much with what one does, taking it all on, I can manage, I don’t need your input, I don’t need your help. And then sure enough, there’s the overload that takes place.


Third Line: Sacrificing

The third line is called sacrificing, offering your talents and resources for the good of all. So third lines always have this commitment issue. Do I engage in this or not? Is it okay to be prosperous or not? What do I have to do to be prosperous? What is prosperity? And as I was saying, prosperity is very much an inside job. And here this line is saying, offering your talents and resources for the good of all.


Now, third lines are very often the first ones to engage in a project or to get into something to see the potential of it. And so here is the offering of seeing that maybe I can really put out my efforts that everybody derives benefit from it.


The earth gives it a flavor, the grounding energy of the earth, gifting others selflessly brings you the greatest possible personal satisfaction. Giving and receiving and finding that balance in life is absolutely amazing. And our tendency is to want to give, but also want to receive. And the third line here is just seeing, generally speaking, I’m not quite clear where this all goes, where my energies go in terms of giving and receiving. 


And the third line’s called sacrificing so it works well for you to be able to offer to give of your resources, and you’ll find great personal satisfaction from that great personal satisfaction.


Neptune gives it another flavor, this illusion that holding on to extra personal resources will bring you satisfaction. And here it is. The balance between giving and receiving, and it’s like here the tendency is to receive and to take and to accumulate, and in the end there is no satisfaction. You can’t take it all with you, but in the meantime, you start distancing people from you. Anyone that’s ever been in a situation of hoarding, just taking everything for themselves and sooner later they find there’s absolutely nobody I can relate to here. I don’t have any friends. I don’t have any people that are in my level of trust.


Fourth Line: Being Secure

The fourth line’s always a bit of an echo of the first line here, and this line is calling itself Being Secure. Now, first and fourth lines of the Human Design Gates always have that potential to be influential, but they find when their influential nature is challenged they can shut down, they can totally disappear and become very fragile if people are not appreciating what it is they’re doing. 


And so the bottom line for the fourth line here is to feel secure. Now, how do you feel secure in the material world? And it says, personal security exists in having what you need. So the ground rules for the fourth line is you’ve got to have what you need.


And what I say to people when I see they have this fourth line is look around you in your life and look at those things that make you feel secure in your life. Maybe it’s the chats, maybe it’s a picture, maybe it’s the carpet, maybe it’s money in the bank. Who knows? But recognize it for yourself, what it is that relates to you when you look at it or sense it, that makes you feel secure.


If you had to all of a sudden run for your life, what would you take with you? Regardless of whatever else happens in your life, what makes you feel secure in terms of prosperity?


You ensure your empowerment by knowing what makes you secure and having it in your life. There’s a real key in this. As I say, you can’t take it all with you, but there are some things that are really great companions for you to have during your lifetime. 


The moon gives it a flavor, honing skills to ensure your personal sensation of security to any changes that life brings. And let’s face it, life brings changes. As the seasons change, what maintains its presence with you. What do you recognize that gives you a sense of security and prosperity? 


The Mars side of it, exercising caution allows you to develop the personal skills you need to thrive in life. Caution and Mars are not necessarily two words that go together. Mars is always hot to trot and wanting to get on with things, but Mars can develop the personal skills to harness prosperity and resources and be able to thrive in life, but it has to calm down sometimes. What is it that’s essential here? That’s what this line is saying.


Fifth Line: Being Sincere

The fifth line always has this leadership quality in terms of being able to see what prosperity’s all about, how it can be manifested, how it can be brought about, how it can be utilized in life. And so as a leader and a teacher in this regard, fifth lines generally have a good idea of what wealth and prosperity are all about. But the line is called Being Sincere: appropriate interactions with others concerning material matters. 


All of us know stories of when an advantage has been taken on a financial level. People have been ripped off or have had all their resources stolen. And I’m not saying fifth lines do that, but they have to be really sincere. They can see other people’s weaknesses and other people’s inability to handle stuff. But if they’re going to interact with others in material matters, they need to be very straightforward. Your knack for handling the material world requires skills when it relates to those in it. Some are better off than others in terms of understanding what prosperity and wealth are all about.


Here with the sun’s energy your dignified ways ensure everyone’s appreciation in all material matters and interactions. That’s the fifth line in its highest regard, is just seeing how you can really benefit, inform, and teach people how to handle their resources, and how to engage in a lifestyle that brings in great prosperity. 


The Venus side of it, being overly friendly in material matters will inevitably lead you to misunderstandings. Nothing like talking turkey when it comes to money but be absolutely straightforward. This is the deal. This is what it costs. This is our agreement, this is what we’re going to pay, this is what your salary is going to be. These things have to be really straightforward. It’s a great way to lose friends over money if you’re not straight with them.


Sixth Line: Being Worthy

The sixth line is all about launching into the future or a future perspective of sets, and so the line has this kind of little bridge in terms of how the energy moves and it doesn’t necessarily relate completely to all the rest of the lines in this 14th hexagram here. But let’s see, it’s called Being Worthy: existence gives resources and blessing to whomever it chooses. Luck of the draw. 


Sometimes when I see this 14 with a six line in somebody’s Design I’d say, oh you’ve got the millionaires line. People I’ve come across with this 14 with a sixth line very often find themselves in that role. They just somehow attract resources and blessings in prosperous levels to them.


It’s not a given thing, but it’s that faculty to be able to have that attractive energy. And so I say a spiritual and/or material approach to the responsibilities associated with wealth. I’m sure all of us have stories about wealth and who can and can’t handle it, and what people do with it, and how people play tricks and games with it. And that’s why I say it’s a spiritual and/or material approach. 


All of us probably have come across people that have no idea what to do with their prosperity. I’ve met millionaires with massive prosperity and wealth and lands and owning stuff, and the quality of their life is appalling. Yeah, they’ve got all this stuff, but they don’t know what to do with it. They don’t know how to enjoy or have fun within it all. They don’t know how to be a spirited being in that whole arena. 


And this is the 14th gateway so this is the challenge. Are you engaged in something you really love to do? That’s the bottom line with it. And if you are, and you can play it and you can just see yourself as worthy to receive, then of course, the blessings fall, but all of us have to find that sense of worthiness. Are we still carrying other people’s ideas of whether we’re allowed to be prosperous or not? 


And here the sun gives it a flavor. Your easy acceptance of wealth gives you the humility to be generous and grateful. Two key words there, generous and grateful. One of the words for money is currency. And with currency you can see there’s something of a flow coming in, going out, coming in, going out. And generosity is part of that, having a generous nature. It doesn’t mean to say you give the farm away, but that there’s always a flow, a give and take.


And also the concept of being grateful. Life blesses me and I’m so grateful for that. And as I say in the end, we’re all going to recognize it’s an inside job. We may have a very high flying job at a high flying career or high flying work and actually hate what it is that we do. And yes, we get paid for it, but there’s no inner satisfaction.


And yet we can see our gifts and talents are maybe wanting us to go in a different direction. How do we make that jump? How do we make that distinction? How do we see when life is calling me to do something very different? We know inside ourselves what life is calling us towards, and really this is not a life to live out in regrets. This is a life to live out in fullness. 


The earth side of this, the kind of grounded approach to it, the practical approach, allows you to find a balance between material and spiritual realms. And there’s that thing, It’s very possible with the 14 sixth liners just to go beyond any sense of money needs and much more into the spiritual side of things. Go and live in an ashram or a monastery, take on vows.



And so again, the 14th gateway is all about that inner sense of prosperity. Can I feel prosperous in my life? What does it take? Do I have to rely on the things that I see around me? Or do I just carry that energy with me? And that’s the whole trick with the 14th gateway. And when we play it right, we see life takes us into all kinds of amazing adventures. 


That’s the wrap up for gate #14, and we’ll check in again soon. In the meantime, if you’d like to learn more about Prosperity and discover how your own Design informs and shapes your life, get your Free Human Design Report today. 
