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Human Design Gates & The Book of Lines: Gate 47, Lines 1-6

Human Design Gates

Human Design Gates & The Book of Lines: Gate 47, Lines 1-6

What can Human Design gates tell us about what truly serves us in this life? How do we know if we’re on the right track, or if we’ve veered off course? And how do we make sense of the noise and stimuli that’s constantly swirling around us?

Today, we’re exploring the energetic shifts that take place as the sun moves on out of gate 64, which offered an expansive world of possibilities, and into gate 47, where we get to sort through it all in search of what really has meaning for us. 


The 47 wants to make sense out of things. After all the different possibilities made available to us in gate 64, the 47 says, “What is it that’s really important? What fits the picture? Does anything make sense?” In this way, the 47 is kind of filtering through these different potentials.

Human Design gates 64 and 47 make up a very common channel. It shows up a lot in people’s charts. And it really is all about trying to make sense out of life and trying to figure out whether we are on the right track.

Human Design Gates


So, let’s try to make sense out of gate 47 by going through it line by line:


First Line: Reviewing

The first line always lays down the foundation for the hexagram. And what it’s pointing to here is the need to review. If something doesn’t make sense on the first viewing, the answer is to review. The truth is always constant, but sometimes remains hidden from us. But, by mental self-examination, you remove useless beliefs and discover the truth that’s been hiding from you. You pull things out of the way. You remove things just don’t fit the picture anymore. Whatever somebody thought of as being the belief system for the time, it’s no longer relevant. So here we see the beginning of this constant filtering process.

The other side of it is that if we fail to review and remove useless beliefs, we risk feeling overwhelmed by all the unnecessary things crowding up the picture.


Second Line: Being Fortunate

The second line always has this natural, innocent quality about it. Unsophisticated, it stumbles upon realizations. That’s why this line is called “Being Fortunate: aligning with resonant causes furthers your journey.” So, you’ll see when the sun goes into the second line that there may be things that are easier to find than you thought. The right way to go about things might be to just find what naturally makes sense to you as an individual and go along with it.

Whenever we compare our way of life with anybody else’s, we’re instantly giving our power away into somebody else’s trip and somebody else’s story. So, the second line is saying, “stay natural, stay within your own grasp, follow your own innocent pathway. Stay true to your story. Your Authority.”


Third Line: Avoiding the Head Storm

With the third line here, there’s a great potential for being confused. With so many different things going on, so many possible things that could fit the picture, our impulse to make sense of it can cause us problems. Purely mental viewpoints can be unrealistically restrictive. The more you focus your mind and put pressure on yourself to make sense of it all, the less and less obvious the answer becomes.

The key here is to just sit back and ease off the pressure.

The mind, or the intellect, has its place, but sometimes the big realizations come in a very different way. Constantly thinking things are worse than they really are is an easy way to become depressed. When life appears to be so complicated and we can’t figure a way out, we become a head storm of thoughts. And we can become hopeless. So, it’s important here to ease up a bit and relax into a deep trust in yourself.


Fourth Line: Distraction

The fourth line is a line of being distracted. Fourth lines are always wondering, “Can anyone else see what I’m looking at here? Can we all make sense out of this?” So, this line is about maintaining your way in a confused world.

Let’s just face it, the world is confused and It’s not getting any less confused any time soon. The 47 is wanting us to come to realizations about things that we’ve been chasing after, things that don’t make sense to us anymore. We’ve been holding on to beliefs and concepts about things that are just nonsensical. The pandemic eradicated a whole bunch of things from our past that no longer fit in this world. So, maintaining your way in a confused world is about persistence. You find your way through the outdated fossilized or nonsensical views of others, or else you give up.

This opens up the possibility that you get drawn into all kinds of sidetracks. When you get drawn into other people’s input and worldviews that don’t make sense anymore, or don’t resonate for you, it’s very easy to get lost. So, while the fourth line is always looking for inclusion, it’s important to recognize who is going to come with you and who is a mere distraction.


Fifth Line: Making Sense

The fifth line is the line called “Endorsing: making sense out of apparently impossible scenarios.” So, if you’ve got the 47 with the fifth line, a lot of people come to you to make sense out of things in their lives. As always, you’ve got to trust your Type and Authority to know whether this is somebody you’re going to give answers to or not, but you do have the faculty to make sense out of seemingly baffling situations.


Sixth Line: So What?

The sixth line is “the chance of being remorseful.” This is one of the lines I call a “booby trap” in human design, because it once again reveals some of the limits of relying on the intellect alone as a tool for sorting things out.

 The sixth line says, “I can make sense of anything. So what? What’s the point?” It comes with a nagging sense of dissatisfaction, and a call to go beyond the mind. Yes, you can realize you’ve got a great mind. You can talk about anything. You can solve complications. But satisfaction is going to be lodged in a different part of your nature, and only arrived at by following your Type and Authority. You cannot expect to think your way through life and live fully at the same time.

So, there we are. That’s the 47. Next time, as we journey through the Human Design gates, we’re going to move into the Emotion Center and gateway number 6.

To learn more about Human Design gates, and to discover how your own Design informs and shapes your life, get your Free Human Design Report today.
