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The Human Design Chart & The Book of Lines: Gate 64, Lines 1-6

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The Human Design Chart & The Book of Lines: Gate 64, Lines 1-6

What new possibilities are on the horizon for you? What does your Human Design chart say about the fresh inspiration coming your way? Read on to find out.

Today, we’ll explore the energetic changes that take place as the sun moves on out of the tribal circuitry and into the abstract circuitry, via gateway number 64 and explore what this gateway means in terms of your life and Human Design chart.



64 is a gateway of inspiration in life, a gateway of new possibilities opening up all around you. Which is why I call it the gateway of “Diverse Possibilities.” In the traditional I Ching it’s called, “Before Completion,” which we can think of as those moments in life when you’re running up to completing something and you think, “did I include everything? Have I got the whole story here? Is there anything missing?”

This is why this gateway of possibilities can also be a gateway of potential confusion. As things expand for us, we see that this universe is a lot bigger than we thought it was. And in expansion, there is no perfect equilibrium. It is impossible to put limits on the limitless, and yet there is always the pressure to find a balance.


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So, let’s get into it line by line:

First Line: Transitioning

The first line is called “transitioning: Inner resolve leads you towards fulfilling outcomes.” So, as the 64 is offering all kinds of different things that we can look at and appreciate and bring into our lives, the first line really wants to get into it. It wants to have the most amazing experience, the most fulfilling outcome. And it is telling us that relying solely on past perspectives of our life experiences will not bring us fulfillment.

Here the impulse might be to either stick with that which is already comfortable and harmonious in our lives, or to throw caution to the wind and jump into something new. So, the key is to figure out what is really going to serve us in this moment of expansion. What is really going to bring us fulfillment?


Second Line: Trusting Your Process

The second line has a very natural way of going about things. So, the great thing with the second line with gate 64 is that it gives you a “heads up” to trust yourself. It tells you to carry on in your own way and trust your own process and your own inner senses, which of course in your Human Design chart, means trusting your own Type and Authority.

So, with gate 64, which is offering this expanse—more options and avenues and opportunities—the second line is all about having the clarity to allow the expanse to open up into things that actually resonate for you, and trusting your own process to get you to that clarity.


Third Line: Try and Try Again

The third line is always into experimenting. It wants to try things out and see what happens. Here, the line is called “Restarting: commencing anew when old ways no longer apply.” So, it’s quite possible to get into a habit of just getting involved in things. You might try something out, and then try again, and again, and again, until you come to the realization that you’re stuck in a rut. You keep on just repeating the same old way of doing things without getting a different result. And when you keep committing to the same old thing, using the same old tools, there’s never going to be an evolution of any sort.

The key here is to be clear from the outset. There’s no need to rush into things. When you take a momentary pause and wait for renewed clarity and perception, you deliberately transcend confusion. And the third line gives you the possibility of making that break and getting out of the pattern of the tried and true.


Fourth Line: Overcoming the Confusion

The fourth line is about wanting everybody to join in. It says, “Aren’t you all with me on this? Can we all see things in the same way here? Can we all get the same experience and have the same beliefs?” So naturally, the fourth line has this potential for confusion, the potential that not everybody buys into what the fourth line is seeking to gain connection with.

The fourth line is called “Overcoming. All inner struggles require persistence and determination.” In this case, the inner struggle is figuring out what it is we’re really looking for here. We can stay confused about anything as long as we’re overthinking. So, the fourth line is about connecting with our inner principles to transcend confusion and clarify how we’re going to proceed.

This takes us back to the Human Design chart, and our Authority. When we really honor our Authority, it’s quite easy to transcend the confusion. You short-circuit the overthinking by taking the energy out of the head and bringing it into the body, where you can access a clearer decision-making process.


Fifth Line: Lighting the Way for Others

The fifth line always has a leadership or teacher role. In this case it’s called “Being exemplary.” And Gate 64 with a fifth line is constantly persistent and persistently constant. It says, “I’ve gotta get to the bottom of this. I’m going to find out where life is wanting to take me.”

There is an assuredness. An inner resolve that shines brightly. And once you’ve become really clear inside yourself and followed your Authority, you realize that your inner light can be shot outwards to disperse other people’s confusions.

There is a tendency here to be overburdened by other people’s confusion. As you light the way for others you run the risk of being caught up in everybody else’s projection of who and what you are and how you’re supposed to fix everything for them. And so, the confusion can set in again if you let it.


Sixth Line: Celebrating with Clarity

The sixth line can see everything. It sees the myriad possibilities, but it’s quite clear about which ones are relevant. While bombarded with an expanse of options, the sixth line is able to pick out the avenues that are really worthwhile, and recognize which possibilities are going to be fulfilling.

The danger here is in becoming self-indulgent. You may celebrate the fact that you’ve broken through the confusion and sorted through the chaos, but do so with clarity, otherwise you run the risk of getting lost in it.

To learn more about the Human Design chart, and to discover how your own Design informs and shapes your life, get your Free Human Design Report today.
