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The Human Design Chart & The Book of Lines: Gateway 22, Grace, Lines 1-6

Human Design Gate 22 featured image

The Human Design Chart & The Book of Lines: Gateway 22, Grace, Lines 1-6

Last time, we explored Hexagram 63, learning how we can progress in life without getting bogged down in doubts and second-guessing. Now, the Sun is moving into Gateway 22 in the Human Design Chart, which is the Gateway we call “Grace.”




Grace is something that is evident on a physical level. You can say that somebody is graceful. And people with the 22nd Gateway in their Design have this grace on some level. They can move gracefully. Their bodies are aligned in a graceful way. But one of the beautiful things about grace is that you can’t necessarily describe it. You just recognize it when you see it.

There is also the description of someone being gracious, in that they are not fazed by commotion or other people’s reactive natures, but consider each person and their situations courteously, with respect and dignity.

Grace also has a spiritual connection. On a spiritual level, grace is the blessing that comes through seamless emotional alignment with consciousness. You can feel grace rising within you like a cool flame. You can be filled with grace. You can be grace. You can be the medium, the doorway for spirit to come through you. Where other people see a brick wall, people with the 22nd Gateway see a way through. You can open into environments and circumstances that other people can’t necessarily see or consider possible.

The emotional energy of grace enriches life through beauty, benevolence, and nobility. It’s a multifaceted thing, and there are all kinds of different aspects of how grace plays out in the world.



Human Design Gate 22 image



Let’s take a look at the 22nd Gateway in the Human Design Chart line by line:


First Line: Being Gracious

The first line provides the foundation for the whole Hexagram. And here, the foundation of grace is, quite simply, being gracious. And in being gracious, you assume humility and appreciation for all aspects of life.

Sometimes in life you’re confronted by idiots. You’re confronted by rude people, crazy situations, people who have lost it, people who are fearful. The bottom line is, can you remember to be gracious? When people act like idiots it basically means they’re out of touch with their light. And you have the potential to be a calming and opening presence for them.

You rely on your own essential work and are open to embrace any roles offered by life. It’s a complete trust. You trust that grace will come through you. You’re an embodiment of this energy. You find empowering emotional awareness to be guided from within your core. It’s that feeling you get like a cool flame of energy rising through you. That’s when you know you’re conveying bliss, conveying grace into the world around you. There’s no need to complicate it, or overthink it, because the moment you start trying to intellectualize it, you impede the grace from passing through you. Just let the energy come through, see what happens. Be guided by grace.


Second Line: Charming

Second lines have the quality of being natural. They have an easy, almost unsophisticated way of expressing themselves. And here, the line is called, “Charming: Finding the ability to embellish and adorn naturally.”

In life, beauty and style are attributes you use to promote enchantment, fascination, and distraction. Don’t we all love to be enchanted? All of a sudden, we see something completely different, some magical scenery, something natural playing out in front of our eyes that we can’t necessarily put into words. That is the nature of the second line.

Your natural emotional style attracts others, and both enriches and uplifts their lives. It’s uncomplicated. When you allow yourself to let the charm come through, you’ll find people are just naturally attracted to you. The other side of it—and something to watch out for—is that promoting style over emotional awareness eventually leads you to unhappiness as you lose your natural openness.


Third Line: Enchanting

The third line here is called, “Enchanting: Grace in Perfection. A charmed life. Good fortune.” Third lines tend to move into things without necessarily understanding the consequences. You engage with grace and amazing things happen for you. You are naturally enchanting.

You embody grace as all things wondrous, aligning yourself with simple universal truths. What is the ultimate universal truth? Life is a mystery (My Story). We’ve got all sorts of systems and ideas and ways of doing things, but ultimately, nobody can really describe what life is. We’re just having this experience. And the third line just opens up the possibility for more and more good fortune. The more you trust in life, the more you trust that grace will be given, the more will come to you.

Your pure physicality embodies grace in all your movements and activities. It’s a call to recognize the grace with which you do things: how you hold a cup, how you use your keyboard, how you walk, how you dress yourself. The pure physicality of it is absolutely amazing.


Fourth Line: Impressing

The fourth line is always the one that wants to bring other people together and get everybody empowered by this special energy of grace and graciousness. And here the line is called “Impressing: Empowering all interactions by aligning to their requirements.”

Inner radiance and external brilliance transform the quality of all your interactions. This is when you’re in the zone. This is when you’re completely at home and in love with your life. It’s that inner meditative space. And this inner radiance and external brilliance transforms all the interactions you have. It makes you untouchable in a way. Nothing can get through to interrupt this space when you’re in it.

You have a very particular way of interacting that rejects many of the formalities adopted by others. We’re in the individual circuitry here and we’re going about things in a very individual way. So, when you have this sense of being aligned with what the moment really needs of you, when you’re in the zone, you’ll see that there’s a very particular way of going about things. It isn’t necessarily logical. It isn’t the tried and true. It has its own perfection.


Fifth Line: Inner Beauty

The fifth line is the leader, the guide, the one who can see a little bit further, who knows how to orchestrate things a little bit better. And here, the fifth line is called, “Inner beauty: Remembering the importance of your own true nature.”

Fifth lines are always involved in the projections of others. Everybody has ideas of what you’re going to do for them, or what you’re “supposed” to do. And the fifth line has to remember their inner beauty. You’re already tuned in to what needs to be done. You already know inside what it is that needs to play out. But there’s a potential to get distracted by the needs, demands, and expectations of others who look to you for help and guidance.

It’s a matter of being true to yourself even as your grace and inner light is perceived in many ways by others. You’ve got grace in you. It’s visible. Everyone will pick it up on it. But everyone has their own ideas of how you’re going to play it. So, stay true to your own path.


Sixth Line: Being Sophisticated

The sixth line is called “Being sophisticated: Simple elegance is one of your highest attributes.” There are pathways that open up for you that don’t open up for other people.

Imagine a very exclusive club or exclusive restaurant where there’s a red velvet rope across the entrance and everybody’s waiting in line, hoping to get in.

People with this sixth line, they get in. You are charming, elegant, open and sophisticated, and the doorman knows right away that this is someone who needs to enter. Your inner brightness exudes grace through calm, sincerity, and objectivity. In any situation, you are the natural gate opener.

Your serene presence easily allows you to take charge in emotionally volatile situations. You just have that magic touch. Of course, it comes back to checking in with your Human Design Chart, staying in touch with your Type and Authority to know if you get involved in a situation or not. But when you get it right, your sophisticated approach to things can just ease the situation, dissolve the volatility, and show people that there really isn’t any cause to make a big fuss.

So, remember: if you have the 22nd Gateway in your Design, it’s a very special Gateway that opens you up to all kinds of possibilities, all kinds of other realms. And you’ll know it. You’ll know when that cool flame of grace runs through you. You’ll know when you’re in the zone. And knowing is the most essential thing in life.


So, there we are, that’s the 22nd Gateway. We’ll check in again soon. In the meantime, if you’d like to learn more about Human Design and discover how your own Human Design Chart informs and shapes your life, get your Free Human Design Report today.


