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The Human Design Chart & The Book of Lines: Gate 61, Inner Truth, Lines 1-6

Gate 61 Inner Truth featured image

The Human Design Chart & The Book of Lines: Gate 61, Inner Truth, Lines 1-6

Last week, we explored Hexagram 54, which illuminated the nature of ambition. Now, we shift gears into Gate 61 in the Human Design Chart, which I call, “Inner Truth.” So, what is inner truth? Truth itself is something that is universal. The “inner” part happens when we get to know that truth for ourselves.




The world is full of knowledge. There’s no shortage of knowledge, there’s no shortage of information. We can be informed from all kinds of different places and sources these days. We’re all carrying around little computers in our hands that can Google whatever we want in an instant. But there’s a difference between knowledge and knowing.

While truth is universal, the act of knowing is entirely personal. And even though people have tried for eons to express truth in language, it doesn’t work. Truth is not something that can be relayed in words. We can say we’re being truthful. People demand of us to tell the truth. And we can describe circumstances in an honest or faithful way. But what we’re talking about with Gate 61 is very different in this regard.

It has to do with trying to interpret truth in a way that can be comprehended by the mind into a sense of “inner knowing.” It’s an uphill job sometimes, but it doesn’t stop us from coming to some very profound appreciations of life.

The bottom line with Gate 61 is that truth happens in a silent mind. It’s the gap between the words. It’s the gap between the notes. That’s where it is. All the sudden, you just know. But the moment you start thinking about it, it’s gone. So, the real question is: Can you stay in that state of knowing? And if you can, do you ever want to come out of it again?



Gate 61 - Inner Truth



Let’s take a look at Gate 61 in the Human Design Chart line by line:


First Line: Having Perception

The first line always lays out the foundation of the hexagram. And the foundation of inner truth is being able to read your surroundings, being able to engage or associate with the truth. What we say about the first line is that it’s very physical, very hands on. It’s always involved and engaged. And here the line is called, “Having Perception: Quietly allowing your psychic attunement.”

Since it has this ability to read into things, most people I know with Gate 61 with the first line in their Human Design Chart have psychic abilities. And one key aspect of the first line here is to allow that psychic attunement. But it’s one thing to have that attunement. It’s another thing to tell people about it without freaking them out. You have to be really clear about it.

You have the means to probe deeply into some of the profound inner workings of life. But there comes that point in time where you have to be clear on whether or not this is something you can relay into somebody’s life in a way that will benefit them. If you try too hard to align with the psychic, esoteric realms, you run the risk of losing your audience, and even worse, losing touch with reality itself.


Second Line: Shining Light

The second line is called “Shining light: Finding the thread of truth in anything.” Second lines just have that gift. They’re geniuses. They’re brilliant. They’re capable of seeing things, and they can find the truth in anything. They just look right into something and there it is.

The question is, what do you do with this ability to see things, to tune into what is truthful? You either have the inner development to contain your compelling inspirations or not. The key is to look to yourself first. Be happy in yourself. Make sure your own life is working well first.

You know that you shine brightly, but have difficulty in handling others’ recognition of that. You have a tendency to shy away, to not want to engage. At times it can seem like too much, like you can see too much. So, the impulse is to just shut it down. For a lot of people this happens in childhood. Often, children who shine brightly in this way tend to get shut down. They have these abilities, but no filter, and it’s too much for people. So, they discourage you, they tell you to just “be normal”.

The fact remains that you have this gift to inspire other people. And psychic abilities have to be expanded and trusted and recognized. The thing is, they also have to be grounded in something substantial.


Third Line: Remaining Inner-dependent

The third line is always seeking to be the first one in to make the connection that nobody else can make. Here the line is called, “Remaining Inner-dependent: Staying true in your own life.” The key thing here is that it’s not interdependent, but inner-dependent.

What this means in terms of Human Design and the Human Design Chart is being really clear with your Type and Authority. It means having a clear sense of how the energy moves within you and how you make decisions. Gate 61 can overflow with bright shiny objects and esoteric experiences. All kinds of striking things to chase after.

The whole thing with esoteric experiences and psychic gifts is that one leads to the next, to the next, to the next, and so on. The trick is to enjoy these things without getting stuck with them. Being independent from them even while you’re exploring and enjoying them. And this comes from trusting yourself and having that inner-dependence.


Fourth Line: Holding Higher Truth

The fourth line here is called “Holding Higher Truth.” Truth is indeed inner truth. Does anyone else get it at the same time? Highly unlikely. It’s a very deeply personal experience. But the fourth line is telling you to trust in your own achievement, your own ability to appreciate what it is that life is offering you.

Only by following your clarity will you find resonant truth in others. Every now and again you’ll find somebody else who’s really got it. And the fourth line is very interested in bringing people together that are in the same attunement. But no matter what, you seek the truth in any situation, whether you are inspired from within or from other people. There’s nothing like having that resonant truth inside yourself.


Fifth Line: Being Ingenious.

The fifth line is called “Being Ingenious.” Fifth lines have this extraordinary ability to just point out what for them is obvious, but for the rest of us is a mystery. They can see over the top of things, they can see potential solutions in many aspects of life. And the whole thing is how do they relay that to people? How do they relay the truth to people?

You have to find innovative ways to relay your knowing. The world is full of Bibles and Bhagavad-Gita’s and Qurans, and all kinds of amazing tomes. Stories about people that “got it.” Truth was revealed to them and they, as much as possible, lived a life that was in accord with that truth. And they tried to relay that truth into the world in an innovative way.

So, the fifth line has that thing of being ingenious, being innovative. It can find a way to steer the story in ways that allow people to drop into their own appreciation of truth. By abiding by your principles, you impart truth to others, whether they accept it easily or not. The fifth line can often be called a heretical line. The truth isn’t always so easy to hear and understand by those who are caught up in their own dogma. So, fifth lines can get ostracized for their trouble.


Sixth Line: Being Insightful

The sixth line here is called “Being Insightful: Universal expressions of truth are not always recognized.” Six lines can see the whole nature of truth, but the question is, how do you get others to see it? How do you get people get to see that they need to up level their life? They need to get out of the ruts and the dictates and the creeds that everyone’s given them and begin to establish their own.

How do you illustrate the truth? How do you make it practical? How do you encourage people to find their own way? Ultimately, it’s through meditation that we find out what makes the clock tick inside. That’s how to relay truth. You show others the tangible reality. People can recognize the truth when they see people who live in truth.

Expressing your truth through personal experiences can inspire others practically or not. That’s the best you can do. Put it out there and see if people get it or not. See if people want to change their ways.

So, there’s a lot to consider around this 61st Gateway. It’s very, very powerful and it can pressure us to bring about extraordinary growth in our life. We can get these massive jumps of consciousness when those insights come to us, and all of a sudden, everything’s different. But ultimately, truth is something that goes beyond the mind. It happens to us in silence, when we “get it.”


So, there we are, that’s the 61st Gateway in the Human Design Chart. We’ll check in again soon. In the meantime, if you’d like to learn more about Human Design and discover how your own Design informs and shapes your life, get your Free Human Design Report today.
