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The Book of Lines: Human Design Gate 55, Abundance, Lines 1-6

Human Design Gate 55 image

The Book of Lines: Human Design Gate 55, Abundance, Lines 1-6

Last time, we explored Hexagram 30, learning to indulge and enjoy our desires without being governed by them. Now, the sun has moved on into Human Design Gate 55, which is the one we call “Abundance.”

We can look at this particular Hexagram in two ways: We can see it as the nature of material abundance and what it means to live in an abundant Universe. And we can also see it in terms of spiritual abundance. Spirit can only be abundance. It only knows of an abundant Universe. It doesn’t know of things like economy, or shortage, or limitations. Spirit is not reasonable or rational, it doesn’t bother much about the rule systems here on planet Earth.



Hexagram 55 is the Gateway of Abundance and it’s also the Gateway of the Unbreakable Spirit. And those of you that have the 55th Human Design Gate, or know somebody with the 55 in their Design, will know that whatever happens, in the end you always find your way through.

The Earth plane offers us some very weird experiences sometimes (violence, wars, starvation, pestilence, and all kinds of crazy things). But the 55th Gate somehow sees the way through it. It sees the reality of it, but it also has the capacity to see a greater sense of meaning in everything. It craves freedom that is neither freedom from, nor freedom for…unfettered freedom!


Human Design Gate 55 image


 Let’s see how this plays out in the 55th Human Design Gate line by line:


First Line: Relating

The first line always holds the energy of the whole Hexagram. It lays out the whole foundation. Here the line is called, “Relating: Being open and available to those of like mind and sentiment.”

As I said above, the 55th Gateway, in its nature, is unreasonable. And I’m not going say the world is reasonable by any means, but there are some people who are very set on following certain rules and certain ways of behaving, and they don’t necessarily have a lot of room to expand into unreasonable behaviors and sentiments.

Some people, sadly, have lost touch with their spirit, and as such are not inclined toward creative expression. So, the first line is involved in recognizing that there are some people who are going to get you and really appreciate you, and there are some who just won’t. And as the Sun goes through the 55, you’ll find yourself in a very spirited mood. So, just be aware that a lot of people are not going to be on your level. They just can’t plug into it. Which means, in a social context, the spirit will still shine through, but maybe you take a slightly modified approach to who you’re going to engage with.


Second Line: Remaining Innocent

All second lines have the quality of being very natural, uncomplicated, even unsophisticated. You express your spirit in an innocent and natural way, which can rub people the wrong way from time to time. And here, the second line is called “Remaining Innocent: Holding your own when surrounded by skepticism.”

With second lines, there is always the potential to appear unsophisticated and try to make up for it by stepping out of your own natural way and adopting other people’s ways. So, this is a call to hold your own. Stay true to your natural flow, even if you feel slightly out of step with those around you.

The second line can quite easily provoke suspicion in others. Others who aren’t in step with you might be put off by your spirited nature. But that’s exactly what it is: your nature. Trusting your senses, you’ll align with those who live in accord with your own reality. It’s about finding those who get you, who resonate with and appreciate your innocent, natural way.


Third Line: Eclipsing

Third lines are experimental. They gamble. They take risks. And here the line is called, “Eclipsing: Being your best in challenging circumstances.” Sometimes you can express your spirit very easily. But if you find it’s not the right occasion for it, it can be halted. When this happens, you either find your strength and patience, or you feel compelled to react.

Remember, there’s a difference between reacting and responding. Responding comes from a clear, conscious, present space. Reacting comes from an unconscious space. When you react, you tend to borrow behaviors and ideas according to outside norms and expectations, rather than following your own natural flow.

You have the emotional discipline to survive failure without taking it too personally. It’s an “oh well, it didn’t quite work out” attitude. Even in the biggest disaster, you might find yourself having a celebratory dance, celebrating the experience, the lessons learned, rather than complaining about the results.


Fourth Line: Brightening

The fourth line here is called, “Brightening: Your inner wisdom shines out for other people in difficult times.” The fourth line is very influential. It’s looking to join with others in a common intent and has a great potential wisdom that shines out for everybody else.

Your spirited nature aligns with others in making wise decisions that bring great abundance. Don’t you love it when you just get showered with this sensation of abundance? It can come in so many shapes and forms. You can go out in nature and see everything is blooming and feel these extraordinary touches of the abundance life can offer us.

The other side of this is that, in attracting others with your spirited nature, you easily rush into decisions that cause upsets. Again, spirit is unreasonable, and there can be a pushy energy to get other people involved in an expression of spirit. And this pushing can lead you to rush into decisions that you aren’t quite clear on and might not be right for you.


Fifth Line: Counseling

The fifth line here is called, “Counseling: Being quite clear in the companions that you have.” It goes back to this idea of “who’s with me and who’s not?” Who in your sphere is constrained to live their life by rule systems, and who still has the remembrance of what their spirited nature is all about?

What the fifth line is saying here is to be very clear in the companions you have. Who are the ones that get you? Who are the ones that appreciate your spirited nature? They’re the ones that are going to have an extraordinary abundance in their life experience through interacting with you.

Innovative in applying your ideals and councils to others, you provide great abundance. But on the other side of it, you engage the council of others intelligently, but might feel conditioned and restrained. It’s really tough for a spirited nature to feel restrained and shut down. To feel like you’re not getting the approval, the company, or the engagement with what you really want to express. You’ll probably find that committees are not your thing.


Sixth Line: Being Selfless

The sixth line has the overview of the whole Hexagram. And here, the line is called “Being Selfless: Holding open views and much allowance for your world.” The sixth line can see the whole cornucopia of abundance on offer. Everything’s overflowing. But some people insist on being limited, held back, and unable to embrace their spirited nature and their abundance. They lose the sense of fun in life.

It is easy to abandon those less fortunate than yourself if you are not watchful. We see this play out all the time in the form of income inequality and the hording of wealth and resources, and so on. There’s a massive imbalance, and sooner or later, something has to shift. There’s a degree of responsibility in this whole approach to being abundant in life. A call to share an openness of spirit.

You have the discipline to use your abundance to further the lives of yourself and others, but if you take yourself too seriously, you’ll miss much of the fun that life offers. And that’s the essence of Human Design Gate 55. It opens us up to recognizing that we are here to have an unrestricted sense of freedom in life, that nothing needs hold us back. It’s answering the question: can you be the spirit in human form? Can you be an abundant presence here in this particular part of your life?


So, there we are, that’s the 55th Human Design Gate. We’ll check in again soon. In the meantime, if you’d like to learn more about Human Design and discover how your own Design informs and shapes your life, get your Free Human Design Report today.
