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The Human Design System & The Book of Lines: Hexagram/Gate 40, Deliverance, Lines 1-6

Human Design System

The Human Design System & The Book of Lines: Hexagram/Gate 40, Deliverance, Lines 1-6

How does the Human Design System help us to recognize our sovereign nature? How do we come to understand and appreciate our ability to be effective as individuals in life and in our community?

 Today, we’ll explore the energetic changes that take place as the sun moves into gateway 40 and see what the Human Design System has to tell us about this unique activation.



Gate 40 is called “Deliverance,” and it’s part of what we call the Tribal Circuitry. The keyword for Tribal Circuitry in the Human Design System is “support” because it relates to how we support each other and our role in bringing about improvement and/or growth within our family tribe, community corporation, client base, etc.

So, in this context of the community, we see that the 40th gateway is all about finding our place in the family and finding out how we contribute to the family. And it has a very particular role to play in this family dynamic as we will see in greater detail when we look through each line.

But first, a little bit on willpower, because willpower plays a big part in the energy for this week, because in part, gate 40 is about using willpower to differentiate between struggle and liberation, whether or not we’ve done the right thing, made the right commitments. Willpower is an amazing energy. And if you don’t have that center defined, which most people don’t, then while the sun moves through the 40th gateway, you’re going to get this channel by transit (the 40, 37). It’s going to be community week, or family week, if you will.

So, let’s get into it line by line:


Human Design System


First Line: Recovery

The 40th gateway is reliable, dependable, and efficient. That’s the whole nature of willpower. The willpower energy is all about getting things done as efficiently as possible. And so, during this time when the sun is in the 40th gate, we might find ourselves committing to things and really powering through them and then needing rest.

That’s why the first line here is called “recovery”. It’s a great time to be among family and friends, where you’re in a support group where everybody’s fulfilling their part and getting it done. And after any achievement is complete, you can best consolidate your situation by resting, finding ways to enjoy your aloneness and relaxation after your exertions.


Second Line: Natural Effort

The second line has a very natural way of committing to things. It says, “I’m gonna do my thing and I’m expecting everyone else to do theirs.” It’s all about clearly finding your own way to do things. If something is holding you up or blocking you, you have no question or doubts about it, you’re going to do it. You’re going to find your way of getting through it. And “your way,” whatever that is, comes down to following our own Type and Authority and being sovereign in your own nature.


Third Line: Being Whole

Here, the third line has to do with matching your lifestyle with your unruffled inner being. The third line is always in this position of, “is it gonna work? Am I gonna get my fingers burned again?” And with this 40th gateway, there’s an independence. There is a deliverance. And there’s an availability of willpower energy. So, the third line is saying, “If I’m gonna do this, I really have to be clear in my own resources and my own energy and my own design.” But there is a danger of falling into ego expression here.

The third line has a tendency to separate the accomplishing of the task from the actual issue at hand. It wants to just exert its willpower and go it alone. And in doing so, you might accomplish what you’re trying to get done, but you will also end up distancing yourself from the company around you—your family or tribe, in terms of the Human Design System.


Fourth Line: The Reality Check

The fourth line is always outgoing. It always has a certain fragility around it. The fragility of wanting to be supported or wondering if support will be there. It says, “Are they gonna like what I’m doing here? If I put out my effort, am I gonna get the input from the rest of the community here?”

So, the key word here is “reality checks” because it involves the need to review your tendency to include unrealistic partnerships. There will be times when you think you’re working in concert with others, and it seems like everybody is on board and pitching in and in agreement, and then you find out that isn’t the case. That’s why the emphasis here is on realizing that perceptions change constantly, and you need to drop all alliances that limit your freedom.


Fifth Line: Liberation

The fifth line can take on a leadership role, or a teaching role. And here the fifth line is called “liberating” and it’s all about being clear in your separation from outside interference.

The key here is in recognizing that in any commitment (whether it’s with family, a company, clients, business associates, etc.) there’s always a possibility that the other side is not going to come through with their end of the bargain. So, the fifth line has to be absolutely clear that the only way things are going to work is if everybody’s on the same page. In a world full of hazards, you require that all your associations are supportive and relevant.


Sixth Line: The Definitive Stance

This is where your clear conviction purposely removes all barriers that hamper your liberation. The 40 with the sixth line can see everything that’s going on and know if it’s likely to be a good deal or not. It knows if the arrangements, contracts, partnerships or associations are right. And if they aren’t, the sixth line is prepared to scrap it and move on. It is ready to overcome the reluctance to be free, and it’s willing and able to remove anyone and anything impeding its progress.

The danger here is that removing obstacles as a rule in life can cause you to use unnecessarily severe measures. So just in these last days of the sun in the 40th gateway, it’s important to be very clear that there’s a possibility of dismissing people and things without any real consideration, without actually going with your Authority.

It may be time to move on. It may be time to find a whole different community, but it may also be a time to see your goodness, how blessed you are to be in this community, because there is a valuable reciprocal energetic relationship here.

 To learn more about the Human Design System, and to discover how your own Design informs and shapes your life, get your Free Human Design Report today.

