Desires come in many forms, shapes and sizes but mostly they are associated with our having direct experiences in life. Desires can involve sex, food, drugs, sports, relationships, fun, excitement, gambling and all of life’s ups and downs. If we honestly examine the nature of our desires we find that they are mostly impersonal, we just crave an experience. The question for us each is, does living out any particular desire bring true fulfillment or not?
Since the end of December 2009 and until February 12th, 2012, the outer planet Neptune is moving back and forth through Gate 30, the Gate of Desires, continuing its effect on us all until May 5th, 2012.
The nature of the planet Neptune might declare something like : “I love you because you are you, and offer you the freedom to do anything.” It is visionary, psychic and attuned to the mystical realm. During the time Neptune is in Gate 30, among other things, we shall see the development of a cornucopia of new ideals for humanity and the betterment of our planet.
As Neptune passes through Gate 30, we are all going to have a heightened sense of being offered an array of experiences that can either increase or decrease our sense of fulfillment in life. So, the question arises, how to enter into any experience in a way that brings us fulfillment?
Desires can be lived out in two different ways : Hesitation or Totality.
Hesitation comes when you are not entirely clear that a desire is either allowed or likely to be fulfilling. It is like tip-toeing into a fire and then standing with one foot in and one foot out, eventually becoming consumed by the fire/desire and never really experiencing it.
Totality comes when we are 100% certain that we will engage with an experience. With complete clarity, we dive into the fire/desire, experience it with our whole being and come out the other side, perhaps slightly singed, but satisfied, completed, and no longer hankering for that particular experience.
If you have Gate 30 activated in your Life Chart, it is going to be accentuated in the next couple of years by Neptune’s presence, giving you an extra requirement to be really clear in what you seek to experience.
If you don’t have Gate 30 activated in your Life Chart then you can expect some interesting fantasies and possibilities to be offered to you.
To know if you are clear to follow through and experience anything that life offers you, trust your own Authority from your own Life Chart.
You can find your Authority by using the free software on :
and by reading all about it in Chetan’s book :
Human Design, Discover the Person You Were Born To Be :
Enjoy your journey with Neptune!
Chetan Parkyn