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Получите свое Бесплатное Толкование в Дизайне Человека

ROCK your RESULTS The Secret to Success in your Career, Relationships & Life Begins
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Neutrinos, Human Design, and the Foundation of Consciousness

Neutrinos, Human Design, and the Foundation of Consciousness

You are unique, an irreplaceable expression of consciousness in Human Form. And in Human Design, Neutrinos represent a foundational part of your unique essence.

Everything in this Universe is recognizable through its particular frequency. Scientists are beginning to comprehend how matter exists.  However, they still have trouble actually describing or even finding any of the actual pieces that make up what has been called atoms or sub-atomic particles. When they look closely enough, there is much more space than there is anything solid.

Everything interacts through frequencies.

We tend to take for granted our physical bodies and how their intricate mechanisms work without our constant attention; how we walk and talk, how we eat and digest, how we breathe and how our hearts keep blood flowing throughout our bodies.  It is often only when something in our body seems to malfunction that we give it our attention


In Human Design, when Ra (Robert Alan Krakower) received the initial download in 1987, he was told that the whole system of Human Design rested on what was at that time a theory: Neutrinos.

He was told that Neutrinos were minuscule solid particles of mass that were emitted by all-stars, and flew in all directions, faster than the speed of light, and passed through everything.  They were in essence, the “messengers” of the Universe.

Fortunately, the existence of Neutrinos was proven by scientists in Canada and Japan in 1997, and another mysterious piece of the puzzle of life was established.

Each star has its unique identity and emits Neutrinos with unique frequencies. These Neutrinos take off in all directions, and some find their way into and through our solar system.  On their way, they pass through everything, and because they have mass, they leave flavors of their presence and particular frequencies.

So, a unique stream of Neutrinos from a specific starfield passes through one of the planets in our solar system, which itself has its own unique composition and frequency, and then passes through us humans, influencing us and everything around us, before racing off to the other ends of the Universe.



Neutrinos, Human Design, and Consciousness

We find ourselves as re-broadcasters of consciousness, and as consciousness (hopefully) evolves through us, we influence everything. The more that can be done to embrace our unique frequency as individuals, enhance the presence and clarity in our lives, then the more the evolution of consciousness happens universally. Human Design provides a very clear means to accept ourselves, recognize what our gifts are, and how to utilize them most effectively.

We are ideally aware of the moment of birth of a child, but any Human Design chart also maps a moment in time 88 degrees of solar arc, (approximately 3 months before the birth), when the fetus becomes “viable,” and the incoming soul has a place to connect when the neo-cortex in the fetus’ brain “turns on.”

Anyone who has a Human Design chart will know that there are two calculations involved: one at the moment of birth that describes the Conscious attributes of the child, or what can be described as the upcoming “Personality” makeup; and the second calculation for that moment when the Unconscious, or “Design” qualities are etched in, according to ancestral genetics, or perhaps “past life” influences.

Each calculation involves finding the placement of the Sun, Moon, the “Nodes” of the Moon, (describing the life-destiny path), and each of the planets in our solar system, relative to the starfields in our Universe, and their streams of neutrinos.

Melding Frequencies

So, we have these two sets of calculations involving in all, 26 specific frequencies: Starfield Neutrino stream frequency, plus planetary frequency, 13 each activating a specific part of our Conscious genetic makeup at the moment of birth, and also 13 activating the Unconscious attributes, at 88 degrees of solar arc previously.

Supposing you have a keyboard or a stringed instrument that plays any frequencies you want, and simultaneously you play the 13 Conscious and 13 Unconscious frequencies….

That is you, or at least that is your unique frequency, perfect melody, your song, your symphony, your temple for this lifetime, and your life journey.

You come into this world with a distinctive nature. Perfect for you and whatever soul contract you have taken on.


The earliest moments in life, and perhaps even the time leading up to your birth, are going to provide much of the conditioning that goes about shaping and also interrupting your life journey and distorting your natural frequency.

Are you a wanted child, or a “mistake?” Are you born into a peaceful or frantic environment? Are your parents ready and able to nurture you in a loving partnership? Are you recognized as a unique soul now entering human form to engage all the unique gifts and talents you bring with you?

That is something each of us has to encounter, along with all the powerful global influences that continue to assail us in the collective unconscious as we move further into life.


Fortunately, if you know your date, time, and place of birth we can create your Human Design chart, and re-establish for you, your perfect essence that is here to help you find your way back to your own unique presence. In this presence you can live the life your soul designed, experience fulfillment, and fully celebrate this extraordinary opportunity of life.

If you have a Generator or Manifesting Generator Type of Design, your “gut response” indicates someone or something either matching or mismatching your unique frequency.

If you have a Projector Type of Design, again, a frequency match or mismatch in a situation or invitation can indicate a potential involvement or avoidance.

If you have a Manifestor Type of Design, or perhaps we might say “Self-Catalyzing” Type of Design, an inner sense of engagement or activity is attuning through your unique frequency to something that either needs to happen or not.

With a Reflector Type of Design, you are constantly attuning to the melodies of the Universe and will sooner or later come to realize that you are the Universe (in human form!)

Remember: you are not here to follow someone else’s star, no matter how bright it appears to be.

You are not here to repeat someone else’s words or deeds, except to use them as a springboard into your own dance with consciousness….

You are here to be you.

If you’d like to begin the process of discovering how better to understand and express your unique consciousness, you’re invited to get your Free Human Design Report today or consider joining our Human Design Training.

If you have questions, schedule a Discovery Session here









