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Holen Sie sich Ihren kostenlosen Human-Design Report

ROCK your RESULTS The Secret to Success in your Career, Relationships & Life Begins
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Best-selling author, co-creator of the Chicken Soup for the Soul series, co-author of The Success Principles and a featured teacher in the movie “The Secret”, has this to say about his recent Human Design Reading with Chetan:

“First, Chetan is an amazing man with an incredible depth of knowledge and wisdom—as well as a great sense of humor. Second, the readings were informative, extremely helpful, and what I consider to be extremely accurate.

I came away with a deeper understanding and acknowledgment of my strengths and my challenges, and a more profound acceptance of myself—who I am and who I am not—which left me feeling an even greater permission to just be myself, which is always a pleasant relief.”
- Jack Canfield
Best-selling author, Jack Canfield about his Human Design Reading with Chetan
World Class Artist, thought leader and past wife and partner of Anthony Robbins, world-famous Personal Growth Leader, Life Coach and Self-help author, and Creator of “The Giant Within”

“Human Design unlocked an inner code I’d never encountered in other disciplines, a code I could apply to my way of being, my decision making.

This multi-faceted system also enabled me to understand the ‘designs’ of others, including my children and friends. Ten years on, I continue to use my Human Design chart as my constant companion and guide.”
Becky Robbins
Becky Robbins, Co-Creator of "The Giant Within"
"I am literally living a different life than when I started work with Carola. I chose to work with her because I wanted to make a change in my personal life, and I couldn't figure out why I hadn't been able to make that change, even though intellectually I knew it was the right thing for me. Carola worked with me on many levels, and in the end, I came to a place where I chose to change my life rather than just forcing it like I had tried to do in the past.

Even more importantly, I have begun to live life with joy - I am truly a happy person and my work with Carola was a big part of me finding happiness. As a bonus, my business has increased exponentially! She is an outstanding mentor, and I highly recommend her for anyone who wants to live an exceptional life."
Jessica Olmon, Founder, Course Corrected
"My business has increased exponentially!"
“Chetan Parkyn’s one-of-a-kind wisdom and insight into the lives of humanity is truly transformational for those on a personal development path in life.

The body of work that Chetan offers individuals in search of knowing themselves to the core is by far the most unique and revealing information I’ve experienced. He gives you your step-by-step guide to a level of self-awareness few people have had the chance to experience.”
Gina DeVee
Gina DeVee, Highly acclaimed Success Coach to women entrepreneurs
I chose to engage Carola in her "Transformation and Business Success" Program early this year and after about 8 months of working with her on a regular basis, I can say that I have shifted in some very positive ways on a cellular level.

I am so grateful for this process - we have coaching calls twice a month and have had one of my VIP days with her already. Carola is an amazing teacher, healer and coach.

I have done lots of transformational work over much of my life and it all has contributed to a higher awareness of myself and others and the Life forces that operate through us. However, I find Carola to be a specially gifted Healer, and in my case, this has provided me with a new lightness of being and clarity around my truth on so many levels, that this alone is Priceless! My business is growing and I am having more fun in life altogether!!
Lorena Checa AIA LEED AP, Principal, ChecaArchitects
"I have shifted in very positive ways on a cellular level."
“Chetan and I started working together first and for me, I had this massive breakthrough in my business. It became easier to make decisions that felt good, that worked out from there. I was so excited about the results that I was getting in my life and my business, that I started recommending the Human Design program to my clients.

I wish that every single one of my clients would have their Human Design done so that we could work from that as we develop their sales strategy, as we develop their marketing strategy, as we build their team, as we decide which clients they should approach and which clients they shouldn’t approach, so they literally stop wasting energy.”
Angelique Rewers, Business Coach, The Corporate Agent
"I had a massive breakthrough in my business!"
“I’ve been working with Carola for over a year, and my life has magically changed as a result. Her tremendous gifts of healing, transformation, counseling, coaching, and insight coupled with her incredible wisdom of astrology and Human Design make her truly unique and absolutely perfect as a guide and mentor for me to step into the full expression of who I am and the work I am here to do in the world.

Carola’s brilliant integration of an amazing set of tools and methodologies along with the many years of her own healing and personal work give her the ability to help me overcome anything that is in my way. My healing sessions with her have been truly mind-blowing in the most positive sense, allowing me to release blocks and beliefs that were holding me back from stepping into the powerful and influential work I am here to do this lifetime. She is fearless in holding space in the darkest places, giving me a sense of safety and support to navigate the most terrifying inner landscapes so I can find my deepest truth and light to bring into the world.

I have grown more than I thought possible over the last year, and as a result, am stepping into a much bigger role of service and contribution in the world than I never allowed myself to imagine, but knew somewhere deep down inside was my true purpose. I am eternally grateful for her love, friendship, devotion to my true unfoldment and her amazing presence. She is a guide among guides!”
Nancy Monson, Executive Coach
"My life has magically changed!"
“All the problems that we experience in our life come from not knowing our true self and the power that it contains. Since I was a boy, I had questions about myself that after 25 years of intense study remained unanswered.

Chetan and Human Design answered those questions in one session and forever changed my life in very practical and measurable ways. I instantly experienced a difference in my relationships and business that translated into more profit for my company and me.

If you have questions that remain unanswered, Human Design will answer them once and for all.”
David Neagle, Multimillionaire Income Acceleration Coach
"One session with Chetan changed my life in very practical & measurable ways."
“I have worked with Carola for approximately the last 5 years. I cannot recommend her more highly. This is an amazing process, an amazing journey….. learning about probably the most important thing in your life, which is knowing yourself. She has an amazing gift that will open your eyes….through Human Design and her Astrological work.

Going through the Human Design process awakens you to realize that sometimes you live your life as not who you really are, but maybe how society wants you to be, or how others want you to be, or how you’ve been conditioned. It gives you the freedom to really look at yourself and see who you are…..It’s an amazing thing and it’s never-ending.

I still to this day look back on my chart [readings] and find things that I see coming into play now, and it’s exciting, enjoyable and fun!”
Deborah Read, Film Director and Actress, Santa Monica, CA
"Carola has an amazing gift that will open your eyes."
I came to work with Carola at a point in my business where I had kind of maxed out my growth and I really didn’t know how to get beyond where I was. It was as if my own sort of strategic, rational mind had gone as far as I could take it. I needed guidance in terms of what was beyond that. Working with Carola helped me to get access and connection to my soul’s path and to the deeper purpose of my work. And to resolve some experiences in my life that were holding me back. I am very grateful for that…
Ron Wilder, CEO, Aligned Action
"Working with Carola helped me to get access and connection to my soul’s path and to the deeper purpose of my work..."
"Thank you, Chetan. The work we did on my Human Design was an amazing inside scoop of who I am and how I work in the world and with the world.

I feel the perspective and insight enabled me to be a better coach, partner, and team leader. Once you have the deep level of awareness you provide, you cannot behave in old patterns.

New ideas, money, people, and opportunities abound because you actually see them from truth.”
Suzanne Evans, one of the leading Business Success Coaches in the U.S.
"New ideas, money, people and oportunities abound..."
“Having my Human Design Reading with Chetan was the best gift I have ever given myself—and those around me.

Decisions came a lot easier. How I interact and communicate with my team changed for the better. And I started earning a lot more money. After my reading, I realized I needed further support—not only in how to best live by my Design, but also to heal old wounds I’d been hauling around—and decided to hire Carola as my coach.

Over the past year working together, she’s helped me release unwanted paradigms that were keeping me from success and inner peace. I’m more confident as a business owner and a leader, I’m finally living life on my terms, and reaping the financial rewards I’ve set out to reach.

Thanks to both of you for transforming my life!”
Michelle Salater, Sūmèr, LLC
"One session with Chetan changed my life in very practical & measurable ways."
“The first time I met Chetan was to discuss the publication of his book, and I knew immediately that he had an important reason to be in the world.

The intuitive way he works with your Human Design brings an extraordinary moment of insight into your journey. His deep understanding, knowledge and consciousness helps you paint a picture of what is, and what is possible.

Working with both Chetan and Carola together has been a unique experience, as Carola brings a different awareness, compassion and consciousness to the conversation. Together they are a unique and magical force. Recently I made a life changing decision to leave my work of the past 25 years and my first thought was to talk with both Chetan and Carola.

Together they have helped me stay conscious, held me to account, and encouraged me to sit still, to not be fearful and to trust. It is always an honour, and a joy, to work with both of them. “
Belinda Budge, past Group Publisher for Harper-Collins, UK
"Together, Chetan and Carola are a powerful force."
"I have worked with Carola for about 15 years, maybe a little bit longer. During that time, I worked with her as an astrologer, but primarily in relation to the Human Design work.

I am an attorney by profession and I was a bit rationalistically skeptical as to how the Human Design would work and how valuable of a tool it would be. But I have to say I have been profoundly amazed by not only how the Human Design analysis itself is accurate, but more than that, …..is about the work I’ve done with her since.

Carola has a tremendous intuitive insight and when that’s augmented by the work with the Human Design… it makes for an extremely powerful guide…. She has [given me] a tremendous amount of very solid input and helped me understand my life, and its flow, and to navigate, effectively all the twists and turns that we all face going through life.”
David Endres, Attorney, Davis, CA
"I was skeptical... but profoundly amazed."
“I started working with Carola in 1995, because that was the year my daughter died and I took over raising her children. Carola helped me tremendously by showing me timing events around Kirsten’s death….it began to put [her death] in order and meaning for me.

She helped me with understanding my grandchildren and how to better parent them, and to clarify what I wanted…. during the period of time that I was going to be raising them. Since then my grandchildren have grown, and Carola’s work with me was extremely instrumental.

She has an enormously well trained and very intuitive grasp of human nature and how best to attain self-knowledge. Carola uses an extremely accurate and very extensive vocabulary to do this…..

I’ve recommended her to many, many, of my clients and never even close to one disappointment, always a sense of increasing self-knowledge and support and deeper understanding, as her universal guidance personalizes itself to each client.”
Ellae Elinwood, Published Author and Intuitive Counselor, Ashland, OR and San Diego, CA
"Carola's work with me was extremely instrumental."
"I had the privilege and the honor of receiving Human Design Readings from Chetan. They gave me tremendous insight into my life. I can reflect on my life and see times when I’ve been in alignment with my Human Design, my life works very well and times when I’ve been out of alignment with my Human Design and that didn’t work so well.

I still listen to the recordings of my Readings with Chetan on a regular basis. I also did a mentoring program with Chetan to deepen the understanding of my design, and the application of it in key scenarios where I needed to make decisions or interact with people in business. It was very helpful for me to understand what approaches were going to work for me and what were not.
Ron Wilder, CEO, Aligned Action
"When I've been in alignment with my Human Design, my life works very well."
“Carola has changed our lives; she is a miracle worker as far as we’re concerned in our family….

When I met Carola I was at a real crossroads in my life. After having raised four children and performing charity work for the past 35 years, I was at a loss to see where my life was going. Carola helped me to see what was holding me back from moving forward and how to experience joy in my life.

I had my two daughters meet with her also. She was able to help them heal childhood wounds that they had had a lot of therapy on before but obviously didn’t heal entirely. It kept them from having healthy relationships, taking the steps to have a healthy life. There was a lot of trauma from our divorce.

Carola is just amazing, she uses her unique abilities to be able to understand almost immediately what you’ve dealt with in your life and what you’re not seeing. It’s like she can see your fears and your strengths from the very first session you have with her. What’s great about Carola is that she can work miracles in a very short time.” Since my daughters and I have gone to her, we have sent several of our friends who have had the same amazing results.”
Caroline Geddes, Malibu, CA
"Carola helped me to see what was holding me back from moving forward."
"With great kindness and boundless compassion, Chetan walked me through my own life story, giving me insight into what had previously been some pretty murky territory.

His clarity has caused me to find new ways to capitalize on my strengths (which is bringing in new business right and left!) and to quit doing some of the old behaviors that were keeping me stuck.

Chetan is a teacher's teacher -- a wise man working at a whole new level of consciousness. A reading with him is a not-to-be-missed experience!"
Samantha Bennett, The Organized Artist Company
"A reading with Chetan is not to be missed!"
"Chetan's reading confirmed many things about myself that I'd suspected but couldn't be sure about and opened me up to some new, valuable insights.

I used to struggle with unhealthy business relationships that left me drained — physically, emotionally, spiritually, and financially. Now, I only do work I love with people I love — I feel peace and gain strength every day in my business and personal life.

If you're ready to receive the self-awareness that he'll give you, it will transform your life. If you're not ready, get ready!"
Vanessa Z. Mills, Zamora Creative
"I feel peace and gain strength every day."
"Human Design has been the biggest gift in my life. Reading my first basic chart, I understood something very, very deep about myself. I hope to use Human Design to help other people to become the most authentic self they can be. It takes a lot of courage to step into that place. The Human Design chart is the blueprint to all of that and more.”
Kat Adami, Sydney, Australia
"Human Design has been the biggest gift in my life."
"I wasn't sure what to expect when I signed up for my Human Design reading. I thought it would be interesting, I thought it would be cool, what I didn't realize was how eye opening it would be.

Unlike any other type of reading I've experienced, this reading answered so many questions for me. It wasn't just a reading based on a chart. Chetan's interpretation of my individual design has given me amazing clarity about my strengths and weaknesses, which has helped my relationships and my business.

I highly recommend that if you want to understand your Human Design and get the best results from a reading, that you work with Chetan. His knowledge and experience truly make the difference."
Tracey C. Webber, Sales Solutions for Your Business
"I didn't realize how eye opening a Reading would be."
"The Reading I received from Chetan was truly astounding.

My life has had its challenges however the Insights he provided me have resulted in a significantly greater commitment to who I am and what my purpose is.

If you are serious about knowing who you truly are and what you should be focused on every day, then you owe it to yourself to learn what you can from this fellow spiritual traveler and put it to work as soon as possible!!"
Greg Halpern, Max Sound Corporation
"The reading with Chetan was truly astounding."
“I have touched base regularly with Carola for at least a decade to gain her wisdom and innate talent for readings. She’s very intuitive and blended with her total and genius grasp of the astrology information added to Human Design.

Throughout the years and during many life changes which were both challenging and rewarding, the guidance I’ve had from Carola, has allowed me to move ahead with a depth of understanding that has been practical and innovative for me and my future.

The gift she has for allowing an altered state of consciousness to pour through her affects me each time and I wouldn’t dream of navigating and negotiating this life without her!”
Becky Robbins, Artist, Writer, Philanthropist
"I wouldn’t dream of navigating and negotiating this life without her!"
“I always look forward to Chetan & Carola's Energies and Opportunities monthly call. The information presented gives me clarity on the events that have transpired and deep insight on the themes playing out all around me.

I can better understand what I am experiencing and why. It helps to learn how the Universal energies are supportive to my life and, when they are not, it allows me time to become mentally prepared for the challenges that may arise.

Thank you both for this unique and precious gift you are offering to all of humanity. May you continue to guide us with your wisdom and ability to read the energies in the astrological matrix and in so eloquently decoding the language of Human Design. I am eternally grateful to you both.”
Anna Wrona, Holistic Practitioner, Toronto Canada
"Thank you both for this unique and precious gift you are offering."
“I have to say I was blown away when I first had my Human Design reading by Chetan. It was mind blowing as to how deep the process goes into understanding your entire being, mentally, physically, emotionally, spiritually, and how it also shows how you reflect and show up in the material world.

I’ve now worked with Chetan twice and it really helps me to understand myself and my connection with the universe much better. I highly recommend anyone who’s on a spiritual or personal growth path of understanding themselves, understanding their place in the world, to get your Human Design reading with Chetan, it is quite amazing!”
Steve Rodgers, Alchemy Advisors, Founder/Consultant/Speaker/Author
"I was blown away when I first had my Human Design reading."
"I worked for human design with Chetan on an individual basis for a few months within the last year and then with Chetan and Carola for a business workshop with my team for business development.

This has been one of the most profound experiences of my life learning about my human design opened up insight into my self.

I had absolutely no knowledge of this but as I learnt about my design I began to understand myself better and utilize the knowledge for improved decision making and relating to myself and others in a more refined manner.

It has now become a part of my daily regular routine to check in with myself at a given moment and be guided by my unique authority to make favorable decisions for my wellbeing. It provides me a sense of confidence in my ongoing purpose with the ability to put my energy towards my calling in life.

Our group workshop was one of the best business decisions. It has helped us come together as a team, be more coherent and respectful of each members unique strengths and vulnerabilities

This make for a wonderful ongoing process.

Would highly recommend Human Design for that amazing opportunity for anyone seeking a better understanding of themselves."
Purnima Mehta MD
"One of the most profound experiences of my life learning about my human design."
ROCK your RESULTS The Secret to Success in your Career, Relationships & Life Begins with your FREE Human Design Report!
Get instant access to your free sample report by filling out the form below!