Die meisten Menschen, die in die Welt des Human Design eintreten, beginnen entweder mit unserem kostenlosen Bericht oder dem umfassenden Bericht, der Ihnen einen Überblick über Ihr Design und vorläufige Einblicke gibt, wie Sie damit Ihr Leben verändern können.
Es gibt jedoch einen großen Unterschied zwischen dem Lesen eines Berichts und einer Live-Übertragung von einem menschlichen Designmeister, der Ihnen helfen kann, Ihr einzigartiges Design zu verstehen und zu verkörpern, damit Sie in allen Bereichen Ihres Lebens mehr Erfolg und Leichtigkeit erleben können.
Chetan hat über 10.000 Evolutionary Human Design Readings an eine globale Kundschaft gegeben, darunter Unternehmer, Coaches, Berater, Heiler und weltbekannte Vordenker wie Tony Robbins, Jack Canfield, Suzanne Evans und Gina DeVee.
Carola hat auch über 10.000 Menschen mit einer Kombination aus Human Design, Astrologie, Heilung vergangener Leben und Transformationstherapie gecoacht. Zu ihren Kunden zählen führende Fortune-500-CEOs, Schauspielerinnen, Sportler und führende Unternehmer und Business-Coaches wie Gina DeVee, Becky Robbins, Ron Wilder und Debra Read.
Most people live life on other people’s terms — their parents, their partner, their culture — and never really know what they truly want.
A Human Design Reading will give you the validation and acceptance to be yourself and do things your way, perhaps for the first time.
You’ll also gain insight into how to access your full potential to achieve all the success and fulfillment that’s available to you.
If you’ve already had a personal Human Design reading and want to go deeper, a Relationship Reading will give you insights and strategies on how to strengthen your bond with your partner and overcome clashes and conflicts in your relationship.
You’ll leave this session with a new understanding of your partner and how you can create more intimacy and harmony than you ever imagined possible.
Your life path is the story of your life. In this 90-minute session you’ll discover the purpose of your life and how you can access the full range of your gifts and abilities.
You’ll also gain insight into any issues that have been holding you back, plus clarity on the timeline of your evolution and what the best next moves are for you right now.
Chetan has given over 10,000 Evolutionary Human Design Readings to a global clientele including entrepreneurs, coaches, counselors, healers and world-renowned thought leaders like Tony Robbins, Jack Canfield, Suzanne Evans and David Neagle.
A Human Design Reading with him is so much more than an information session, it’s an expedition into the very core of who you are.
Most people waste valuable time fretting over whether or not they’re making the right decisions. They second-guess themselves in business or social situations, while the biggest opportunities of their life may pass them by.
What if you had the keys to knowing what choices were right for you and exactly when to make them?
What if you had a total understanding of who you are and the life you were born to life?
What if you never had to doubt or second-guess again because you know exactly who you are and what you wanted?
As a Master of the Human Design System, Chetan has the unique ability to simply and clearly connect you with your life’s purpose.
By bringing into stark relief the ways in which you have veered (and been steered away from) your soul’s purpose in this life, your reading will inspire you to live life on your own terms, to relax into your truth and live free from the burdens of outside pressures and expectations.
When you hear Chetan describe you—your life, your feelings, your desires—with pinpoint accuracy, you experience what it is to be truly seen, heard, and accepted for exactly who you are. It’s a feeling of empowerment that resonates through you and into everything you do.
From love and romance, to financial wealth, to general happiness and well-being, a Human Design reading with Chetan can open you up to a new world of opportunities for growth and success.
An Evolutionary Human Design Reading with Chetan gives you the exact blueprint you need to make it happen.
Chetan uses your birth information to delve deep into your unique personal makeup and find out who you really are and reveal your best strategies for success. In your 90-minute session, he cuts through the years of conditioning that have blocked you from expressing yourself authentically, so you can be free to be you.
When you are expressing your authentic self, you learn to flow with the world, and attract the opportunities you desire. No more fretting over whether or not you’ve made the right decisions. No more second-guessing yourself in social or business situations. You’ll find yourself naturally guided toward the situations that bring you greater success and lasting fulfillment.
As a leading Success Coach and Life Transformation Expert, Carola combines her decades of mastery in astrology, psychology and Human Design to support you in creating a highly successful life doing what you love.
Drawing on your Astrology chart, Life Path chart and Human Design, Carola is able to trace the pathway of your entire life’s journey, pointing out all the challenges you’ll face, and the opportunities that will be available to you along the way.
During your 90-minute reading, you and Carola will dive into your past to uncover the meaning behind your greatest challenges and resolve the lingering effects they’ve had on your life. This helps clear the way to identifying your ideal path forward so you can access your highest potential for success.
If you know you want more out of life, but aren’t quite sure what that looks like, a Life Path Reading with Carola will help you clarify your vision and create a plan for making it happen.
Don’t wait to claim the happiness you deserve, start today with a Life Path Reading.
What does it take to maintain a passionate and fulfilling love-life?
Dedication, Practice, and Understanding
Over 50% of relationships end in divorce… and the biggest reason why is that few couples truly understand each other.
You love each other but you „miss“ each other’s needs or „misread“ their intentions on an almost daily basis. The biggest, seemingly intractable problems that you have are usually just differences in Design. And when you learn to understand and love each other for these differences, a new level of harmony and intimacy becomes possible.
Rather than thinking “my partner drives me crazy when he ____” you’ll start to see that your partner is simply living their Design. This opens the door to true acceptance and support.
If you don’t really know your partner, all of these things are impossible. That’s why a Relationship Reading is such a powerful resource for creating a mutually fulfilling relationship.
Using the Human Design Charts of you and your partner, Chetan guides you through the inner workings of your relationship, highlighting how you are designed to relate to each other in the way that best compliments and affirms your unique personalities.
When you have a full understanding of how you and your partner are designed to work together, you do away with miscommunications, resentment and needless bickering, and cultivate an atmosphere of true connection, acceptance and understanding.
With the right guidance you can find and maintain deeply fulfilling and inspiring Love. That’s what you get with a Relationship Reading from Chetan.
“Thank you, Chetan. The work we did on my Human Design was an amazing inside scoop of who I am and how I work in the world and with the world.
I feel the perspective and insight enabled me to be a better coach, partner, and team leader. Once you have the deep level of awareness you provide, you cannot behave in old patterns.
New ideas, money, people, and opportunities abound because you actually see them from truth.”
„I came to work with Carola at a point in my business where I had kind of maxed out my growth and I really didn’t know how to get beyond where I was. It was as if my own sort of strategic, rational mind had gone as far as I could take it. I needed guidance in terms of what was beyond that. Working with Carola helped me to get access and connection to my soul’s path and to the deeper purpose of my work. And to resolve some experiences in my life that were holding me back. I am very grateful for that…“
“Having my Human Design Reading with Chetan was the best gift I have ever given myself—and those around me.
Decisions came a lot easier. How I interact and communicate with my team changed for the better. And I started earning a lot more money. After my reading, I realized I needed further support—not only in how to best live by my Design, but also to heal old wounds I’d been hauling around—and decided to hire Carola as my coach.
Over the past year working together, she’s helped me release unwanted paradigms that were keeping me from success and inner peace. I’m more confident as a business owner and a leader, I’m finally living life on my terms, and reaping the financial rewards I’ve set out to reach.
Thanks to both of you for transforming my life!”