Rather than spending years trying to answer these questions through trial and error, you can get these questions answered for you and discover your true path and purpose with your Comprehensive Human Design Report for just $35.
Do you feel like your life isn’t turning out the way you’d expected?
If you close your eyes and picture your ideal life, how does it differ from your current circumstances?
Even if you’re “successful” by our society’s standards, it’s not uncommon to feel like something is missing, like the picture isn’t complete.
In fact, there is very little correlation between material success and personal fulfillment.
This is why I’ve worked with so many successful, powerful people who tell me they still feel like they’re failing in their lives in some way.
I’m here to tell you that you are not a failure, you are not defective, and you’re not past the point of no return.
Even if you don’t believe it sometimes, you are a uniquely powerful presence in this world, and you CAN create the life that you want to live.
If you’re ready to finally break out of your old cycles and truly thrive, we can work together to make it happen.
The world is full of coaches—business coaches, life coaches, fitness coaches, etc. They’ve all got programs that promise so much, but rarely deliver. In fact, even the “best” coaches out there boast a paltry 15% success rate.
That’s because most of them have borrowed their programs from somebody else. They espouse a particular line of thought that might have worked for them, and then use it as a template for everybody else. This cookie-cutter way of doing things completely ignores the fact that you are a unique person with a unique set of needs, circumstances, and strengths.
The difference between that and a mentorship with Chetan, is that Chetan never tries to put you into a box that was designed for somebody else. Instead, Chetan works alongside you and supports you in nurturing your own power, your own presence, guiding you toward your own authentic nature. Because if the change you want to see in your life isn’t rooted in your authenticity, it will never last.
It means following in your own footsteps, forging your path, on your terms, rather than using somebody else’s template.
When you find your authentic nature and learn how that authentic nature works for you, you can apply it to every aspect of your life—your business, your family, your friends, your love-life, your vacations, your meals—everything.
Tapping into your authenticity means allowing yourself to be guided naturally toward the things in life that bring you the most success and fulfillment. You begin to attract the opportunities that will pay off and the people that will most enrich your life. You are drawn to the right financial decisions, and you instinctively know which investments, people, and situations are a waste of your time.
No two people are designed to live, love, thrive and succeed in the same way. That’s why the only way for you to get exactly what you want out of your life is to do it your way.
No one can do it for you, but I can support you in finding your way.
Private Mentoring afternoon with Becky Robbins…
World Class Artist, thought leader and past wife and partner of Anthony Robbins, world-famous Personal Growth Leader, Life Coach and Self-help author, and Creator of “The Giant Within”
This highly exclusive 6-month Mentorship gives you the opportunity to work side by side with the Master of Human Design in a transformational personal collaboration.
Working closely with Chetan, you’ll get to see the extraordinary possibilities that you might not have recognized on your own, and get real-time guidance on exactly how to take advantage of them.
Providing you with personalized mentoring on any and all specific issues you encounter in life, Chetan relates to you as the unique individual you are in order to guide you toward a more authentic, more purposeful, and more successful life.
Stimulating, sometimes challenging, but definitely not boring, this coaching program is an adventure that will empower you throughout your entire life.
In order to ensure that his Mentoring program provides the maximum possible impact, all applicants are interviewed by Chetan beforehand, and spaces are extremely limited.
If you want to focus on building your business into a multi-million-dollar enterprise, that’s what we’ll focus on. If you want to strengthen your relationships and make deeper connections with your family, clients and associates, that’s what we’ll do. But the foundation of our work together begins with tapping into your authentic nature, so you start having the right interactions, attracting the right associations, and making the right moves and the right choices in every avenue of your life.
Chetan Parkyn has been giving Readings for over 35 years and has spent the past 25 years mastering Human Design.
As the world’s leading Human Design Master and author of the groundbreaking first major book on Human Design, which has been translated into fourteen languages, Chetan Parkyn has made it his life’s mission to evolve and expand the Human Design System for the 21st century and beyond.
A mentorship with Chetan is a once in a lifetime opportunity and should not be taken lightly. This will require a genuine investment on your part, but rest assured, Chetan matches this investment with the effort, patience, seriousness, thoughtfulness and availability it deserves. If you give your all to this mentoring partnership, you WILL see the results.
“When I began working with him, I was lost, confused, overwhelmed, and constantly stressed. Through working him I realized my true superpowers and my strengths as well as my vulnerabilities that I need to be aware of to protect myself. I learned simple strategies to protect my energy from others and really step into my true strength.
The most important thing I learned from Chetan was that I am different than most people, but a good kind of different. I’ve thought my whole life I was weird. And I am, but the world desperately needs my weird, different self to shift and raise up as many people as possible! I was nervous about the financial investment to work with Chetan but it was worth every penny. I have fully stepped into my power and my insecurities no longer hold me back from accomplishing what I need to do to help the world and make much money in return!
I have already made back far more than I paid to Chetan! Thank you, Chetan.”
“At this stage of my journey, as a seeker of wisdom and an avid student of the human condition, it is not often that I am truly surprised with the revelation of new meaning about myself. But then I discovered the profound work of Chetan Parkyn.
It was my great pleasure to experience a series of three life-changing readings with Chetan in …What was particularly amazing was the fact that he had absolutely no way of knowing the most intimate aspects of my nature, and yet he revealed many dimensions of my innermost self… My life’s purpose was suddenly decoded and laid bare, in easy to understand language, allowing me to come to the inescapable conclusion that my soul had provided a perfect plan for orchestrating my life’s journey, even before I was born.
Chetan’s great gift, as a master of the Human Design system, is to guide people to the core of their innermost truth and awaken them to knowing and trusting their life purpose. I can’t recommend his work highly enough.”
“Today I felt the shift from healing the past to teaching the future through my knowledge. Ironically (not really) I taught the first session of a 40 hour course to become a real estate agent. I have an amazing group of students that are interactive and eager to learn, such a gift!
I can feel in my gut that this is just the beginning to my life purpose, it comes naturally to me.
Chetan, I want to thank you so very much for your guidance, knowledge, and encouragement! You truly have given me the tools and insight that will propel me forward to living my life purpose wholly and joyfully.”
“One of the first rules of business is ‘know thy self’ and I’ve found the Human Design (Mentoring) process to be highly insightful about how I approach things. It’s a way to come to a deeper acceptance of myself.
After my mentorship with Chetan, I feel so much more confident in the decisions that I’m making – whether that’s in my professional, personal, or romantic life.
When you think about how much time you spend worrying about indecision, not being sure how to proceed, Human Design gives you your life back.
It is one of the best tools that I’ve used personally to help me understand the way I make decisions and approach life in general.”
“It became easier to make decisions that felt good…. I was so excited about the results that I was getting in my life and my business, that I started recommending the Human Design program to my clients.
I wish that every single one of my clients would have their Human Design done so that we could work from that as we develop their sales strategy, as we develop their marketing strategy, as we build their team, as we decide which clients they should approach and which clients they shouldn’t approach, so they literally stop wasting energy.”
“The work we did on my human design was an amazing inside scoop of who I am and how I work in the world and with the world. I feel the perspective and insight enabled me to be a better coach, partner, and team leader.
Once you have the deep level of awareness (Human Design) provides, you cannot behave in old patterns. New ideas, money, people, and opportunities abound because you actually see them from truth.”
“Since I was a boy, I had questions about myself that even after 25 years of intense study still remained unanswered. Chetan and Human Design answered those questions in one session and forever changed my life in very practical and measurable ways.
If you have questions that remain unanswered Human Design will answer them once and for all.”