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ROCK your RESULTS The Secret to Success in your Career, Relationships & Life Begins
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ROCK your RESULTS The Secret to Success in your Career, Relationships & Life Begins
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We’re Looking for 16 Human Design Level 4 Graduates Who Want to Accelerate their Practice to Exciting New Levels of Profitability, Confidence and Skill

Introducing Evolutionary Human Design Mastery

A 9-month Graduate Program conducted live by Chetan Parkyn and Carola Eastwood

If you’re a Human Design graduate student who has gone through all of our trainings, including Level 4, and you want to know what’s next, then read on.

This brand new 9-month program will show you how to:

Your Human Design training has brought you far. You’ve worked hard to get here, you should be proud of your accomplishments, and your ability to deliver an effective Human Design reading.

But, do you wonder if there’s more you could be offering your clients?

Now it’s time for the next crucial step.

With Evolutionary Human Design Mastery you will be receiving proprietary techniques that will add even more value to your clients, which will give you even more opportunities to have a positive impact and monetize your business.

Plus, you’ll be able to use this new material in your own life, making it a profound win-win.

In our Evolutionary Human Design Program (EHDP), you will:

….and much more!


This is a 9-month Program of a total of 16 meetings (1 Orientation) and 15 intimate group trainings, each 75 minutes long, and live-streamed for your convenience.

We also include Seven Interactive Practicum Sessions to give you the opportunity to bring the material to life with the charts of people in your life.

It’s fully interactive with Q&A, detailed examples, using your Pre-submitted Chart Data.

We will be delivering this information in a way that you can make your learning practical in a business context, which is MUCH different from anyone else out there (those who are merely dispensing Human Design info and sending people on their way). You’ll learn how to serve your clients in the most impactful way, for months and years to come.

By the end of this program you will be fully equipped with more confidence, more skill sets and more expertise—ready to take command of the marketplace.

Only 16 spots are available, so enroll now!

I want to have even more opportunities to
have a positive impact and monetize my

Full Pay ($3500)

Join for a one-time payment of $3500

Payment Plan ($800 deposit today)

Then $350 per Month for 9 Months

Here are the Session Dates and Subjects we’ll be covering:

Live introduction and 

preparation webinar



June 29th: This is an extra session – Your Orientation and Learning Plan

This is additional time you will have with us to get acquainted with the program two weeks before the class starts. A video recording will be provided in your member center.

You’ll find out more specifically what you will be learning and what you will need to make the program most successful for you.

You’ll also get a clearer understanding of how much time and energy commitment are required for the greatest success.

1. July 10th: Fundamentals of Human Design – A Deep Dive

This module reviews all of the elements of Human Design that were introduced in your Human Design Training, Levels 1-3, and that you are expected to have committed to memory.

This includes all of the basics, and the 36 Channels and 64 Gates, plus the 3 Main Circuit Groups and their sub-circuits, as well as the foundational aspects of relationships.

2. July 24th: Interpreting the Destiny Path

Because this information is highly inspiring for your clients, we will start things off by going deeper into the life themes. You’ll gain clarity on exactly how best to deliver the life theme information for your clients so they emerge with a deeper understanding of their destiny, and appreciate how to thread it into their daily lives, relationships and business.



3. August 7th: Key Elements of a Highly Impactful Human Design Reading

In this session you will learn several key elements you need to include in your Human Design reading to make it as highly impactful as possible, while inspiring your client to continue to work with you long term, so they can get the full value you provide.



4. August 24th: Reading the Lines in Depth

This time around you will discover how to use the lines most effectively, by way of a thorough deep dive into how to use the Book of Lines and interpret it for your client in the most powerful way.

Perhaps for the first time in their life your clients will have profound recognition of the deeper, sometimes more hidden aspects of their nature. This leads to an entirely new level of self-appreciation and effectiveness.

We will introduce you to an additional body of work that takes you much deeper into the lines, adding new dimensions of understanding for you, and giving you another method to support your clients in their self-actualization.



5. September 11th: Advanced Circuitry

As you have already learned, you have your own circuitry that acts as your body’s energy flow mechanism.

In this session we will review and expand upon the main groups and teach an additional three circuit groups. You will find out new ways to weave this knowledge into your practice in the best possible way.

Additional Circuity Groups:

Sixth Sense: There are certain channels in the life chart which combine to give access to a deeply insightful view of life beyond “usual” comprehension.

Memory: There are several areas of the life chart that provide access to many different aspects of memory, from recall to cellular memory, to short term to long term.

Feeling: We review the streams of energy that flow through the emotions center and compound our understanding of this least known aspect of human nature.

We’ll also go deeper with the Mystical Circuitry.

This will help you to make Human Design truly your own curriculum for your clients (Hint: This is rare information that you won’t learn anywhere else!)


6. September 25th: Planetary Influences Integration

Here you will learn how to gain the deepest possible understanding of the planetary forces and energies and how they are impacting Human Design.

This gives you a huge leg up on your competition, as it will show you a remarkable way to really customize a reading for your clients.

This is not just an activation, but instead a bespoke way that each client will be receiving it so they can use it most effectively in their lives.



7. October 9th: Advanced Timing Cycles: Transits and Future Life Cycles

You’ll discover how to look ahead in time using the Human Design chart, bringing into full view the study of not only transits but also other future life cycles.

With this knowledge, you will shape your reading delivery to the current life-stage of your clients. You will be able to offer them an on-going variety of readings that will positively impact their relationships and family life; their work and business development; and their evolutionary development.



8. October 23rd: Life Cycles – Key Stages of Development

This is the second part of an extended module where we go even deeper to show you how to use the Life Cycles as an integral part of your reading and coaching.



9. November 9th: Solar Returns and Planetary Returns

We will be exploring these planetary returns (solar return, Jupiter return, first and second Saturn returns, mid-life, and others Chiron?) more in depth so you can integrate them into your follow up readings.

You’ll learn specifically how the planetary returns influence the evolution of a lifetime.

You will be able to apply this to both personal and relationship readings.



10. November 20th: Advanced Relationship Reading Skills and an Introduction to Relationship Fusion Readings

This segment introduces the variations of relationship readings. You will learn several methods for supporting your clients to deeply understand the various relationship dynamics they encounter throughout their lives in both business and their personal lives.

11. December 4th: Family Dynamics and Reading for Children

We will show you how to specialize your readings for mother and child so you can help improve your clients’ family communications and overall relationship and family dynamic.

Even if this helps just one family problem it can have a ripple effect that can resolve other family challenges.

12. December 18th: Expanding Reading Skills; the Influence of Specific Generations

As we all may have experienced, the state of consciousness, orientation and beliefs in specific generations will vary in significant ways. When producing a reading it is important to familiarize yourself with the zeitgeist of the generation; for instance, if you are a Baby Boomer, reading for a Gen-Xer.

This Module takes us into the internal world of various generations and shows us the remarkable differences that can be identified through understanding how the outer planets and Chiron leave their indelible mark on each generation.

13. January 15th: Intro to Business Partnership Consulting & Group Readings for Small Business Teams

An introduction to conducting readings in a business setting, so you can support the up-leveling of the all-important relationship dynamic with partners and principles in the company.

When your clients can get everyone on their team buying into the company mission, it creates a results-oriented workplace culture, with all members on board and working together more harmoniously and effectively to increase bottom line and profitability. In this module we will show you how to support the principals to learn how to work more harmoniously and effectively.

14. February 1st: Business Development, Ethics and Sales

Here you will learn (or re-learn) the fundamentals to running a home based or solo practitioner business so the Human Design structures can support your growth, help enhance your existing systems, and create new ones. Example formats for offering your services and supporting your clients to say “yes” to on-going work.



15. February 12th: Conducting Life Coaching with Human Design – An Introduction

This module will give you an introductory look into to the art of coaching with Human Design, providing you with the basics you need to know in order to provide coaching that supports your clients to integrate and use their Design in all aspects of their lives.

If you’re going to work deeper with your clients then you’ll be coaching based on Human Design, so this is a must.



16. Febuary 26th: Integrating other Modalities (Coaching, Counseling, Healing)

We wrap up the program by showing you how to integrate Human Design into your body of work.

If you provide other modalities, like coaching, counseling, healing or consulting you’ll be able to inject Human Design into it with this guidance. This is the ideal way to finish things up and set you on a course for professional success with the confidence to know how to zero in on exactly what your clients need. You’ll learn how to provide your clients with highly customized sessions, tailored to their individual nature.



As you can see, this program will provide a rapid acceleration for both yourself and your business.


“Chetan and Carola are masterful in Human Design. I coached with Carola to help me build my business and keep it growing, and Chetan is my mentor in Human Design. I learned Human Design with them and use it in my coaching as a powerful way to help my clients achieve their results. They have a wealth of knowledge between them. I Highly Recommend Them!”

– Susan C. Boone, Founder of Susan Boone Coaching

“Chetan Parkyn’s one-of-a-kind wisdom and insight into the lives of humanity is truly transformational for those on a personal development path in life.

The body of work that Chetan offers individuals in search of knowing themselves to the core is by far the most unique and revealing information I’ve experienced. He gives you your step-by-step guide to a level of self-awareness few people have had the chance to experience.”

– Gina DeVee, Highly acclaimed Success Coach to women entrepreneurs


„I am literally living a different life than when I started work with Carola. I chose to work with her because I wanted to make a change in my personal life, and I couldn’t figure out why I hadn’t been able to make that change, even though intellectually I knew it was the right thing for me. Carola worked with me on many levels, and in the end, I came to a place where I chose to change my life rather than just forcing it like I had tried to do in the past.

Even more importantly, I have begun to live life with joy – I am truly a happy person and my work with Carola was a big part of me finding happiness. As a bonus, my business has increased exponentially! She is an outstanding mentor, and I highly recommend her for anyone who wants to live an exceptional life.“

– Jessica Olmon, Founder, Course Corrected


„I came to work with Carola and Chetan at a point in my business where I had kind of maxed out my growth and I really didn’t know how to get beyond where I was. It was as if my own sort of strategic, rational mind had gone as far as I could take it. I needed guidance in terms of what was beyond that. Working with Carola and Chetan both helped me to get access and connection to my soul’s path and to the deeper purpose of my work. And to resolve some experiences in my life that were holding me back. I am very grateful for that… ”

– Ron Wilder, CEO, Aligned Action

„With great kindness and boundless compassion, Chetan walked me through my own life story, giving me insight into what had previously been some pretty murky territory.

His clarity has caused me to find new ways to capitalize on my strengths (which is bringing in new business right and left!) and to quit doing some of the old behaviors that were keeping me stuck.

Chetan is a teacher’s teacher — a wise man working at a whole new level of consciousness. A reading with him is a not-to-be-missed experience!“

– Samantha Bennett, The Organized Artist Company

„I’ve been working with Carola for over a year, and my life has magically changed as a result.

Her tremendous gifts of healing, transformation, counseling, coaching, and insight coupled with her incredible wisdom of astrology and Human Design make her truly unique and absolutely perfect as a guide and mentor for me to step into the full expression of who I am and the work I am here to do in the world.”

– Nancy Monson, Executive Coach


„Thank you both for this unique and precious gift you are offering to all of humanity. May you continue to guide us with your wisdom and ability to read the energies in the astrological matrix and in so eloquently decoding the language of Human Design. I am eternally grateful to you both.”

– Anna Wrona, Holistic Practitioner, Toronto Canada

We only have 16 seats available in this program, so make sure you take action quickly to ensure your spot.

We don’t want price to be a barrier for you, so we’ve come up with easy payment options for enrollment:

Program Fee – $4,300.00

Early Registration Fee – $3500.00 (full)

Save a total of $800.00 when you enroll now!

Payment Plan – Pay a deposit of $800 now

Then $350 per Month for 9 Months. Save a total of $350 when you enroll now!