Create the freedom to travel to exotic locations, live in the home of your dreams, and have the free time to enjoy your most cherished relationships.
Ready to embrace your true purpose and finally life the life your heart truly desires?
And for the past two decades, I’ve had a highly successful Life Transformation and Breakthrough Success Consulting & Coaching Business, while raising my children and sharing an extraordinary life with the man of my dreams.
But it hasn’t always been simple and easy. Everyone has an evolving life story that includes challenges, yet to achieve the life we truly desire, we must take a first step.
Seem like a real success to everyone else, but, inside, you don’t feel like it?
Know that there is something more you are meant to do, but you’re not quite certain what that is?
I set out on a path in life to get a degree in journalism so I could become a newspaper reporter. But, while pursuing my goal, I struggled with one challenge after another, and life just seemed so difficult.
I had painful and disappointing experiences with men, and one of them left me with a baby and very little resources. That derailed my grand plans to work on a major newspaper.
It wasn’t until I sought advice and had a session with an intuitive astrological counselor that I was finally able to have the breakthrough that would change everything…..What was revealed about my true purpose set me free, and helped me to chart a course to the life, love and income I desired.
It’s a long way from being a news reporter, but I realized that I’m meant to bring an entirely different kind of „news“ to the world! Now I serve clients all over the world with life-changing readings and coaching that supports them to discover their life’s true purpose and reveals their most potent pathway to a life filled with over-the-top joyful relationships and abundant resources.
Imagine having the insight to know which path to choose at every one of life’s crossroads, and the confidence of knowing that every step you take is one more step toward the success and fulfillment you desire.
There is a direct path to achieving your dreams, exceeding your goals, and gaining the clarity and certainty to live your life in the most creative and fulfilling way possible.
As a thought-leader to highly achieving professionals and business owners with decades of experience, I know what it’s like to have a Message inside you that wants to get “born”.
I’m a Life Transformation and Business Success Coach as well as a columnist, workshop leader and published author.
I have coached leaders, business owners, and entrepreneurs around the world to embrace their Soul’s true purpose and create a life and business filled with inspiration, clarity, and success.
I combine my knowledge of astrology, psychology, Human Design, and various change technologies, to support you in creating a highly successful life, doing what you love.
I have also had the privilege of being mentored in astrology by one of the very best; a world-renowned expert and author of many best-selling books on the subject, Alan Oken.
I did graduate studies in Counseling Psychology at the University of Humanistic Studies, and completed a 2-year post-graduate training at the San Diego Center for Psychosynthesis, where I learned how to facilitate deep-level psycho-spiritual healing and Soul-integration.
And…. as you may know, I partner with my husband, Chetan Parkyn to bring the profoundly powerful change technology, Human Design, to the world through our widely published books and popular Reports and Trainings on the subject.
When you have a Life-Path Reading with me, you get the benefit of my decades of experience in Astrological Consulting, Psychological Healing, Human Design, and Transformational Business Success Coaching.
It’s an honor and a privilege for me to bring my depth of insight, wisdom and experience to our meeting as I produce your deeply revealing Life-Path Reading.
Becky Robbins, Artist, Writer, Philanthropist
“I have touched base regularly with Carola for at least a decade to gain her wisdom and innate talent for readings. She’s very intuitive and blended with her total and genius grasp of the astrology information added to Human Design.
Throughout the years and during many life changes which were both challenging and rewarding, the guidance I’ve had from Carola, has allowed me to move ahead with a depth of understanding that has been practical and innovative for me and my future. The gift she has for allowing an altered state of consciousness to pour through her affects me each time and I wouldn’t dream of navigating and negotiating this life without her!”
„I am literally living a different life than when I started work with Carola. I chose to work with her because I wanted to make a change in my personal life, and I couldn’t figure out why I hadn’t been able to make that change, even though intellectually I knew it was the right thing for me. Carola worked with me on many levels, and in the end, I came to a place where I chose to change my life rather than just forcing it like I had tried to do in the past.“
„Even more importantly, I have begun to live life with joy – I am truly a happy person and my work with Carola was a big part of me finding happiness. As a bonus, my business has increased exponentially! She is an outstanding mentor, and I highly recommend her for anyone who wants to live an exceptional life. „
Ron Wilder, CEO, Aligned Action
“I came to work with Carola at a point in my business where I had kind of maxed out my growth and I really didn’t know how to get beyond where I was. It was as if my own sort of strategic, rational mind had gone as far as I could take it. I needed guidance in terms of what was beyond that. Working with Carola helped me to get access and connection to my soul’s path and to the deeper purpose of my work. And to resolve some experiences in my life that were holding me back. I am very grateful for that…”
“I’ve been working with Carola for over a year, and my life has magically changed as a result. Her tremendous gifts of healing, transformation, counseling, coaching, and insight coupled with her incredible wisdom of astrology and Human Design make her truly unique and absolutely perfect as a guide and mentor for me to step into the full expression of who I am and the work I am here to do in the world.”
Your Life-Path Reading is a, once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for an in-depth personalized session with a leading Success Coach and Life Transformation Expert.
Before our meeting, I prepare and research your astrological and life-path charts, as well as your Human Design. By the time of our meeting, I have studied the pathway of your entire life’s journey, plus researched the upcoming opportunities and turning points in your current year and the coming year.
During your life-changing 90-minute reading, I will reveal your life’s true purpose, uncover the meaning behind your greatest challenges, identify your ideal path, and help you access your highest potential for success, plus give you the ideal timing for your greatest success.
Your private session is usually conducted via phone or sometimes, by Skype, and is recorded for you, so you can listen back as often as you like.
If we work via telephone, no matter what time zone you live in, your call is initiated by me, at no cost to you.
Time is also left available to ensure that all your questions are answered, and that you have the support you desire, moving forward.
If you answered, “Yes”, “Yes” and “Yes” again, and if you are fascinated to learn what your Life-Path Reading will reveal, and you’re excited to begin, then click the “I’M READY” button below to begin now!
Every monumental change begins with a first step, and you may be thinking, you’d like to have your Life-Path reading….maybe someday.
But we all know that ’someday‘ never comes, and if you don’t take that first step, you may never learn how to overcome what has been holding you back from the fulfillment and success you desire.
You could choose to go on with life as usual, go back to wondering why others are wealthier, happier and more fulfilled, while you sit on the sidelines.
You might look at my life and think that I’ve had so much special good fortune, but when you learn more about me, you’ll discover that I struggled too.
For many years, I had unresolved pain that kept me from attracting the soul mate I desired and I struggled to raise children while living month-to-month, just meeting my expenses.
But, when I had a life-changing intuitive astrology reading with a true master, what I learned about myself in that reading saved me decades of unhappiness and struggle. And then I discovered my Human Design, and I learned how to use the keys that led me to find my Soul Mate, and through success coaching, I was able to bring it all together to create my Signature process that I use today to help my clients realize their dreams.
So, you see, none of this was magic, nor was I the recipient of some special ‚good fortune‘; I was simply a woman who wanted more from life, and chose to find the support to help me achieve it.
And, I’d love to help you realize your dream…..
If you know in your heart that you’re meant to do more in this life, impact more people, experience more joy and fulfillment, and make an impression on this world with your unique talents and creative potential……. Here’s your opportunity to start now.
It begins with your first step!
In your private, 90-minute session, I interpret your individual success keys to reveal your highest purpose and potential.
We dive deeply into your unique self and reveal specific details on the life you’ve been born to live, revealing who you really are at the very core of your being. In your 90-minute session, you’ll learn exactly how to achieve the exciting travel adventures, deep fulfillment in love relationships, and the recognition you deserve by using your unique purpose, talents and drive to their fullest, and highest potential.
I am also going to reveal the universal energies you will have access to in the coming year and beyond, so you can plan with certainty and make customized, highly targeted future life and business decisions with clarity.
I look forward to working with you soon!
With love,
P.S. I’m busy doing what I love and I’m usually booked up at least two weeks in advance…..if you know you want to take your life and your business to the next level, take action NOW so you can get on my calendar sooner, rather than later! Just choose your Investment above, at I’M READY