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Human Design Type and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

Human Design Type and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

“I just hope that more people will ignore the fatalism of the argument that we are beyond repair. We are not beyond repair. We are never beyond repair.”




This quote from her interview with The Nation Magazine, perhaps sums up what Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is all about: Hope. And we can see this unflagging drive and dedication to her vision of hope in her Human Design Type.


Whether it’s racial equality, economic justice, or the climate crisis, AOC always seems to find the light at the end of the tunnel when others can’t see it (or refuse to look). For some, her message isn’t easy to digest, but still, she remains hopeful in the face of apathy, despair, and vocal resistance.


AOC’s inclination toward unshakeable optimism, and willingness to fight for the underdog can be explained by her Human Design Type. AOC is a Generator. This means she has a preternatural ability to tune into her truth and vision, and a limitless well of life-force energy with which to pursue that vision.


Education & Early Career

After leaving New York to study at Boston University, she served as an intern for U.S. Senator Ted Kennedy, where she focused on foreign affairs and immigration issues. This experience opened her eyes to many of the issues facing communities much like her own back in the Bronx. „I was the only Spanish speaker,” she said of the experience, “and as a result…whenever a frantic call would come into the office because someone is looking for their husband because they have been snatched off the street by ICE…I was the one that had to help that person navigate that system.“



In 2008 she suffered a multi-faceted crisis. While her family was struggling with the economic turmoil of the recession, her father died from lung cancer. This prompted her to move back to the Bronx, where she tended bar to help her family pay the bills. Shortly thereafter, she launched Brook Avenue Press with the goal of changing damaging stereotypes about the Bronx. 


All of this seems to speak to a deep empathy for the underrepresented. She was called to work for, work with, uplift, and give voice to the voiceless. And this work has not slowed down a bit since she shocked the nation by unseating the 14-year incumbent representative in her district and winning her congressional seat without the help of corporate backing.



Since then, pundits have mocked her for demanding sweeping changes to how our society treats the poor, immigrants (undocumented and otherwise), and the planet itself. But, all the time she remains unshakably hopeful despite the ridicule, and hostility of the entrenched power structure.



And this relentless drive is all spelled out in her Human Design Type. As a Generator, she sees the potential for accomplishment wherever she goes. And after retaining her seat in congress recently, it doesn’t seem like she’ll be slowing down any time soon. If you would like insight on your Human Design Type (and so much more!) get your free Human Design Report today!


