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Get Your Free Human Design Report

ROCK your RESULTS The Secret to Success in your Career, Relationships & Life Begins
with your FREE Human Design Report! Get instant access to your free sample report by filling out the form

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Get Your Free Human Design Report

ROCK your RESULTS The Secret to Success in your Career, Relationships & Life Begins
with your FREE Human Design Report! Get instant access to your free sample report by filling out the form

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Holen Sie sich Ihren kostenlosen Human-Design Report

ROCK your RESULTS The Secret to Success in your Career, Relationships & Life Begins
with your FREE Human Design Report! Get instant access to your free sample report by filling out the form

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Cyrillic characters etc.)

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time must be entered in Military Format, for example:4:27 pm is entered as 16 (hour) and 27 (minute)

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    address (reportservice@evolutionaryhumandesign.com)
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Human Design Training Series

Understanding Evolutionary Human Design
A Complete Course in Evolutionary Human Design Human Design A-Z

Unlock the Code to Your Clients’ Success

Are you a healer, coach, trainer, or service practitioner who dreams of having a highly profitable business that complements your lifestyle and generates real results for your clients?

Do you have a big idea that could change your life or change the world, but you’re not quite ready to take the leap?

Do you have plans for a new business, product or venture, but you’re not sure how to get it off the ground?

Are you interested in integrating Human Design into your existing business, or becoming a Human Design practitioner?

Whether you’re looking to accelerate your money flow, revamp your private practice or complete this prerequisite series so you can move on to Human Design Certification, HDTS is your personal guide to building a better business.

The Human Design Training Series (HDTS) is a 6-month self-paced training course with bi-weekly small group coaching that will give you the keys to creating a business or practice that truly works for you.

Through the training and small group personalized live coaching, HDTS helps you develop a strategy for implementing the Human Design System throughout your business, so you can make a bigger impact for your clients.

You will learn all the parts of the Evolutionary Human Design System so you can more effectively coach, counsel or advise your clients in relation to their unique design.

This includes:

Through the training and small group personalized live coaching, HDTS helps you develop a strategy for implementing the Human Design System throughout your business, so you can make a bigger impact for your clients.

Human Design Training Series

Understanding Evolutionary Human Design
A Complete Course in Evolutionary Human Design
Human Design A-Z

Unlock the Code to Your Clients’ Success

Are you a healer, coach, trainer, or service practitioner who dreams of having a highly profitable business that complements your lifestyle and generates real results for your clients?

Do you have a big idea that could change your life or change the world, but you’re not quite ready to take the leap?

Do you have plans for a new business, product or venture, but you’re not sure how to get it off the ground?

Are you interested in integrating Human Design into your existing business, or becoming a Human Design practitioner?

Whether you’re looking to accelerate your money flow, revamp your private practice or complete this prerequisite series so you can move on to Human Design Certification, HDTS is your personal guide to building a better business.

The Human Design Training Series (HDTS) is a 6-month self-paced training course with bi-weekly small group coaching that will give you the keys to creating a business or practice that truly works for you.

Through the training and small group personalized live coaching, HDTS helps you develop a strategy for implementing the Human Design System throughout your business, so you can make a bigger impact for your clients.

You will learn all the parts of the Evolutionary Human Design System so you can more effectively coach, counsel or advise your clients in relation to their unique design.

This includes:

Through the training and small group personalized live coaching, HDTS helps you develop a strategy for implementing the Human Design System throughout your business, so you can make a bigger impact for your clients.

Business Success by Design

Discover Your Personal Code for Creating a Highly Successful Business

Do you absolutely love what you do, but sometimes feel overwhelmed, overworked and underpaid?

Do you want to attract more clients, earn more money and grow your business, without having to work even harder than you already are?

We created Business Success By Design to give highly talented, driven business owners like you the opportunity to grow your business and expand your revenue stream in ways you never thought possible.

This group coaching and training program will help you:

If you are dedicated to growing your business, attracting the clients you are meant to serve, and realizing the success you’ve always wanted, Business Success By Design will help you do it.

Featuring 8 online training modules on the key elements of Human Design, Business Success By Design gives you in-depth guidance on cutting-edge business success principles, and step-by-step training on how to use your personal Success Codes to create the business and income you desire.

Living by Design

Step Into Ease... With Yourself, With Your Relationships & With Your Work

Most of the pain and disappointment we experience in life comes from having made bad decisions, like marrying the wrong person, or choosing a career that isn’t satisfying. Now you can avoid years or even decades of unhappiness because you have the key to making the right decisions for yourself, every time.

Whether you are seeking a new direction, want to attract a soulmate, or simply want to discover a deeper level of fulfillment in your daily life, Living By Design will
help make it happen.

Over the past two decades, Chetan and Carola have helped thousands of people learn who they really are, discover their inner codes for success, and create better, more fulfilling lives using the keys contained in Human Design.

Living By Design pushes that work even further by offering in-depth coaching on how to apply Human Design to every aspect of your life, and continue experiencing the benefits each and every day.

Starting with the fundamentals of the Human Design System, Living By Design will take you on a journey through the 4 Keys of Human Design, as well as the Energy Centers and Channels that make up your unique success blueprint.

Living By Design is a 12-video series that includes tutorials, exercises and guided training to help you fully integrate these success principles into your life.

Energies & Opportunities

Your Roadmap to a More Successful Future

Have you ever done the right thing at the wrong time and everything seemed like a struggle?

Or experienced one of those magical windows of time where all the lights are green and everything seems to be going in your favor?

Using their decades of experience in Human Design and Universal Energies Systems, Carola and Chetan will help you read the upcoming cycles of energy to provide you with a detailed roadmap to your future that takes advantage of universal timing.

If you are planning to:

Energies and Opportunities will help you get clarity on what choices are right for you and exactly WHEN to make them.

By showing you which cycles of energy are destined to be the most challenging, and which ones will bring you the most success, Energies and Opportunities will help you minimize the risk involved in making big choices and give you the confidence and clarity to know exactly when to take that next big step in life.

You’ll also receive guidance from us each step of the way in our weekly online broadcasts, so you can create a plan of action to successfully, and confidently implement the life-changing insight you’ve gained. 

If you’d like to grow your business, strengthen your personal relationships, and maximize your opportunities for growth and success, Energies & Opportunities will show you what to do and when to do it.

Love From Our Clients

“Chetan and Carola are masterful in Human Design.”

“I coached with Carola to help me build my business and keep it growing, and Chetan is my mentor in Human Design. I learned Human Design with them and use it in my coaching as a powerful way to help my clients achieve their results. They have a wealth of knowledge between them. I Highly Recommend Them!”

susan-boone white border
Susan C. Boone
Founder of Susan Boone Coaching

“Thank you both for this unique and precious gift you are offering to all of humanity."

“May you continue to guide us with your wisdom and ability to read the energies in the astrological matrix and in so eloquently decoding the language of Human Design. I am eternally grateful to you both.”

Anna Wrona
Holistic Practitioner, Toronto Canada

“Participating in…Carola and Chetan’s Human Design Training has helped me to understand my design deeper and to be able to better offer my unique gift to others."

“When I’ve used Human Design as part of my coaching programs, the readings have caused spontaneous positive changes in my client’s lives, and also affirmed and acknowledged the essence of themselves, liberating them from their doubts of who they truly are.”

Nancy Monson
MA, MBA- Executive Coach, Human Design Practitioner