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Get Your Free Human Design Report

ROCK your RESULTS The Secret to Success in your Career, Relationships & Life Begins
with your FREE Human Design Report! Get instant access to your free sample report by filling out the form

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Get Your Free Human Design Report

ROCK your RESULTS The Secret to Success in your Career, Relationships & Life Begins
with your FREE Human Design Report! Get instant access to your free sample report by filling out the form

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    address (reportservice@evolutionaryhumandesign.com)
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Holen Sie sich Ihren kostenlosen Human-Design Report

ROCK your RESULTS The Secret to Success in your Career, Relationships & Life Begins
with your FREE Human Design Report! Get instant access to your free sample report by filling out the form

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Cyrillic characters etc.)

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time must be entered in Military Format, for example:4:27 pm is entered as 16 (hour) and 27 (minute)

  • To be certain you receive your report, please make sure to add our report delivery service Email
    address (reportservice@evolutionaryhumandesign.com)
    to your list of safe email addresses.**Please be aware this address is for Report delivery only,
    and is not monitored, if you wish to contact us, please do so at: contact@evolutionaryhumandesign.com
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Energies & Opportunities 2021

Your Own Personal Roadmap to a Successful Year

New for 2021 - A Personalized Guide to Navigate You Through Every Month of the Year!

2021 - The Year of Systemic Change and Inspired Reinvention

the roadmap image

This unique program IS THE ROADMAP that will help guide you through each and every month of 2021.

We reveal what days of the month will bring you the greatest success, the biggest transformation, and the best times to make important decisions as they relate to your career, relationships, and finances.

You’ll also receive guidance from us each step of the way, so you can create a plan of action to successfully, confidently implement the life-changing insight you’ve gained.

Our program shows you what cycles of energy are destined to be the most challenging, and which ones will bring you the most success in business, work, professional relationships, and finances.

JOIN US TODAY, To Get The Inside Scoop On Every Month Of 2021 And Learn How To Maximize Your Results By Working With Universal Energies!

Access your Energies and Opportunities program Now for only $497

Here’s what you get when you say YES to our Newly Imagined 2021 Energies & Opportunities Program:

The Monthly Planning Guide Calendar PDF

The companion Energies and Opportunities of 2021 Planning Guide contains a calendar of the most challenging days and the most fruitful days for every activity and goal you wish to achieve this year!

Based on a ranking of 1 to 4 stars, you will have advance information and clarity about each month’s opportunity cycles, right down to the exact date and time, to help you achieve the results you desire!

Opportunities include:

New Endeavors - Unsure about when to launch that new business idea? Wondering about when to put your house on the market? Wondering when to take on a new career or ask for a promotion? This is where you will get insider information on the best dates and times of the month to pursue new objectives, strategies and initiatives.

Communications, Speaking Engagements, Presentations & Travel - Planning a business or leisure trip and unclear about the best time to go? Looking to get your speaking business back on track in the new year? Want your next presentation to go off without a hitch? Now you can stop guessing and start planning with renewed confidence.

Contracts, Negotiations & Agreements - Want to know the best dates to sign a big contract, close on a house, buy or sell a car or enter into any new contract? Don’t make another move until you see what the best dates are with the 2021 Monthly Planning Guide.

Money Flow - What are the best times of the month to have money flowing freely into your life? When should you be scheduling sales meetings, put a new product on the market, or make an investment? Having an inside track on the best dates and times to allow money into your life can be a huge game changer for your monthly income.

Your Planning Guide was designed with YOU in mind, to support you in your ongoing quest to remain true to yourself, your goals, and your vision throughout the year.

Monthly, Private, Members Only 60-minute Webinar Broadcasts

Produced in 20-minute increments, each covering 1/3 of the month.

No longer will you have to wait for a weekly broadcast… You will have all the information you need before the beginning of each month.

Your once-monthly, Private, Members-Only webinar broadcasts in which we will be giving members week-by-week, specific guidance on how to use the energies, with unique references to the BEST DAYS. This will be broadcast for our Private Members a few days after the Complimentary Monthly Broadcast.

Plus, members will receive these recordings in 10-day increments, so that you can skip to any part of the month you like, based on your own unique needs. We’re talking about SPECIFIC, ACTIONABLE information for you that you can apply into your life on a regular basis, easily accessed inside your Member’s Center!

You’ll discover how to make the most of challenges and obstacles by using them for your growth and progress, and you’ll know how and when to make important decisions in business, your career, and personal relationships.

Access to our Yearly Broadcast and Each Complimentary Monthly Broadcast in the Member’s Center

As a member of our Energies and Opportunities program, you will have access to recordings of each monthly webinar in your private Member Center, where you can view or listen again at your convenience, as needed, throughout every month of the year as often as you wish.

Access to the Entire Year of Best Days You will receive a detailed, Month-By-Month Calendar illustrating which days are best for taking action, initiating new activities, facilitating effective communications, cultivating business and personal relationships, sales offers, money flow, and signing agreements.

Step-By-Step Guide to Using the Best Days Calendar

Members will have access to a comprehensive, easy to follow tutorial on how to use the guide, so you can be totally clear on how to maximize your personal and professional benefits throughout the month and year. You will even have a video that will walk you through how to use your Best Days Calendar for each month in the year.

JOIN US TODAY, To Get The Inside Scoop On Every Month Of 2021 And Learn How To Maximize Your Results By Working With Universal Energies!

Access your Energies and Opportunities program Now for only $497

Love From Our Clients

"Like a sneak peek into the future"

“I want to take the opportunity to thank you for the brilliance of these monthly Energies and Opportunities calls! They really help me better see the available energies for both my personal life and my business.

The clarity of information I receive is so helpful and empowering. Kind of like a sneak peek into the future so that I have the tools I need to succeed.
Thank you for all you do!”

Michelle Manning-Kogler
Founder, The Quantum Soul Clearing Process, Author, Trainer & Speaker

"I am certainly making use of this information in my life and business with great results."

“Participating in the ‘Energies and Opportunities program has been eye-opening! What a gift to understand what is already moving around us and to be prepared to best use our Human Design with the challenges and opportunities that Carola and Chetan share with us. In addition to the wisdom they share in their webinars, I am always inspired by the harmonious flow with which they deliver the information and advice. I could listen to them for hours! I am certainly making use of this information in my life and business with great results.

“….I am sharing with everyone in my life about these great Masters because I wish everyone could enjoy the benefits of their work – truly transformational!”

Lorena Checa
AIA LEED AP, Principal, Checa Architects

“Energies and Opportunities has opened doors in my life that you could not even IMAGINE! ”

“As a result of understanding my Human Design, I have been able to BE more of ME. I do not focus on what I ‘perceived’ to be flaws about my character; I embrace my Design and work with the flow of my energy.

“Meeting Chetan and Carola was timely and divinely orchestrated for my deep dive into my spiritual journey. Thank you and MANY blessings!”

Gloria Biccum
Feminine on Fire: Teacher of The Art of the Feminine Presence