(Prerequisite: Human Design Training Series)
If you’ve already studied the basics of Human Design, now is the time to take the next step to becoming masterful and confident with Human Design.
Whether you’d like to become a full-time Human Design consultant, or integrate professional Human Design Readings into your existing coaching, counseling or consulting practice, Human Design Consultant Training will give you the keys to revolutionize your business.
In our Human Design Consultant Training, we provide immersive training and hands-on guidance in the art and science of delivering a powerful and professional Human Design reading. You’ll dive deep into the intricacies of Human Design, while we observe, comment and guide your learning as you practice with fellow students in a small group setting.
From the structural principles of Human Design to the personal art of delivering an impactful chart reading,
our step-by-step learning process makes it easy for you to begin translating your knowledge into highly empowering experiences for your clients.
(Prerequisite: Human Design Professional Consultation Certification)
For those looking to take their Human Design mastery even further, our Advanced Relationship Training will give you the tools to build upon your business and create new revenue streams, while providing greater service for your clients.
Our first-of-its-kind Relationship Reading system takes you beyond the fundamentals of traditional human
design and introduces you to a completely new way of looking at relationship charts.
This course takes you on a deep dive into all aspects of relationships through the lens of Evolutionary Human Design. With hands-on training and personalized guidance every step of the way, you will learn how to deliver accurate, confident relationship readings that make a lasting impact.
If you’re considering, or have already completed Level-4 Human Design Professional Consultant Certification Training and want to add more value to your business or practice, learn more about our Advanced Relationships Training today.
(Prerequisite: Human Design Professional Consulatation Certification)
As someone who’s graduated from the Level-4 Human Design Professional Consultant CertificationTraining, you are already at the forefront of a rapidly growing market. This is your chance to solidify yourself as a visible leader in the field.
While there are many people out there practicing Human Design, very few are actual Certified Masters of Human Design. If you want to truly get noticed in your niche and get rewarded for doing what you love, our Evolutionary Human Design Mastery course is for you.
This exclusive 9-month program will give you interactive practical training on exactly how to use your mastery of Human Design in a business context, so you are prepared to serve your clients in the most impactful way, for months and years to come.
By the end of your Evolutionary Human Design Mastery course you will be fully equipped with more confidence, more skills sets and more expertise—ready to take command of this growing marketplace.