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Are You Aware of Your Life’s Theme?

Like your own personal theme song, your Life Theme sets the tone for your entire journey through this world. When you’re tuned into its rhythm, everything just seems to fall into place, but lose the beat, and you can quickly find yourself struggling to catch up. The Book of Destinies is your definitive guide to discovering your unique Life Theme, so you can truly live the life you were born to live! This book explains how we did it, and how you can too.


From Chetan Parkyn, Human Design expert and author of the global bestsellers Human Design and The Book of Lines, and his partner Carola Eastwood, comes the long awaited third installment in this renowned series on the revolutionary Human Design System: The Book of Destinies: Discover The Life You Were Born To Live.

Read what Best-Selling Author and renowned Success Coach Jack Canfield has to say about The Book of Destinies

“It’s as if he is reading our design for life, as archived in some magical scroll at the exact time we entered this universe… Prepare to recognize yourself within this invaluable guide. Because once we are led to our Life Theme, many things will slot into place. One other layer of the great mystery of life will have been stripped away.”

Jack Canfield, Best-selling author and co-creator of Chicken Soup for the Soul

What is a Life Theme?

Like any great novel, your life story is guided by a common overriding theme from beginning to end. As you grow, learn and change throughout your lifetime, your theme is always with you, as an undercurrent to the story of your life. The problem is that too few of us actually remember how to recognize it.

Determined by the time, date and place of our birth, there are 192 possible Life Themes available to all of us. Each one carries with it, its own unique set of strengths, vulnerabilities and character profiles that govern who we are and how we are designed to thrive in the world.

„The Book of Destinies, through very innovative technology and ancient wisdom traditions, offers amazing and very accurate insight into the purpose, plan and path for your life.”

Arielle Ford, Renowned Workshop Leader and Best Selling Author of “The Soulmate Secret” 

If you’ve ever felt like you were just going through the motions, living a life that might be satisfying, but not deeply and thoroughly fulfilling, chances are it’s because you are not living true to your Life Theme. With this book, you have a constant companion, a clear-cut reference guide to keep you in touch, on track, and in harmony with your true purpose and calling in life.

Written with his wife, partner, and fellow Human Design expert, Carola Eastwood, and including a foreword by bestselling author Jack Canfield, The Book of Destinies is the only definitive compendium of the 192 Themes that guide our lives, anchor our personalities, and underlie that unique, indelible essence that makes us who we are.

“We’re helping to reawaken people to why they’re here, what they’re here to be, to express, and the way that they’re meant to bring their particular uniqueness into the world” – Carola Eastwood, co-author of The Book of Destinies 

Life doesn’t have to be a mystery, order your autographed copy of The Book of Destinies today!

Ever wonder exactly what it is that makes your favorite celebrity tick? This one-of-a-kind volume also includes a searchable index of notable actors, writers, performers and world leaders to give you an in-depth look at the inner workings of some of the world’s biggest and brightest personalities!

Read more testimonials from highly acclaimed authors and leaders in the personal empowerment field:

„In The Book of Destinies, Chetan Parkyn and Carola Eastwood have elegantly decoded some of the deepest mysteries of life. If you’ve ever wondered about fulfilling your life’s purpose, how to make great decisions or learn how you best energetically operate in the world, you will be guided and inspired by the accuracy and depth of revelation in this profound book.

SARK (Susan Ariel Rainbow Kennedy) co-author & artist Succulent Wild Love

„This latest work from Chetan and Carola devotes an entire page to each person’s specific destiny and life purpose. It’s enlightening and essential reading for these times!”

Callan Rush, founder of Lucrative Luminary Training, Inc.

“Generous and wise, this is the guidebook that will lead you back to yourself. Don’t be surprised if you gasp in recognition or sigh with relief when “The Book of Destinies” reveals your deepest truths, your most meaningful motivators and your truest life lessons.” Sam Bennett, Creator of The Organized Artist Company and author of “Get it Done”

A highly entertaining and deeply engaging coffee-table style book, you will have hours of fun, not only learning about your own Life Theme, but also discovering the Themes of all the important people in your life, your partners, friends, parents, co-workers and your children.

Carola and Chetan will personally autograph your book, and mail it to you.