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The Human Design Chart & The Book of Lines: Gate 59, Intimacy, Lines 1-6

HD Gate 59 - Featured Image

The Human Design Chart & The Book of Lines: Gate 59, Intimacy, Lines 1-6

Where do we get the impetus for intimacy, collaborative creation and procreation? The answers are in your Human Design Chart.

Last time, we explored Hexagram 29, which showed how we gauge our connection to life through a clear “Yes.” Now, the sun is moving into Gate 59, where we find interactions that allow for closeness, openness, and intimate association with others on the most profound levels of life.



The gateway is called “Intimacy”, and it’s in the part of the Human Design Chart that we call the Tribal Circuitry. And the keyword for Tribal Circuitry is “support” because it relates to how we support each other within our “tribe,” whatever that tribe may be. It’s about our role in bringing about improvement and growth within our family, community, corporation, client base, etc.

So, in this context of growing the community, we see that the 59 is potentially part of a highly creative channel, both creatively and physically/sexually in terms of attraction and procreation. The 59 is about spreading your seed, so to speak. Our genes contain a biological imperative to procreate, and since it takes two to tango, Gate 59 picks up on potentially matching partners, whether procreation takes place or not. It’s looking for where you’re going to put your creative life-force energy for it to find the most fertile of all situations possible; for it to be seen, valued, and accepted.

Intimacy is integral to life itself, both literally and creatively. We all come into the world from being conceived through extraordinarily powerful human intimacy, and we are either willing or unwilling to acknowledge this. And whether we are spreading our literal seed by procreating, or spreading the seeds of our creative output, both require a form of intimate contact and acceptance; of giving and receiving; of sharing in an intimate transmission. And the 59 is the one that opens the gateway; opens the possibility for fertilization to take place. And we’ll see when we go through the lines that there are very different ways that this connection can take place.


HD Gate 59 Intimacy image


Let’s see what we find as we go through Gate 59 in the Human Design Chart:


First Line: Penetrating

The first line is called “Penetrating: Evolution is only possible through interaction.” In my reading of this first line, whether it’s sexual or not, it’s about needing to make contact—or not. There will be times when you’re in a group of people, a party or other sort of gathering, and you’re going to zero in on somebody on the other side of the room. And no matter what, you’re going to get through and make a connection with that person, even if that person isn’t interested in the slightest.

However, on the other side is the possibility that you are compelled to avoid that connection. You don’t care how much that person wants to connect with you, it’s not happening. You will leave the party altogether before you allow it. So, we see that it’s sort of an all or nothing situation. Penetration or not. You respond decisively to openings for interaction or hesitate and miss your chance.

You either have to make a connection or avoid the thing altogether.

Your bright nature carries you through any doorway into intimacy. Intimacy is all about cultivating the most amazing possible connection. And we only do that by being conscious. It’s all about being in the moment, in love, in this place, in the act of the connection. That’s how you create that environment, that energy, where intimacy can blossom.


Second Line: Kindness

The second line always has an innocent quality. It’s very natural, not so sophisticated. And this lack of sophistication can sometimes lead you to be a bit shy; to not want to bother. Here, the line is called, “Joining in: An inner separation that can also open up to profound intimacies.”

There can be a hesitation to reach out. You might prefer to sit back and hope that the person you’re interested in notices you and comes to you. So, it can end up that the one person you’re interested in is the only person you avoid altogether, until that person is drawn in to make that connection with you. But once that connection is made, the second line’s ability to be natural can open up possibilities for great intimacy. So, the inherent tendency to be separate, eventually finds a way to be easy in interrelating.

The introvert and the extrovert are in fact two sides of the same energy. The shyness is there at first, but your boldness shines through once the connection is made. Your innovative, even unusual approach to intimacy assists others to evolve in their lives. Your natural way of going about things helps others to really relax in your company.

But you have to be aware of your tendency to keep people at arm’s length. It’s okay to be comfortable in your separateness, but you have to allow for the possibility of being approached and opening up if you’re ever going to experience intimacy in a meaningful way.


Third Line: Connecting

Third lines should be prepared to connect everywhere, to be open and responsive to all kinds of intimacies and associations, to find intimacy as a refreshment for your spirits. So, a bit of promiscuity is perhaps on the cards. Here, the line is called, “Connecting: Serving yourself and your world by triggering interactions.”

These interactions may not necessarily be serious connections, but more on the experimental level of trying things out. Penetrating into new environments, going into new situations, new affairs, the third line opens up all kinds of possibilities for intimacies to take place. They don’t all have to be sexual. These can be great interactions, great friendships, great partnerships, etc.

The third line here is actively seeking union and intimacy in any situation, even sometimes being promiscuous. But, who’s to say that promiscuity is a bad thing? It just depends. If no one is getting hurt or being taken advantage of, then why not? And it is just part of the nature of third lines. They want to experiment. They want to try everything at least once. In the end, what are we here for if not to be satisfied or fulfilled?


Fourth Line: Committing

The fourth line is called “Being Friendly: An openness to being friendly with anyone.” The fourth line is all about friendship. There is an openness to being friendly with anyone. There are going to be friendships that blossom. There’s going to be sexual attraction. There’s going to be that buzz.

There may be a great intimacy that comes out of that buzz. What starts off as a great friendship might slowly become more intimate until it gets really hot and heavy. And then suddenly it peaks and goes back to being friends again. And this can be a real puzzle for people with the 59 with the fourth line in their Human Design Chart.

Your intimacy is founded in friendships that may become more and less intense over time. The energy goes up, it peaks, and then it goes back down again. And you might wonder, where the passion has gone. You might wonder whether or not the passion will be rekindled. But, basically what this line is saying is that’s not the point. The point is friendship. Can you remain friends through it all? Can you be friends before, during, and after the sex or the great intimacy takes place?

You promote friendships that dissolve established barriers and transcend tradition. During this week, you might find yourself being drawn into all kinds of intimacies and interactions that normally don’t happen for you. You might just meet somebody and in the first 20 seconds they’ve decided you are their best friend. It’s an ability to trigger this intimacy in others. But this is something to be careful about. If you’re not clear on what it is you really want to be involved with, you risk moving into needlessly intense involvements.


Fifth Line: Unifying

Fifth lines always have a leadership quality. They can see the potentials, the possibilities and the outcomes. And here, the fifth line is called “Unifying: The gift of enhancing all interactions.”

 The 59 with the fifth line has a very easy way of being intimate. They can take people under their wing who are a little shy or a little concerned or not so comfortable sexually, and they can facilitate that ease and create an atmosphere of comfortable intimacy. In this way, they can be leaders. They can have an intense power to encourage everyone to find common accord in union, to dissolve barriers of intimacy, and to ease complications for others.

You innovatively dissolve intimacy barriers in yourself and others. There’s a lot of repression around sex, whether it’s cultural or religious or whatever, many people develop feelings of guilt and shame around sex and sexual intimacy from an early age. And these feelings can be hard to shake. But you have this magical ability to dissolve these hang-ups. You have the transparency and the openness to transcend these imposed barriers.


Sixth Line: Being Discerning

Here, the sixth line is called “Being Discerning: You are very particular in your intimacies.” I once said to somebody who had the 59 with the sixth line, “You’re very picky in your intimacies.” And she looked at me for a moment and said, “the word is discerning.”

And that’s exactly what we find here at the conclusion of the 59. We’ve gone through all these different levels in which the genes are attracting us to other people or bringing other people into intimacy with us on one level or another. So, the sixth line says, “If I’m going to be intimate with this person, do they check off all the boxes for me? Do they have a good job? A nice house? Do they keep themselves clean and tidy?” and so on.

The sixth line does not necessarily want to have a fling or a series of flings. They learn very quickly in life that there are certain people that are going to match and others that are not. So, it ends up being very particular. You develop a sense over time of how, what, when, and who suits you in your intimate life.

You find an inner recognition of the harmony you need to be intimately fulfilled but have the tendency to overthink things a little bit. You know what you’re looking for, you know what you want in a soulmate, but you can always find one reason or another to limit yourself in realizing that profound intimacy.

So, let’s see what happens. The sun is going to be in the 59 and it’s going to be shining through all these different levels of attraction. And the great thing to see is who are we attracted to and who not? Where is it that we can have the greatest, transparent, most intimate connection? And that’s what the 59 is all about.

That’s Gate 59. We’ll check in again soon. In the meantime, if you’d like to learn more about how your own Human Design Chart informs and shapes your life, get your Free Human Design Report today.
