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The Book of Lines: Human Design Gateway 62, Expressed Details, Lines 1-6

Human Design Gate 62 image

The Book of Lines: Human Design Gateway 62, Expressed Details, Lines 1-6

Last time, we explored Hexagram 53, which encouraged us to enter into and explore new experiences in our lives. Now, the sun is moving into Human Design Gateway 62, which we call “Expressed Details.”



Gateway 62 is in the Throat Center, which means it has to do with expression, with putting things into language. On the other end of the channel, we have Gateway 17, which is the gateway we call “Following,” as in following logical considerations. Logic is always aiming toward the future. It’s a step-by-step process that’s always working its way forward, toward a result of some kind.


The difficulty with logic is that it can end up getting us stuck in dogma. We arrive at some logical conclusion that we then regard as a hard scientific fact, and where can we go from there? There’s no more room for debate, discussion, progress or expansion. But as we’ve seen time and time again, hard facts often have a way of softening over time. Things we once took for granted as scientifically proven, or settled law, have been overturned by the next great scientific discovery or court decision, and on and on we go.


With this in mind, the 62 asks: “Is this actual fact, or is it just expressing something that is logical and fits within the scheme of events in the moment?” The impetus behind the 62 is to bring about clarification. It’s about expressing and defining details that are of value to the present and the future. But, when you express logical thoughts, it does not mean that they’re always completely correct or have to be acted on. Again, it’s about clarification rather than an assertion of a “right” or “correct” way.


HD Gate 62 image


The 62 is always looking to express in language the best possible way of going about something based on the details available. There’s a lot of practicality and consideration involved in the process of expressing what it is that needs to be said in each moment. And we’ll see, as we go through the lines, just how effective all these things are.

Let’s see what we find as we go through Human Design Gateway 62 line by line:


First Line: Being Practical

The first line is called “Being Practical: Proceeding towards what is attainable and aligned.” If you confine yourself to essential details in life, you are well prepared for many challenges. It’s about zeroing in on the essential needs of any particular moment.

When something comes along, how are you going to express in this situation? That’s the great thing about the 62: it has tremendous flexibility in being able to say all kinds of different things according to the actual needs of a situation. Your gift of imagination will always enhance the potentially mundane aspects of your life. You’ve got the facts and the details down. However, if the situation calls for it, you can embellish, you can expand upon things and make them much more interesting.

You express your plans as actions, with the possibility of talking your way into trouble. The 62 is just a voice. It’s just an expression of facts and details and possibilities. But there’s always a possibility that you’ll push things a bit. You say something, and then suddenly you’re doing it, you’re in it, and you’ve found yourself in a bit of trouble.


Second Line: Being Sensible

The second line is called, “Being Sensible: Reaching out to give and receive aid.” You may not always know all the details of a situation. You may be held up from time to time. Second lines don’t always have everybody else’s input. You work from your own perception of things. So, you look around. who’s got the details that you really need here? Who can assist you?

You’ll always find that needed assistance is available if you persevere diligently in your own way. What we always say about second lines is that they are very natural. They go about things in a very natural, unassuming way. So, be natural. Just go into something, and if you find out you don’t know how to do it, look around for some possible assistance. You’ll find it. Staying with your process. You give help when needed and receive help when it’s offered.

You have an anxiety that is hard to restrain when you consider yourself bound by traditions. When you adhere to tradition strictly for tradition’s sake, you’re stuck in dogma, and you won’t go anywhere. If we allow ourselves to believe something is impossible simply because it hasn’t been done before, we’ll never try anything new. We’ll never expand and grow. So, it’s about following your natural way in life, rather than blindly adhering to the dictates of the past.


Third Line: Being Unassuming

The third line is called, “Being Unassuming: Recognizing the need to downplay a tendency for overconfidence.” Your good judgment, common sense, and preparedness always prevail in difficult situations. Third lines are always a bit touch and go. They like to experiment with life, try things out, see what works and what doesn’t.

There is a rapid learning curve with third lines. So, with the 62, you might express something and just see if it hits the spot, if everyone gets what you’re saying. And again, we see the importance of knowing what it is you’re about to do, or about to suggest, before you put all your energy into it.

Imposing your need for harmony over everything else can cause you to act unreasonably. Human Design Gateway 62 is all about expressing reason. It’s about presenting the details, the facts. It’s not necessarily an imaginative thing. It’s about expressing what is needed in practical, reasonable terms. So, with the third line there can be a tendency to fudge things a little bit, to stretch things a little beyond reason in the interest of maintaining harmony.


Fourth Line: Being Patient

Here, the fourth line is called, “Being Patient: Being watchful for principled opportunities.” The fourth line always wants to get other people on board. It wants to bring people together. It’s very influential. But with this comes a hesitancy. It’s a fear of being misunderstood or unappreciated. There’s a tendency to worry about whether or not other people are going to be on board, or if you’re going to have to go it alone.

You accept the need to be cautious, especially in situations when you see yourself as right. There can be moments when you’re absolutely convinced that you’ve got it right, you have it all worked out, and suddenly you find that nobody is on the same page with you. Patience is the key here. It’s about checking in with your Type and Authority and getting all your ducks in a row before knowing if this is your opportunity to express.

With your particular sensitivity, you observe how life is enhanced by discreet interventions. You see where the timing is, how to be patient, how to choose the moments when you have the voice that people are actually going to listen to. Seeing ways to transform every area of life you push for opportunities to be assertive. When your patience fails you, you’ll find yourself pushing, and this doesn’t always work out so well. You’ll have these moments where everything is so crystal clear for you. You know you have the answer. So, you push instead of waiting for your moment. And when you push, you’ll often find that nobody else is on board with you.


Fifth Line: Being Considerate

Fifth lines are the natural teachers. They have the oversight. They are the guides. And here, the fifth line is called “Being Considerate: Planning, preparation, and performance.” When everything is in place, there comes a time to identify when and how to proceed. The issue for the fifth line is practicality. How do you make things practical? You can see the possibilities and potentials, but how do you make them work in the real world?

When you move steadily from one state to another, you align details with outcomes. Logic always has a definite, step by step process. It’s a collective process. It’s a sharing process. You take one step forward and then check that everyone is still with you, and then you move on to the next step. And when you’re able to progress in this way, everybody is able to join in and see where it is you’re taking them.

You are often ready to move on life, but continue to remain lost in your imagination. It comes back to this issue of practicality. There’s a tendency to get lost in “what abouts”: What about this? What about that? Your imagination can conjure up all sorts of possibilities that sound wonderful, but simply won’t connect with anybody. So, planning, preparation, and performance. Get the thing together, get it prepared, and then make it work in the real world. There’s no point in being a leader if there’s nobody who can get where it is you’re trying to take them.


Sixth Line: Accepting Limits

The sixth line is called “Accepting Limits: Recognizing practical limitations in all your endeavors.” The sixth line can see all the different ways of expressing the details. It can see how everything can fall into place, but inevitably there will be limitations. Certain things will crop up that just make it very hard to move forward.

You need to exercise reserve if you’re going to interact within the scope of your abilities. Certain things can move forward, and certain things cannot. It’s a simple concept, but it can be tough to reckon with if you’re not clear in yourself and the scope of your abilities. Again, logic is a step-by-step process. And with logic, you can argue one side of an issue just as logically as you can argue the opposing view. So, there is always going to be a potential limitation.

You discipline yourself to remain clear in your intentions when confronted by limits in life. If you can remain clear on where you’re going, and not lose sight of the end result, the momentary limitations that crop up along the way won’t sidetrack you for too long. But, while you have the intellect to appreciate your limits, you often lack the intent to maintain them. And this is when you lose track of the vision, you lose track of the ultimate goal of where you want things to go, and you drift off and get caught up in the distractions of roadblocks and limitations.

So, as the Sun moves through this the 62nd Hexagram, we’ll see how it’s going to affect us. Do we find ourselves impelled or encouraged to put forward our plans, concepts, and ideas?  Do we bump up against the line between saying something and actually doing it? We’ll see how the week turns out.


That’s Human Design Gateway 62. We’ll check in again soon. In the meantime, if you’d like to learn more about how your Design informs and shapes your life, get your Free Human Design Report today.
