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Human Design Celebrity Chart: Hunter Biden

Hunter Biden featured image

Human Design Celebrity Chart: Hunter Biden

Human Design Celebrity Chart - Hunter Biden image

File:R. Hunter Biden at Center for Strategic & International Studies, smiling.jpg“  by Center for Strategic & International Studies is licensed under CC BY 3.0.


Today, in our series on Human Design Celebrity Charts, we’re taking a look at the complicated and sometimes controversial life of Hunter Biden. A man living in the shadow of his father. A man beset by trauma and drama. A man who has found himself in the crosshairs of the American political discourse. A man with a mission to find himself.



So, imagine you’re a young lad and you’re going with your mother, your brother, and your little sister to go get a Christmas tree, and on the way, there’s a car crash. You and your brother are injured, and your mother and your little sister are killed. It’s a dramatic trauma. And what happens with trauma is that it becomes a drama. And then a drama becomes a trauma, and the whole thing recycles. It’s a perfect illustration of the variation of things that can happen to us really early on in our life that shape everything else that follows.

I call Hunter Biden’s Chart “Man on a Mission to Find Himself.” Really, we are all here to find ourselves. And what I’ve found is that Human Design is the most extraordinary tool to be able to really look deeply into ourselves, into our lives, and find out exactly what we’re here to live out, regardless of traumas and dramas, regardless of birthrights, regardless of everything else that happens around us.


Hunter Biden featured image



So, let’s have a look at the Human Design Celebrity Chart of Hunter Biden:


Type: Generator

Hunter is a Generator by design. And we know with Human Design, anybody that has a Generator chart has to listen to their gut response. He also has a defined mind and the 64-47 channel. It’s one of the four most common channels in Human Design, and constantly provides ways for us to try making sense out of life.

What this means, and we can see this in some of the events of his life, is that even though he’s a Generator who should pay attention to his gut response, he’s probably been listening to his mind a lot more than his gut. He’s trying this, trying that, and finding out all kinds of different ways to experience life, but not really coming up with anything conclusive, because he’s not grounded in his Design.


Profile: 3/5

3/5 profiles are on the fastest learning curve in this lifetime. They go through everything. They stick their finger into every pie, every possibility. They try this out. They try that out. And obviously, coming as he did from a place of privilege, a lot of doorways are open to him that may not be open to other people. So, he gets to really push the envelope and try everything available.

The thing with the 3/5 is that after having the experiment and finding out it doesn’t work, you chalk it up to experience and do not repeat the same thing. And you can use that experience to be a teacher, someone who can relay to others those things in life that are worth doing, and those that are to be avoided. It can save people the journey of jumping into things that really don’t work for them. There’s the potential to be extraordinarily influential.


Life Theme: The Sphinx

Hunter was born in the Life Theme that we call the Sphinx, or “the Directional.” Which means he points the way for people. And his Conscious Sun is in the Gateway 13, the Gateway of “the Listener.” So, he is able to pick up on things, to hear and perceive things that nobody else hears. He can literally pick up on the frequency of people around him.

The great thing to understand for anyone with Gateway 13, and the 3rd Line, is to be extremely careful about who offers things that are worth paying attention to, and who does not. That said, many of the great healers in the world have that 13th Gateway. They just immediately know what healing needs to take place. And make no mistake about it, Hunter Biden is a healer. It may not look like it now, but it’s within him.

He’s got the Channel of 50-27, which is the Channel I call “the Caregiver,” or “the Caretaker.” It’s part of what we call the Defense Circuit in Human Design. And this is the part of the Design that makes sure people get looked after. He’s a natural caregiver and caretaker for people. And this comes through in his presence. He likes to have a good time and when people are in Hunter’s company, they tend to feel they’re in good space. He’s one of these people that lights the room up, whether he’s aware of it or not.

His unconscious Channel called the “Alchemist,” 2 – 14, provides an inherited ability to handle and grow wealth, and his Channel of “Transformation,” 54 – 32, open a naturally entrepreneurial way in both business and more spiritual pursuits.


Centers: Open Throat & Heart

Looking at Hunter’s chart, we see that he has an undefined, or open, Throat Center. You might say that somebody with an open Throat like this is a medium for speech. They’re a channel for speech. They’re going to reflect, because white centers, especially pure white centers, reflect back to the world around them, exactly like a mirror. He’s going to say whatever it is anyone actually really needs to hear. But to offer this inherent wisdom, and be heard clearly, he must wait for his gut response to give him the ok.

He’s going to transmit something that actually relates to the people in the situation around him. It again goes back to this ability to point things out for other people. And it won’t always make him the most popular person in the room. People tend to get their hackles up when told things about themselves that they’d really rather not deal with, particularly when we’re talking about people in the political realm.

The open Willpower Center, the Heart Center, tells us that he doesn’t consistently know what he wants. This is a pretty common thing. Most of us have an undefined Heart Center. Most people don’t know what they want on a consistent basis. For Hunter, every time he gets a gut response, he has the possibility of tuning in and knowing exactly what holds value for him in that moment. It’s simply a matter of whether or not he’s able to get in touch with that gut response in the first place.

All of this gives us an illustration of a man who is well-meaning, fun-loving, charismatic, and a little bit lost at times. He understands the celebration side of life. He’s a good time guy, but he’s taken it to extremes. A series of romances that ended in public feuds as well as his self-acknowledged and well-publicized drug and alcohol abuse point to a man still very much caught up in the trauma-drama cycle, without the wherewithal to follow his own truth and find a way out of that cycle.

But he does have the capability. Hunter is a man who can stand in the middle of all kinds of controversial things and just sort it all out for everybody. So, it may look like he’s in hot water with these very drastic court cases and all these things going on, but I predict, there is a transformation that’s going to happen as a result, for everybody involved, and especially for him.

That’s the Human Design Celebrity Chart of Hunter Biden. We’ll check in again soon. In the meantime, if you’d like to learn about how your Design informs and shapes your own life, get your Free Human Design Report today.
