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The Oligarchies… Part 3 – Hillary Clinton’s Human Design

The Oligarchies… Part 3 – Hillary Clinton’s Human Design

In our third article on the oligarchies, we have a look into Hillary Clinton’s Design to have a look at the motivating drive within her and her aspirations to the Presidency of the United States. In this article I am going to make a more detailed approach to describe the makeup of an Incarnation Theme and also some of what I see as the more relevant Channels, Gates and Lines in Hillary’s Human Design Life Chart.

Gate and Line inserts are italicized and are taken from The Book of Lines, A 21st Century View of the IChing, the Chinese Book of Changes written purposefully and deliberately aligned to interpret Human Design Charts.



Hillary is born into the Life Incarnation Theme of “The Unexpected,” and one of the things I write about this particular Theme is: “You are born in perhaps one of the most remarkable incarnations, in that you bring the unexpectedness of radical change within your own life and in the lives of everyone around you.” So if you have asked yourself, “How does Hillary manage what she manages?” this brief statement might give you some insight! Not only does Hillary bring radical change and surprises, but these changes and surprises are also visited on her too! Definitely an interesting lifetime!

When we look at an Incarnation Life Theme, to start with we are looking at the Conscious Sun placement, particularly, and also the Conscious Earth placement. Hillary’s Conscious Sun and where she ‘shines’ in life lies in Gate 281 “The Game Player of Life,” with the 1st Line: “Being intuitively open to deal with Challenges.” Within many of the things the world has come to hear about Hillary, we have to appreciate that somehow she has harnessed a knack for dealing with impossible situations and impossible people!

Her Conscious Earth and where she grounds herself and gives form to her actions is in Gate 271, Nourishing, and the 1st Line: “Taking Care of Number One,” with the follow-up Line accented by the Earth’s placement: “Always seeing others’ care as more important than your own is an easy way to be depleted.” Somehow, Hillary has begun to arrange her life in a way that she receives the support she needs to take care of herself and thereby transmit that caring into the lives of people around her without always getting completely exhausted herself.

In any Life Theme, we also look at the Unconscious, inherited tendencies that come through the placements of the Unconscious Sun and Earth. In Hillary’s Life Chart, her Unconscious Sun is in Gate 313, “Influence” and Line 3, “Observing any impulse to influence others,” with the follow up Line accented by the Sun’s placement: “Your capacity to lead is enhanced by inner clarity and associations with worthy influences.” This activation combines with her conscious Mars activation in Gate 71, “Uniformity,” and Line 1: “Effective coordination relies on the quality of shared commitments,” to form the defined Channel of “The Alpha,” “The logical (born) leader.” The indication here, on an unconscious level that has been underlying Hillary’s whole life, is that provided Hillary pays attention to a team that follows her lead, she will take charge of any situation and see it through to completion. One wonders how much influence she wielded in President Bill Clinton’s time when the US was not yet ready for a woman president.

Hillary’s Life Chart

In other places in her Life Chart, we see that Hillary has a 1/3 Profile which indicates she is living a life in which she develops intense focus on particular projects, often losing interest if they do not turn out in her favor, also finding that some of the long-term consequences of her actions are completely hidden from her until there are after-effects that cannot be avoided. Over the years, Hillary has attracted a large number of “scandals” but somehow manages to find her way through and out of them.

With her Manifesting Generator Life Chart, Hillary does not lack energy unless she overindulges her own efforts instead of delegating responsibilities to her teams. The overindulgence is typical for almost anyone with the Channel 20 – 34 of being “Busy, busy, busy….” With her conscious Jupiter and unconscious South Node in Gate 341, of Power, and Line 1 of “Being Presumptive : Haphazard, sometimes clumsy use of power,” Hillary will have come to appreciate that yes, she is a powerful woman, but sometimes she has the tendency to overexert her power in instances when smaller adjustments are the better advised practice.

Hillary’s Mind Center is defined through Channel 23-43, “Structuring, and 5th Lines through which she receives insights, often expressing these insights in ways that can directly challenge any element of the “status quo.” The expression of Gate 23 at the Throat Center is an authoritative “I know!” whether what she says is grounded in reality and practicality or not. The tendency for anyone with the ‘Structuring’ Channel is that they tend to blurt out a string of insightful thoughts without necessarily checking that they are speaking in turn and that their audience is ready to hear them. The second most important thing for anyone with the ‘Structuring’ Channel (23 – 43) to remember is that the tonality of their voice is equally as important as the statements they make. Consequently, listeners either come to like these pungent and insightful statements if they are spoken in turn and with a balanced tone of voice, or else quickly find them irrelevant or objectionable if the person speaking is simply giving voice to a stream of peculiar insights in a distracting tone of voice. When Hillary is conscious of her audience, conscious of herself and her tone of voice, and finds herself speaking in turn, then her statements and insights have a better chance of being well-received.

With several other Gates activated at her Throat Center, Hillary can combine apparently outrageous statements with elements of influential and logical leadership (Gate 31 and Channel 7-31), Interesting stories (Gate 33), concern for “her people” (Gate 45) and even prophetic and visionary statements (Gate 12).  This last activation has probably fueled her great capacity to stay committed to becoming the first woman president of these United States.

The Undefined and Open Centers

    Hillary has an undefined Spleen Center giving her the ability to “diagnose” other people’s states of being at a glance. It can also give her a sense of unease when surrounded by fearful people as she easily absorbs their fears.  All fears come from an almost prehistoric age when our survival depended on our providing food, shelter, and “safety” for ourselves. For anyone with an undefined Spleen Center, fears can be transformed to wisdom through awareness.  Hillary’s Gate 482, The Well, and Line 2 “Deteriorating: The need to constantly refresh your gifts,” can trigger the fear that she does not know enough to succeed in life……and so she is prodded to keep on her understanding particularly of the political world.  Her wisdom comes through recognizing she can find out about anything if she makes the right inquiries.

Her Gate 185, Improving, and Line 5, “Self-correcting, an honesty to resolve conditioning through being alert,” can give her the fear that problems are insurmountable, that others are better equipped at dealing with problems until she realizes that she carries the ability to turn things around by using her own resources (alertness) correctly.

Hillary’s Gate 281, The Game Player (of Life), and Line 1, “Being intuitively open to deal with challenges,” which we saw is a major component of her Personal Life Theme, is activated by her Conscious Sun in an undefined Center.  Any Conscious Sun placement delivers 70% of the energy into that Life Chart, and when lodged in an undefined Center, there is an almost permanent inbuilt hankering to have that energy available….and, for Hillary that happens through interactions with people who have their Spleen Center defined in their Life Chart, or who make connections through Hillary’s activated Gates, or, Hillary’s Spleen Center can also become defined through transiting planets.

For the past two years, through the rest of 2015 and from late August through late October 2016, Pluto, the planet relating to dramatic transformations, ‘death and rebirth’ is in Gate 38, The Fighter. This transiting activation gives Hillary temporary access to her Sun’s energy as well as defining the Channel, 28 -38 of Struggle.  Struggle put in simple terms, is all about Human Rights and the rights of the individual.  The Fighter (38) through Pluto’s transit has appeared during some dramatic shifts in consciousness.  Particularly we have seen Gay Rights achieving massive breakthroughs, the rights of ethnic minorities have also been brought into the public eye.  The next round of Human Rights is bound to be Women’s Rights.

A major drive behind Hillary, something that has directly energized her, brought up all her fears and given her the chance to test and exercise her wisdom as foreign secretary dealing with cultures where women are ignored, excluded and even hidden from view, is to accomplish the raising of Women’s Rights.  In so doing she will give balance to a world that is overloaded with patriarchal tradition and unconscious attitudes that are more often destructive rather than creative.

Hillary’s undefined Root Center makes her susceptible to pressures brought on by other people and also the need (wisdom) to find ways of de-stressing.  (This is true for anyone with an undefined Root Center.)  She has Gate 533 of “New Beginnings,” and Line 3 of “Scrutinizing: Watching your step when engaging in all new endeavors,” implying that a well-considered and balanced approach to commencing new projects and setting up new platforms is recommended…….and Gate 413 of Imagination, and Line 3 of “Synergizing : Experiences are fulfilling because of right alliances,” indicates a growing wisdom to make sure she has the right, well-informed and intelligent people backing her so she can fulfill her long-term visions.

Her undefined Heart Center gives her the means to be strong so long as she never has to prove herself to be superior. With a single activation in Gate 261, Accumulation the Line 1 of “Pausing: Waiting patiently for the right time to act,” says exactly what it means.  Hillary has had to learn to be patient before asserting herself in taking on any role.

Finally, we come to the open (no Gates activated) Emotions Center in Hillary’s Life Chart. An open Emotions Center can be the source of great confusion for many people.  Some people with open Emotion Centers can become almost hysterically emotional in their lives being upset and crying their eyes out over all manner of instances, and others can take the viewpoint that they are surrounded by (emotionally) mad people, separate themselves and take on the resemblance of an iceberg.  Everyone has feelings, someone with an open Emotions Center can have difficulty comprehending, processing, and expressing those feelings.  Hillary has always had this issue in her life: how does she get to express feelings in a way that comes across as authentic, and at the same time engage with feelings in ways that do not interfere with her own sacral-response clarity?

Taking the example of certain famous movie stars like Susan Sarandon, Shirley Temple, and Sally Field, all of whom have open Emotions Centers in their Life Charts, it is clear that these women can ‘play’ passion and drama brilliantly on screen. On their movie sets, they pour their energies into playing emotionally arousing scenes…..and when their director shouts “CUT!”, as professionals, they are ready for the next scene.  Everyone else on the movie set needs time to recover from the drama that just played out in front of them.  The same approach can be applied in Hillary’s life if she pays attention to allowing herself to be present but detached from any dramas playing out in her life and in the lives of everyone around her.  She needs to learn to ‘play’ any emotions ‘to the max’ without being attached to them.  In the past, she has had trouble expressing her feelings in situations that others considered very emotionally charged, however, she seems to some degree to have become more comfortable showing emotion now that she is once again squarely in the public eye.

Before the next Presidential Election in November 2016, I will look at her chances of winning the Oval Office, and match her chart against any competition.  For now I can say that if Hillary can convey the message of being champion for the American family, in all its differing forms, she will easily win.
