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The Emotions

The Emotions

Our Emotions

We live in an emotional world these days and yet for the most part we are often struggling to understand how emotions affect us and how we can embrace them in healthy ways.

In Human Design we see the Emotions Center as the pleasure center, but also, potentially the “pain” center. It is the Center of sex, food, addictions, digestion, breathing, desires, delight, despair and our spiritedness. It is where we come to experience all the highs and lows of life that we feel inside ourselves through what we can loosely describe as ‚wave patterns.‘

Some emotional waves are easy to ride or surf. Other waves throw us completely.

The old saying of “what goes up has to go down” is completely true for the Emotions Center. So, for as much as we engage with pleasure when we go up, we have the possibility of having an equal measure of experiencing pain as our wave goes down.

You might say that if we know pain is part of experiencing Emotions, then why bother seeking out pleasure at all? And here is perhaps one of the greatest puzzles that exist….that with a little understanding of your Human Design Chart can be clarified :

The secret to handling Emotions is : not getting attached to outcomes. “Oh, it is going to be so great when……!” or, “I cannot cope with the feeling that I will get when…..!”

Focusing on an outcome brings tension, anxiety and shortness of breath which in turn brings a decrease in clarity about our surrounding circumstances. Take a deep breath and feel, from your belly, into the situation confronting you. Witness it as dispassionately as you can.

If you have defined Emotions in your chart (the Emotions Center is colored brown), you are constantly cycling through emotional highs and lows, whether you are aware of it or not. Embrace the cycle because it is your nature. Consider the timeless phrase of wisdom : “This too will pass!” You have Emotional Authority. Find the Emotional Clarity within you that has little or nothing to do with an outcome but more to do with your ongoing journey through life.

If you have undefined Emotions in your chart (the Emotions Center is colored white and with at least one Gate in that Center colored black or pink or striped black and pink), then you are constantly cycling through the emotional waves produced by other people. By paying attention to your own Authority it will tell you whether you are clear to commit to any experience or not.

If you have open Emotions in your chart (the Emotions Center is colored white and no Gates in that center are colored) then you are susceptible to ignoring Emotion altogether as being too crazy (“What’s all the fuss about?”) and can appear a little cool to everyone else. Or, you can be thrown for a loop whenever you are confronted in situations where people become overly emotional, either excited or depressed. Again, trust you own perfect Authority to tell you whether any experience is appropriate for you or not in any given moment.

Remember, we are all here to live our own personal lives, becoming more and more aware of the effects that we have on ourselves for the choices we make for ourselves. Riding waves of emotion, all the highs and lows that life offers us, can be great fun and wonderfully fulfilling if we remain clear in ourselves and trust in our own perfect way through life according to our own Human Design.

So much more can be gleaned about your personal journey through life in Chetan’s new book :
Human Design, Discover the Person You Were Born To Be, published by Harper Collins UK.


This book has been written for everyone, young and old in clear, straightforward and engaging language.

Free downloadable software to draw up your own charts is available at :


Personal and Partnership Readings with Chetan are available that will clearly reveal to you your journey through life.

