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The Book of Lines: Human Design Gate 53, New Beginnings, Lines 1-6

Gate 53 Featured Image New Beginnings

The Book of Lines: Human Design Gate 53, New Beginnings, Lines 1-6

Last time, we explored Hexagram 39, which illustrated how moving through obstacles of all sorts opens us up to opportunities for personal growth. Now, the Sun is moving into Human Design Gate 53, which we call “New Beginnings.”

As the name suggests, Gate 53 is involved in making a new start. And you’ll see in these next few days, the Sun is encouraging us, or pushing us, to enter into something different, something new. And the whole idea of these new experiences, these new beginnings, is that they lead to growth and increase in our lives. After all, the whole point in life is to be fulfilled, to find fulfillment. And we get there by growing as a result of embracing new experiences. So, this stage, the dawning, the new beginnings that we’ll experience with Gate 53, is a crucial step in our journey toward fulfillment. Gradual advance takes place as an organic process that brings increasing self-knowledge and experience.



As the Sun triggers this possibility for internal development through new beginnings, you sense the pressure to commence something, anything, so long as it is new and different from what you’ve experienced before. It’s a phenomenon in which you will be drawn into experiences and projects of all sorts without necessarily much consideration of completion. An opportunity will come up, and regardless of whether or not you can see where it’s headed, you’ll sense a pressure to get involved. It’s like an adrenaline rush in a way. You just sense the compulsion to jump in head first.

So, what does this look like, and how do we know which things will bring us growth and increase and which things are a waste of our energy? It’s not always so easy to tell at first glance, but engaging with your Type and Authority is a good start. Let’s see what we find as we go through Human Design Gate 53 line by line:


Human Design Gate 53 image


First Line: Commencing

The first line is called “Commencing: Great progress comes from well-considered beginnings.” The first line always lays the foundation of the hexagram. And here, the foundation of the 53 is concerned with being clear on why you’re getting involved with something in the first place. Are you just jumping headfirst into something? Or is there some actual consideration around it? Have you consulted your own Type and Authority before getting involved? You grow in life by refining your abilities to start new ventures.

Holding your vision and relying on your own strengths, you grow in new life experiences. You only ever need to have an experience once. There’s no point in doing the same thing over and over. And new experiences are available everywhere you look. The key is to trust in yourself. Stay true to yourself and you’ll find yourself in the right experiences. And you’ll find yourself growing, progressing, as a result.

Being vulnerable to criticism from those you wish to impress dampens your development. Do the opinions of other people cause you to wobble? If you’re trying to impress others, and they aren’t on board with what you’re doing, do you begin to doubt yourself? It comes back to being clear in yourself. Trusting your Type and Authority. Trusting your Design and being absolutely clear in your own life.


Second Line: Fortune Smiles

The second line is called, “Fortune Smiles: The sense of security in your growth.” Growth can be easy and shared as long as you remain alert to your own inner guidance. The energy is there for a new beginning. But now is the time to check in and find out if it’s really something to get involved with.

A centered and expanding growth comes easily in all aspects of your life. Second lines have this natural approach to life. It could be called unsophisticated in a way. You don’t necessarily do things the way everybody else does. But that’s why Fortune can smile on you, because you enter into things in a very natural way. You’re not forcing anything.

Careless in your inner attitude you easily succumb to the pressures of unbridled growth. You have the potential to be pushed into things. Like a runaway train, you can get involved in something and just keep going and going with it, until suddenly you look up and realize you’ve been taken for a ride. The new beginning you set out on has gotten completely out of control.


Third Line: Scrutinizing

The third line is always a bit touch and go. It wants to try everything out, but it’s never quite sure if it’s alright to commit all the way. And here the line is called, “Scrutinizing: Watching your step when engaging in all new endeavors.” It’s a call to be aware of what you’re getting into. Third lines often get their fingers burned by jumping into things too quickly. So, be clear that you cannot always predict the effects that your developments have on others.

Finding growth potential in all situations you draw from your inner strengths. When you’re really clear on what to get involved with. When the commitment is there, and you’ve checked in with your Type and Authority, then the potential for growth is tremendous.

You have a potential to dissipate your energy by fighting with life rather than growing in life. We’ve all found ourselves fighting with life at some point. We get fixated on doing something to the point where we are trying to force it, no matter how much resistance we encounter. But life has a flow, and when we push against that flow, the results are predictably poor. Instead, let the flow carry you. Get clarity before you get involved in something and see how it can carry you along.


Fourth Line: Being Agile

The fourth line always wants to connect. It wants other people to be on board. It wants to bring people together and have an influence on their lives. Here, the fourth line is called, “Being Agile: Finding your balance in all new situations.” When proceeding under pressure you rely on your inner stability, or succumb to stress. So, with this desire to bring people together, there is always an underlying worry about whether or not you’ll have their engagement. Are they going to like me? Are they going to go along with me? Are we all in this together? There is always a potential pressure there, which is why agility is key.

Your inner calm preserves your growth through any difficult circumstance. It doesn’t matter what life puts in front of you, there’s always a way through as long as it’s something that really involves you. You can only find out for yourself if something involves you. That’s an inside job. But if you get that clarity, you’ll find your Design equips you to get through anything.

Pressured by the expectations of others you seek personal growth in unsuitable situations. The fourth line can have this push to get out and be embraced. A pressure to feel supported and liked. And if you aren’t careful, this can cause you to get involved in all sorts of things that have nothing to do with you, things that have no value for you.


Fifth Line: Advancing Steadily

Fifth lines are the natural guides. They have the oversight. They have the possibility to rearrange things. They can give great input on how a new beginning can lead into other things. And here, the fifth line is called “Advancing Steadily: In all expansion you are going to be pressured from the outside.”

Fifth lines are always caught up in a projection field of other people’s expectations. Because you have the ability to oversee things, people naturally come to you with their problems. They expect you to fix this and that for them.  And if you let yourself, you can quickly become swallowed by the projections and expectations of others. You stay true to your own measure of growth or become overwhelmed by life’s pressures.

Your deep attunement to growth comes by adapting in your own way to any situation. That deep attunement to growth means tuning into yourself, to your own growth. Can you step out of the projection field? Can you get out from under the expectations of everyone around you and find your own way through? If you can, if you’re able to jump outside of this constrained way of doing things, you have the potential to find a completely new beginning, a whole new experience. And that’s the beauty of this particular hexagram.


Sixth Line: Bringing Benefit

The sixth line is called “Bringing Benefit: The endless and natural gift of service to others.” And what is this service? The sixth line has the overview of the whole Hexagram. It knows exactly what’s needed in order to make these new beginnings. So, the service is in helping other people find the experiences that are really worthwhile for them. Helping people find beginnings that are going to take them into amazing life experiences that ultimately bring them fulfillment.

In your own growth, you emanate service and example that spreads to others’ lives. Sixth lines always have a potentially exemplary quality about them. And you’ll see that if you’re being fulfilled in your own life. If you’re really complete and “in the zone” in your own life, it’s going to have a ripple effect on the world around you. When you remain true to your own path of growth, you live as a shining example for others.

Embracing transformation and growth you don’t always recognize how that affects others. You have the potential to get totally focused on going through a new start, a new beginning into things without recognizing the consequences it might have for others. Sixth lines always have the possibility to recognize other people’s needs and be of enormous assistance in other people’s lives. But there is the potential to lose sight of that ability.

So, Gate 53 here gives us a great opportunity to expand, grow and progress in our lives, provided we are really clear in our own selves. If you can do that, if you can stay true to your own journey here, you might not even see this progress at first, but in a few days you’ll look up and see what a great benefit it’s brought into your life and the world around you.


That’s Human Design Gate 53. We’ll check in again soon. In the meantime, if you’d like to learn more about how your Design informs and shapes your life, get your Free Human Design Report today.
