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The Book of Lines: Human Design Gate 46, Serendipity, Lines 1-6

Gate 46 Serendipity featured image

The Book of Lines: Human Design Gate 46, Serendipity, Lines 1-6

Last time, we explored Hexagram 6, which showed us how we move towards achieving emotional evolution in the face of conflict. Now the pace begins to change as we go into Human Design Gate 46, which is one of the gateways in what we call “The Vessel of Love.” It’s a gateway called “Serendipity” and it’s the closest we’ll ever come, in the I-Ching, to the word Luck.



The 46 has the possibility of introducing you to some great opportunities and good fortune in life if you’re ready for it; if you’re open to it. Life has gifts to offer us, but we have to be willing and able to recognize and embrace them when they come along. You have to allow yourself to be lucky.

Growth and good fortune come from application, truthfulness, and sincerity…or simply by being in the right place at the right time with the right attitude. This is perhaps the big takeaway from gate 46. What does it take to be “lucky”? Yes, you have to be in the right place at the right time, but you’ve also got to have that magical ingredient: Attitude. Which is to say that you have to be ready to embrace fortune, to receive or respond to whatever it is life has to offer you as a result of being in the right place at the right time.

There is a physical aspect to this too. Love of your body is love of the vehicle that conveys you through all the experiences of your life. What are you doing, physically, to be available for life’s offerings? Are you taking care of your temple? Or are you exhausting yourself all the time? When you use up your energy on things that don’t really serve you, you make yourself less available, less likely to be able to have the right attitude to engage with whatever it is that life wants to present to you.



Gate 46 wheel image



Let’s see how this works as we go through Human Design Gate 46 line by line:


First Line: Promoting

The first line is called “Promoting: Inner conviction is recognized by those who seek to align with you.” And that inner conviction can be seen as the “attitude” mentioned above. It’s the willingness and ability to be available for growth. The willingness to expand your life experience and to promote your availability by saying “I’m here. I’m ready. Who’s with me? Who wants to find me?”

On the other side of this is the question: “Are you ready to grow, or not?” Your inherent confidence or lack of readiness to grow either attracts assistance or not. So, the key here is to be aware of what’s available for you, who is here for you, and how you can promote yourself in ways that open up possibilities for growth.

One of the things that really attracts good fortune to us is being in a state of gratitude and gratefulness. So, if you insist on developing solely by your own efforts without looking for outside assistance, you’re not allowing existence to help you, and you might miss out on some potential allies.


Second Line: Expanding

The second line always has a natural, innocent, even unsophisticated approach to life. Here, the line is called, “Expanding: Like it or not, the eyes are on you and you can deliver!” You’ll find that if you’ve got the 46 with the second line, when you walk into the room, everybody’s going to turn and look at you. You have stage presence; you have a magnetism. Life wants you to be available and open.

However, while the second line has this very natural quality to it, it also has the potential for denying, for saying “I’m not really interesting enough for people. Nobody really needs me, etc.” It’s true, you might not be appreciated by others. But you don’t need approval to grow, to shine, to be successful. You simply need to follow your own natural way.

So, now is the time for you to recognize that life is wanting to deal you something in this moment, something that can bring you great benefit. Even with modest resources, and without the approval of others, you have an opportunity to grow. And you do this through your sincerity.


Third Line: Progressing

Third lines are the experimenters, the pioneers. They like to try things out, and they get their fingers burned quite a bit. Here, the third line is called “Progressing: Moving upwards in life without doubts.”

So, the key here is to progress, to grow, which means to learn quickly from your mistakes. Yes, you got your fingers burned, but that’s just a temporary setback. You try something out, it doesn’t work, you move on and redirect your course. The third line is very versatile in this way.

When proceeding into the unknown, you need not hesitate as long as you are clear in yourself. As long as you are checking in with your Type and Authority, you are going to have that sense of clarity you need to move upwards in life without doubt. You advance easily in life through your inner attunement to all phases of your journey. When things don’t work out, you accept it. It’s just part of the learning process for third lines. No need to totally dismiss anybody or anything because it didn’t work out the first time around. You just modify your approach and keep going.


Fourth Line: Fulfilling

The fourth line is called “Fulfilling: Holding true to your inner commitment to grow.”  Fourth lines are always trying to get everyone else on board. You want others to see things from a singular point of view. You want everyone to grow together.

Standing out for your commitment to grow in life allows for easy advancement. With the 4, 5, and 6 lines especially, it’s very important to know exactly what is right for you in this moment of growth and expansion. But the bottom line with the fourth line is that you are open to growth.

Taking growth in your stride, you are furthered in life by receiving the endorsement of others. It’s such a wonderful thing when you find yourself surrounded by company that really appreciates how you do things. However, because you see growth as a natural part of life’s process, you may fail to acknowledge those who assist you in your growth. There’s a tendency to take growth for granted, ignoring the fact that you have some amazing support around you.


 Fifth Line: Proceeding

The fifth line always has the leadership potential. You have the ability to oversee things. And here, the fifth line is called “Proceeding: A naturally powerful development needs strong inner virtue.” The word virtue is common to most fifth lines and it ties in with this ability to be a natural teacher, the one who can see things—great outcomes, great possibilities—clearly.

The bottom line for the fifth line is that you always have to make these great visions practical. You are drawn to realizing these great possibilities for people. Where you run into potential difficulty is when others come to expect this from you. People see your great facility in leadership and guidance. They begin to expect you to fix things for them, to solve their problems, which can cause you to get deflected from your own growth.

Your Achilles heel as a fifth line is that you go out of your way to rescue people rather than being true to yourself. But where you find your genius is when you stay in your inner virtue and provide what is truly needed. Maintaining your balance in all phases of life allows for successful and lasting growth. Tremendous growth and fulfillment can come through here, provided you maintain your balance and avoid getting pulled off track in favor of rescuing everybody else.


Sixth Line: Re-appraising

The sixth line is called, “Re-appraising: Compulsive advancement requires constant vigilance.” The 46 with the sixth line is always going to feel that there’s growth happening. It just keeps going and expanding, and life keeps delivering. But in reviewing your life’s efforts, you determine who and what receives your energy and attention.

You’ll want to keep checking in and really know who’s with you. Who is in this growth with you? What are the situations and who are the people in those situations that combine to bring about fulfillment for you? And that’s the essence of this reappraisal: discovering what it really is that brings about fulfillment in your life.

That’s essentially the nature of Human Design Gate 46 in general. It is like a compass needle keeping us on track toward fulfillment via remembering to be in the right place and right time, with the right attitude.

When you always relate realistically to your life you are available to interact with others. You have this great ability to oversee things and provide assistance for others, but sometimes it can be a bit too much. You can become overwhelmed by it all and feel a need to step back. However, as long as you are realistic about this, about what you are able to take on and how much is too much, you will be able to provide that assistance in ways that don’t detract from your own experience and growth.

That’s Human Design Gate 46. We’ll check in again soon. In the meantime, if you’d like to learn more about how your Design informs and shapes your life, get your Free Human Design Report today.
