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Relationships and The “Nodes Effect” | Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner

Relationships and The “Nodes Effect” | Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner

By Chetan Parkyn

There is an old adage that says life begins at 40, and everyone who has passed their 40th year will know that something dramatic shifts between the ages of 38 and 44. It is almost like an apprenticeship has been completed and a whole new way of life is opening up, and you either surrender and move gracefully into the new lifestyle or else suffer some bumps and bruises as the shift happens anyway. In this month’s article, we are looking at the Life Charts of Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner to throw light on a powerful relationship that is shifting into a new form.

We’ll start with Ben Affleck’s Design and find that he is born into the Interpersonal Incarnation Theme of “Revolution.”

Those born into this Theme find themselves often defying the commonplace, the mundane, and the status quo and consistently looking for an “edge” to bypass formality and bureaucracy. Very often, people with this Incarnation become champions for those whom society ignores or those with alternate viewpoints that they have trouble expressing for themselves.

In Ben’s Life Chart, it is interesting to note that his conscious Sun placement, and therefore 70% of the energy in his

Design is in Gate 4, Solutions, Line 5, “Being Broad-minded…… With a gift for problem-solving you sometimes diminish others’ lack of ability to understand,” in an undefined Mind Center, implying that he is a great “Mr. Fixit” who does not really require anyone else’s input in solving theirs or anyone else’s problems.

Ben can fix, on a mental level, anyone else’s problem brilliantly. In fact, in his mind, he has solutions for problems that do not even exist. His mind is so clever that he can “count cards” while gambling to consistently win while playing cards at casinos. The great difficulty here is that Ben is tempted with his brilliant mind to think that everything in life especially his own life, including relationships and emotional situations needs and can be “fixed” by mental solutions.

This, coupled with the fact that his conscious Earth placement is in Gate 49, Revolution, and Line 5, “Being Sentient…..Sensing a need for change, you support others with their approval or in order to control them,” in an undefined Emotions Center which, coupled with his 5/1 Profile, can have the effect of his arranging and rearranging everything, often with a dramatic knee-jerk “No!” while he is quite out of touch with reality and the actual needs of situations.

In a world of fantasy and make-believe, perhaps in movie terms, these attributes are a great gift. In terms of being clear in his own life, especially considering relationships and expressing emotions naturally and with maturity, with this Design, there are some great challenges.

There is no question that Ben is enormously talented and by Design-driven to follow his own convictions wherever they take him, however, try as he might, he will find his mental solutions will never bring him lasting satisfaction.

Jennifer Garner is born into the Personal Incarnation Theme of “The Laws.”
For those born into this Theme, their life is one that is marked by dramatic and often decisive transformations. For anyone born with this Theme, the transformations come about in their own lives and in the lives of anyone close to them or involved in their life in any way. By transformation, we are not talking about gradual changes, we are talking about huge jumps from one reality to another, and in each “new” reality a whole new set of “Laws” are founded. Anyone who travels with a partner having this Incarnation Theme has to be ready to change and transform their fixed ways or they are going to be left behind.

In Jennifer’s Life Chart, her conscious Sun and Earth are both activated in defined Centers giving Jennifer a surety and consistency in her own life through her Sacral Response. Her conscious Sun in Gate 3, “Beginnings,” and Line 2, “Maturing, Diligent application: Trusting your own personal evolution or tending to rely on the advice and ways of others,” marks her as an innovator provided she follows her own truth.


When we look to Jennifer’s Authority (Emotional), we see her Emotions Center is defined through her unconscious Moon in Gate 36, Crisis Resolution, and Line 2 “Any moodiness makes you vacillate in seeking or providing assistance during crisis,” indicating that she has difficulty sometimes in recognizing that a crisis exists (emotionally) and how to deal with it. Being emotionally defined herself, with a partner who seems to be most identified with his (undefined) Mind, certainly has its challenges, especially when you are inclined to be unsure in expressing your feelings clearly.

Both Ben and Jennifer have had their Nodal “Mid-Life crises” in the last year or so, affecting their personal destinies, and in the next article, we’ll have a look at their combined Relationship Chart and discuss what happens for them as partners in marriage, and also see how their Nodes shifting from South to North Nodes has affected them.

