Advanced Human Design Relationship Training ….An Immersive Workshop
It’s Time to Achieve the Pinnacle of Your Human Design Training
Read on to discover the exciting next steps on your journey...
First of all, congratulations on making it this far in the Human Design training experience.
By reaching this level, you’re among the elite of Human Design practitioners around the world.
This makes you an unstoppable force, an influencer who can expound on the course material with finesse, and guide your clients toward achieving new levels of excellence.
Now it’s time to embrace the top echelon of Human Design with...
Advanced Relationship Training
WHEN: Monday, September 30th and Tuesday, October 1st
WHERE: Beautiful North County San Diego
1. You’ve completed Human Design For Us All Training Levels 1-3,
experiencing a basic introduction into relationships as you explored the nuances of life mastery and business growth with your newly acquired skills, strategies and techniques. Additionally, you will need meet the Prerequisites listed on this page in order to gain the highest benefit from your training.
2. You have studied Human Design with other trainers and you’re looking to up-level your skill set in this critical area of your business. Additionally, you will need meet the Prerequisites listed on this page in order to gain the highest benefit from your training.
If you see yourself in either of these categories, then Advanced Relationship Training is your next step!
This is a total immersion, a deep dive into all aspects of a relationship through Human Design.
You will discover how to read for a couple in a loving, confident and accurate way, with delivering a powerful and enlightening reading that will create long term clients and referrals.
You’ll be able to apply your skills for all
aspects of relationships including:
Romantic partners
Parent/children relationships
Business associates and partners
Employees or independent contractors
Clients and customers
…and the list goes on.
Here's what you can expect:
A comprehensive understanding of your own relationships, and how your past and present relationships have affected your life.
You will be introduced to an entirely new, advanced technique for seeing the full potential of your most meaningful relationships.
Learn how to do a full immersion into the purpose and life path of your own, and your client’s significant relationships.
You’ll develop and fine-tune your ability to create more successful business associations and deeper, more fulfilling love relationships.
You’ll be able to deliver powerful, life-altering relationship readings for your clients.
Here is a glimpse into the class components:
We will do a basic review of Relationship Chart Dynamics covering the sailant features that affect any relationship:
1. Relationship Chart Centers: Defined/Undefined
2. Partners’ Conscious/Unconscious Combinations
3. Relationship Chart Circuits
4. Type Comparison/Combination
5. Authority Comparison/Combination
6. Profile Comparison/Combination
We’ll also go deep into how the following components are the obvious features affecting any relationship.
1. Electros
2. Friendships
3. Dominions
4. Compromise/Compliment
5. Life Themes
We will introduce you to an entirely new way to uncover
the meaning, purpose and future direction of our most important
When we combine 2 charts to make a Composite Chart, we get a completely different picture.
Revealing the Life Path and Purpose of the relationship itself, we go beyond chemistry and relating dynamics, into the heart and soul of relationship’s potential, both as a vehicle for personal evolution, as well as for impact in the world.
In this Immersive Training, we’ll also dive deeply into a discovery of the dynamics of the partnership. You’ll learn how to determine the Relationship’s:
Destiny Path with a study of the north and south nodes
Evolutionary potential
The hidden gifts in the Unconscious Venus
Once these are properly understood, they can completely change the way partners relate, in profound and positive ways.
Do you know what this means for you, and for your business?
It means having a competitive edge with knowledge and skill sets that a rare few on earth possess.
It means going to past clients with this new information in your toolbox and re-upping them into new plans—and new revenue streams.
It means you will be at the forefront of relationship thought leaders, enabling you to establish yourself as an industry authority.
Our Advanced Relationship Training is a 2-day in-person
Intensive Event.
Our next production dates are Friday, May 8th and Saturday May 9th, 2020.
Must have a comfortable understanding of Human Design including the following:
All elements contained in Human Design Levels 1-3, including Type, Authority and Profile; conscious/unconscious distinctions; defined/undefined Centers; Channels and Circuits
Understand and Can name each Channel from memory
Ideally, have completed our Level 4 Training, or a comparable Human Design Training
Read what one of our students has to say about how working with us helped her restore the love she cherished...
“The falling in love part was easy, but my husband and I used to struggle with every disagreement, so much that I began to question if we’d ever be happy again. Learning our Human Design dynamics with Chetan and Carola was a life-line for our love! I would never have been able to be in the love I am now with him without the understanding I got from Human Design about myself and certainly about my husband.”
Lynn Pollock, writer, professor of English Literature and Yoga Teacher, San Diego, CA
In Jack Canfield’s forward to our newest book, The Book of Destinies, he says…
“My work with Chetan provided me with “Chicken Soup for the Soul” of an entirely unique nature—my life’s purpose was suddenly decoded and laid bare, in easy to understand language, allowing me to come to the inescapable conclusion that my soul had provided a perfect plan for orchestrating my life’s journey, even before I was born.
Having unequivocal acceptance of the people closest to us, and knowing that they deeply understand and accept who we are, has the potential to take our relationships to new levels of deep connection and profound fulfillment.”
Jack Canfield, Best-selling author, co-creator of the Chicken Soup for the Soul series, co-author of The Success Principles and a featured teacher in the movie, “The Secret”
Read what one of our Human Design Students, Beata Wasiluk has to say about how Human Design has impacted her relationships…
“Human Design is a self- transformation, self- empowering tool… when you are in that restful space of yourself, you will see a ripple, and then a miracle will happen… And that is the whole power of Human Design.
I am a parent, and raising children with that awareness, allowing them to be who they really are and also allowing myself to be who I am as a mother has had a tremendous ripple effect to the world and to my closest significant others.”
Beata Wasiluk, Warsaw, Poland
Read what multimillionaire Business Success Mentor, David Neagle, has to say about the impact of knowing his Human Design…
“Since I was a boy, I had questions about myself that even after 25 years of intense study still remained unanswered.
Chetan and Human Design answered those questions… and forever changed my life in very practical and measurable ways.
I instantly experienced a difference in my relationships and business that translated into more profit for me and my company.
If you have questions that remain unanswered Human Design will answer them once and for all.”
David Neagle, Multimillionaire Income Acceleration Coach
"I had a massive breakthrough in my business!"
“Chetan and I started working together first and for me, I had this massive breakthrough in my business. It became easier to make decisions that felt good, that worked out from there. I was so excited about the results that I was getting in my life and my business, that I started recommending the Human Design program to my clients.
I wish that every single one of my clients would have their Human Design done so that we could work from that as we develop their sales strategy, as we develop their marketing strategy, as we build their team, as we decide which clients they should approach and which clients they shouldn’t approach, so they literally stop wasting energy.”
Angelique Rewers, Business Coach, The Corporate Agent
"The best gift I have ever given myself!"
“Having my Human Design Reading with Chetan was the best gift I have ever given myself—and those around me.
Decisions came a lot easier. How I interact and communicate with my team changed for the better. And I started earning a lot more money. After my reading, I realized I needed further support—not only in how to best live by my Design, but also to heal old wounds I’d been hauling around—and decided to hire Carola as my coach.
Over the past year working together, she’s helped me release unwanted paradigms that were keeping me from success and inner peace. I’m more confident as a business owner and a leader, I’m finally living life on my terms, and reaping the financial rewards I’ve set out to reach.
Thanks to both of you for transforming my life!”
Michelle Salater, Sūmèr, LLC
This 2-day Live Training with Chetan and Carola was created as a small group event in order to give you the individual attention you desire.
Enrollment is limited, and thousands will be seeing this page, so if you know you are meant to be there, join us today.
If you’re serious about receiving a special, small group experience with the Masters of Human Design and the Art of Fulfilling Relationships then this is a must-attend!