The key to your success is already within you. You were born with it.
Human Design is the proven system that reveals your unique success blueprint and shows you how to unleash the full power of your potential in everything you do.
We are all born with a passionate purpose – a truth that we are meant to express and a path we are meant to follow. But we tend to lose sight of that truth as we grow and become influenced by the expectations of others. Bit by bit, we begin living the way we think we are supposed to live, rather than thriving in the lives we were born to live. Human Design is here to turn that around and help you rediscover your path and purpose.
Encompassing the four ancient wisdom traditions of the Kabbalah, the I-Ching, the Chakra system and Astrology, as well as the two modern sciences of neutrino physics and the human genetic code, Human Design is the first system to reveal our unconscious, genetically inherited imprinting.
Understanding your unique Human Design Life Map gives you specific keys for living the life you were born to live, and gives you the blueprint for taking full advantage of your gifts and potential.
Traditional Human Design offers a fixed system for a fixed world. It offers information about who you are, but doesn’t tell you how to use that information as a springboard for transforming your life. But these are transformational times. The world, and the people in it, is changing. Fast.
If you do not know who you are and how to operate in these changing times, it is impossible to be fulfilled or successful in your life.
Evolutionary Human Design gives you the practical steps and proven strategies for putting Human Design to work in your life and business in order to succeed and thrive in a world that’s in constant flux.
By bringing you into alignment with your own truth, while keeping you tuned in to the big changes that will be coming your way, Evolutionary Human Design keeps you ahead of the curve, so you are empowered to succeed in a changing world.
As experts in life transformation and success coaching, and the world’s leading Human Design practitioners, Carola and Chetan not only teach you your Human Design, they help you use it as a vehicle for self-realization.
For professionals, coaches, counselors, and everyone seeking a fresh approach to living, working and thriving, Evolutionary Human Design is the success system you’ve been looking for.
Carola Eastwood has been a professional counselor, business success coach, author, and Human Design Consultant for over two decades. She has appeared on national TV, hosted radio shows, and spoken at national conventions. Driven by her calling to help others awaken to their highest truth, Carola has dedicated her life to guiding people in realizing their potential and living more joyful, fulfilling lives.
Carola discovered her calling during a moment of crisis. As a young woman, she had to put her first child up for adoption and then found herself financially unable to care for her second. After sending her second child off to live with grandparents, Carola was devastated. Overwhelmed by grief, feeling lost and empty, Carola stepped out onto the edge of the steep cliff behind her house, and as she considered whether or not the jump would be high enough to kill her, something miraculous happened. From the open window of her living room, she heard the chorus of George Harrison’s
“My Sweet Lord”:
“I really wanna see you, Really wanna be with you
Really wanna see you, Lord, But it takes so long, my Lord”
Not a religious person, Carola had never really prayed in her life, but in that moment, she was moved to call out: “God, if you’re there, I really need to see you.” She felt an immediate calm wash over her and the urge to jump was gone. She felt called to go to the mirror, and as she looked deep into her own eyes, she could see something looking back at her that wasn’t there before. It was her spirit, radiating with brilliant light and bathing her in a calming, reassuring glow. It was in this moment that Carola discovered her calling: to help others awaken to their spirit.
At age 22, Carola moved to a little mountain town in Southern New Mexico and was invited to join a small gathering of women.
While at her host’s home, she noticed a book on the shelf that called to her with such power that she ignored that little voice in her head that said she was being socially rude and she took it down and began reading.
She couldn’t put it down. And before long she was overcome with a profound feeling of familiarity. The book was “As Above, So Below” by Alan Oken.
It was her first real introduction to astrology, which would be her first vehicle for practicing her calling.
After pursuing a Masters in Counseling Astrology from the University of Humanistic Studies, Del Mar, CA, Carola completed a two-year post graduate program from the San Diego Center for Psychosynthesis, where she learned to facilitate deep psychological healing.
A perpetual student and seeker, Carola has completed years of post-graduate training in a variety of human development disciplines, including evolutionary psychology, psychosynthesis, past life healing therapy, and intuitive reading arts. For decades, she ran an established counseling and astrology practice, and wrote the popular “Planetary Cycles” column published by the Life Connection.
After decades of practicing and writing about astrology, she met Chetan, and was once again struck with a profound sense of familiarity. Not only had she found the love of her life, but she also found Human Design, and knew it was the next evolution in her calling.
She realized that Human Design was the missing piece of the puzzle in her mission to help others change their consciousness, transform old patterns and create their own destiny.
Today, she co-presents Human Design seminars and trainings alongside her husband and partner, Chetan Parkyn. Carola created a series of successful Human Design Experiential Seminars, co-created the hugely popular Human Design Comprehensive Report and assists Chetan in presenting their ground-breaking Human Design Consultant Trainings.
Carola co-authored “The Book of Destinies: Discover the Life You Were Born to Live”, published by New World Library, 2016.
Chetan Parkyn has been giving Readings for over 35 years and has spent the past 25 years mastering Human Design. As the world’s leading Human Design practitioner and author of the ground-breaking first major book on Human Design, which has been translated into fourteen different languages, Chetan Parkyn has made it his life’s mission to bring Human Design to the whole world.
An entrepreneur’s son by upbringing and an engineer by training, Chetan has fully explored both the mystical and the technological worlds. He’s been a safari leader, a deep-sea dive engineer and a devoted student of meditation. Travels in India and time spent in the company of the enlightened mystic, Osho, finally introduced Chetan to his own purpose — helping people develop self-knowledge.
In 1993, Chetan was introduced to Human Design, and instantly knew that this was the system he was destined to bring to the world. But, after years of studying Human Design and giving thousands of personal and partnership Readings, he began to realize how few people had access to its extraordinary potential. In 2000, he felt called to make the system accessible to a far wider audience.
When Chetan met Carola, there was an instant mutual recognition. Not only were they meant to be partners in love and life, but their combined backgrounds as seekers, healers and teachers who had mastered their respective disciplines gave their partnership the unique spark that would be the basis of a new phase in Human Design.
In 2009 Chetan wrote the first major book on Human Design, published by Harper Collins UK, and in 2010 by New World Library in the US. Combined with powerful free software, the book makes it easy for everyone to create and interpret his or her own Life Chart. And in 2010, he and his wife, Carola created the first On-Line Human Design Comprehensive Report, which has remained highly popular throughout the years.
Evolutionary Human Design is the continuation of Chetan’s mission – to evolve and expand the Human Design system for the 21st century and beyond.
From personal clarity to unlocking your potential for greater success, it all starts with your Human Design Reading
Take a look at our training programs to find out how Evolutionary Human Design can boost your business or practice
Real-world strategies and step-by-step guidance on how to turn your Human Design insight into action and take your life and work to the next level.
Interested in practicing Human Design? Learn directly from the masters of the Human Design System to become a Certified Practitioner.
„The body of work that Chetan offers individuals in search of knowing themselves to
the core is by far the most unique and revealing information I’ve experienced. He gives you your step-by-step guide to a level of self-awareness few people have had the
chance to experience.”
“I am literally living a different life than when I started work with Carola. I chose to work with her because I wanted to make a change in my personal life, and I couldn’t figure out why I hadn’t been able to make that change, even though intellectually I knew it was the right thing for me.
Even more importantly, I have begun to live life with joy – I am truly a happy person and my work with Carola was a big part of me finding happiness. As a bonus, my business has increased exponentially! She is an outstanding mentor, and I highly recommend her for anyone who wants to live an exceptional life.“
„His clarity has caused me to find new ways to capitalize on my strengths (which is bringing in new business right and left!) and to quit doing some of the old behaviors that were keeping me stuck.“