Last week, we explored Hexagram 44, and now we shift gears into the 1st Gateway, which is in the part of the Human Design System we call “Mutation.” Throughout this whole season, we will be opening up to change. It’s a mutative time, and out of mutation comes all kinds of changes that we can’t necessarily foresee and can’t necessarily qualify in terms of logic or previous experiences.
The first hexagram is called “Creativity.” And where does creativity come from? Creative self-expression comes out of the Self-Center, also known as the G Center due to its relationship to Perfect Geometry, the G-shaped Nautilus Spiral that connects us into everything. So, what we’re seeing here is that this creative self-expression aligns with the natural expansion of the universe.
Gate 1 gives us an extraordinary potential to contribute to the expanding creativity in this universe. We may think that everything we do is localized, that everything that comes through us starts and ends with our immediate sphere of influence and expression. But the star fields around the Sun are pouring this energy through us as we indulge in our creative pursuits. And it’s not like this energy gets stuck there. It carries on out to the other side of the universe. And as it does so, our expression of creativity is also echoed out into the universe. We are all taking part in this universal expansion. Let’s all be creatives!
Let’s see how this plays out in the Human Design System line by line:
First Line: Pure Creativity
The first line here is called “Pure Creativity Without Motive.” There’s a habitual way of doing something, and then there’s a creative way of doing something. And it comes down to making a conscious change in the way we go about things in this world. Let’s try something different. Let’s do it differently. No motive behind it, just a creative movement.
Your self-expression is often impulsive, and also wholesome when it is effortless. There are many different ways of describing the effortlessness of self-expression. It’s creative, it’s different, it’s novel, it’s in a flow. You might say you’re in “the zone.” The creativity just comes through you, and you see the more you allow it to come through, the more amazing it can be without necessarily needing to tweak it or adjust it or think too hard about it.
Creative brilliance is hard to restrain, so learning patience is essential here. There are times when you get the sense of being on a creative path and you want to push forward and get into it. But there’s a timing to everything, and it’s important to let the creativity come in its own way. Let it flow through, find that zone, find that pathway, and don’t necessarily be in such a rush to put it out there.
Second Line: Being in Accord
The second line here is called “Being in accord: Aligning with universal truths.” Creativity is a natural expression for the universe. Ever since the big bang, and maybe before, everything’s been expanding, stars have been forming, planets are born, and on we go in this natural expansion of creative energy.
For the second line, creativity is a natural expression that is always subject to and altered by your personal agendas. You’re always looking for a pure expression. And your creative self-expression intensifies by applying your aspirations and values.
Whether you’ve ever been encouraged to be creative or not, there is a call here to try your creative side. Recognize it, find it within. But be aware that your full creative potential can be limiting when you express only desires and passions.
The second line has a tendency to duck out if it senses that it doesn’t really know what it’s doing. You can be in denial that there might be more to be learned and improved upon. You can get caught up in a sense of being unrealistic, unqualified, or unsophisticated. So, second lines always have to drop back into that space of being natural, straightforward, in flow in life.
Third Line: Creative Thrust
The third line is always pioneering, eager to get into all kinds of new endeavors and new possibilities. That’s why the third line is called “Creative thrust: Applying yourself to your best ability.” When you get that creative urge, the third line will say “Let’s try it. Let’s experiment. Let’s do something different.”
Your creativity is hard to contain and direct and is affected by any material considerations. Trying to adapt a flow of energy, especially creative energy, to a material consideration (i.e., trying to figure out whether or not there’s going to be any payback involved), can cause some complications.
Materialism invariably affects the quality of your creativity. Being diligent is important. It’s not to say that there’s anything wrong with being wealthy and creating wealth, but sometimes a great idea can be hampered by putting a price tag on it.
Fourth Line: The Artist Alone
The fourth line is always looking to draw people together and have an influence on others. And how do they do that? How do they get everyone to come on board with them? By finding themselves in the middle of the creative process and just surrendering to being in that place.
The fourth line is called “The Artist Alone: Finding yourself in the middle of the creative process.” Here, creativity can just pour through you, and everyone sees that something amazing is happening in front of them. A flow of personal creativity brings you into intimate contact with existence. Isn’t it just the best feeling when you’re in that flow and you just let go and creativity comes through and you just find yourself totally in accord with life? And whether you are seeking to be influential or not, it happens by itself.
Be aware of trying to force things. Trying to influence others directly with your creativity will actually limit its potential. There’s a delicate balance here. If you’re playing to the audience, looking for people, looking for buyers for your work, or looking for an outlet for your creativity, it might dampen the creative spark a bit.
Fifth Line: Magnetic Creativity
The fifth line always has the potential for leadership. It has the ability to be the inspirational leader or teacher. And here the line is called “Magnetic Creativity: A means to fascinate people with your creative pursuits.”
The difficulty with the fifth line is that you can’t tell anybody how you do it or where it comes from. You can’t explain it. It just comes through. Other people can try to be leaders and coaches. They can devise a process of taking people into life experience, and they can put out workshops and teach people about it. But nobody can actually get that same level of creativity that comes through with the fifth line here.
So, there is a call here to watch and witness this creativity that comes through you. Be aware of the creative flow that is unique to you. And it doesn’t necessarily need to be passed on to anybody else. It’s just part of your distinct presence here. It’s not even necessarily about creating works of art. It’s about a style of life as much as anything else. Just sense your creative presence in the world.
Sixth Line: The Hollow Bamboo
The sixth line is called “The Hollow Bamboo: The artist as a medium through whom Existence plays her song.” Think of a hollow bamboo stem, and as the wind passes across the top of the stem, we hear music. And so, the sixth line here is the hollow bamboo: somebody who is just open to letting Existence play.
You just have to be open and allow space for that creativity. Do you know necessarily where that creativity is going to go, who it’s going to affect, how it’s going to happen? No. It’s just the pure flow. Whether you embrace this or not, creativity is its own resource, and the artist is the medium.
However we see ourselves in life, we are all artists. Everything in our life can be put forward in a creative way. Being productive, being good citizens, being practical, these are part of the whole experience, but in the end, we are players in this universe and on this world of great potentials.
We’re opening up this whole new season now, this season of mutation. We’re watching radical changes happen in the world around us, and particularly in our own lives. So, let’s just feel really encouraged in this time to allow creativity to come through us.
So, there we are, that’s the first Gateway in the Human Design System. We’ll check in again soon. In the meantime, if you’d like to learn more about the Human Design System and discover how your own Design informs and shapes your life, get your Free Human Design Report today.