Last time, we explored Hexagram 36, learning how to see crises as opportunities for more expansive experiences in life. Now, the Sun is moving into Human Design Gateway 25, which is the Gateway we call “Innocence.” It begins with the understanding that we’re all born innocent, and we all die innocent. But there are a lot of comings and goings in-between.
Innocence is our natural state. It’s a lack of preconceptions. A pure acceptance of whatever happens in life. Can you remember back to those days of innocence as a child, when it was all amazing? It was all new. You accepted it because you had no preconceptions. There is an inherent trust, honesty, and presence that comes with innocence.
Universal love emanates from an unaffected and free nature that assumes and takes nothing for granted. Now, the Channel, the 51-25, the Channel of Initiation shocks us back into our innocent nature. We are invited to drop all the baggage, all the concepts and ideas that we have about life and what’s “supposed” to happen and what we’re actually doing here right now.
We’re getting taken out of the mundane and initiated into a completely different perspective of things, where we can be completely available. Our eyes and ears are open wide again, looking around us to see and attune to the miracle of life.
Let’s take a look at Human Design Gateway 25 line by line:
First Line: Loving
The first line provides the foundation for the whole Hexagram. And here, the foundation of innocence is the concept of “Loving and living without ulterior motives.”
If you’ve got Gate 25 in your design, a lot of people will tell you that you’re so innocent, you’re so guileless. Maybe you’re even a bit naive. You just trust everything and everybody. And again, engaging in an innocent way is complete trust. You have trust, honesty, and openness for whatever it is that life wants to bring.
Your heartfelt spontaneity is potentially prone to being disturbed by outside influences. A lot of people are embroiled in complications in their lives and don’t understand how to deal with them. They lose their temper, they fly into a rage, etc. This is not an environment in which you’re going to do very well. When I come across somebody with Gate 25 in their Chart, and they find themselves in a situation where somebody’s being rude or nasty or angry, I tell them to leave immediately, or at least put space between you and that person. You have to be really clear about that. Maybe you can come back when they cool down, but innocence is not equipped to deal with that kind of behavior head-on.
Second Line: Presence
The second line is called, “Presence: all expectations divert appreciation from the now.” Innocence is totally open. It’s present and available. And the moment there’s an expectation, you’ve lost it. You either live freely for the moment in your natural, innocent state, or you try anticipating results and remain unfulfilled.
You have an aptitude to stay present to each moment, living freely and innocently. What an extraordinary thing to walk through life and be totally present. It’s to be able to truly enjoy each moment. Like taking a walk in the park and instead of being in your head, worried about upcoming dates and deadlines, you’re soaking up the sunshine and hearing the bird song, smelling the leaves, and just feeling that freedom.
On the other side of it, in pushing to realize your dreams, you lose your delight in life when outcomes are disappointing. Again, this comes back to being caught up in expectation, having preconceived notions of how things are supposed to be, how they’re supposed to turn out. And that’s always possible. But life has a perfectly good plan for us. It’s just that we often get out of tune with what that is. So, checking in with your Design, your Type and Authority, helps you stay in tune.
Third Line: Adjusting
The third line here is called, “Adjusting.” And this is a typical thing for all third lines, who are constantly trying things out, experimenting, and making adjustments that will affect how things turn out in their lives.
Third lines are always the first one in. They check things out. They experiment. And if their experiment doesn’t work out, they make adjustments, or move on to another avenue. You accept unexpected events with equanimity: “Well, that
didn’t work. Moving on.”
When things appear to go wrong, you either accept the results or feel forsaken and hopeless. Innocence and hopelessness don’t jive very well together. So, it’s important to be present, come out of that space of hopelessness and recognize that maybe you had some expectations around it all, and that maybe it’s ok to let go of those expectations.
You have the power to remain unruffled in times of loss by persevering in your innocent love of life. But you also have a potential for personal devastation when you’re shocked by or handed a loss. And again, it’s a call to come back into presence, come back into the force of universal love. Recognize that there are some potentially devastating shocks that take place every now and again. The way forward is to adjust, to find a different way of engaging with your life. Come back into the game again. Come back into your innocence again.
Fourth Line: Being Blameless
The fourth line is called “Being blameless: true innocence cannot be tainted.” Your innocent stance is unperturbed by any disturbances. No matter what injury or insult is thrown at you, the essential nature of your innocence remains untouched. You are the spiritual warrior who strides through life unscathed by all trials and disasters.
You maintain the highest ideals even when no one else cares. And what’s the highest ideal? Being true to yourself. Simple as that. There are all kinds of rules and ideas and regulations and belief systems out there, but the highest ideal, what you came here for, we all came here for, is to be true to yourself. We didn’t come here to be anybody else. We didn’t come here to go along with somebody else’s ideas about life.
Fifth Line: Healthiness
The fifth line is the one that has the vision. You can see a little bit further. You can see the consequence of innocence, and the potential for people to be unable to access their innocence. Those who are held down by too much baggage, too many complications. Here the line is called “Healthiness: there is no worldly cure for spiritual sickness.”
There are many layers to our health. There’s a physical level where you take a pill or adjust the body physically to fix some illness. But beyond the physical, visible body, there’s the etheric, astral, spiritual, mental and “nirvanic” bodies. When energies in these other levels get out of tune with our bodies, then our body suffers as a consequence. For example, on a simple level where our feelings get us all upset, our breathing and digestion go haywire. And beyond that, there’s the many non-physical levels to our presence here that can affect us in many apparently inexplicable ways.
My experience of people with Human Design Gateway 25 with the fifth line is they can access—If they’re very clear in themselves—the different levels of health. You carry within yourself this natural sense of healing that might come into your awareness by first becoming quite ill yourself and needing to find ways to access and engage other layers of healing.
You are a natural healer, but you must remain clear about how much you choose to take on. Misjudging your spirit nature can induce you to constantly overextend yourself. You might find that you keep putting yourself in environments and situations where there’s just too much. You get overwhelmed. And the spiritual healing gets nullified. Meditation as medication is always recommended.
Sixth Line: Misunderstanding
The sixth line is called “Misunderstanding: adhering to knowledge will undermine true innocence.” When you bring in knowledge, you go out of a state of knowing.
Human Design Gateway 25 provides the means to take us away from hard knowledge—the concept that you must have this or that qualification or skill in order to proceed in life—and into the sense of being present and accessing personal knowing, which is to be in tune with your own frequency. It’s a bit difficult to explain, but we all know when we step out of tune with ourselves. All kinds of things start to go awry.
You remain steadfast in your pursuit of purity, even if you have to reinvent yourself. And with the sixth line here, there’s this constant opportunity to reinvent. To come back to that innocent state when life presents you with a new perspective.
You are brilliantly different, but knowledge alone seldom brings you contentment. So, with Gate 25, there’s always a difference. There’s this innocent state, there’s this access to other dimensions. But in the end the key thing is personal knowing. When you are tuned into that personal innocence, that trust in life, all things get revealed. All of a sudden we penetrate into this great mystery.
So, there we are, that’s Human Design Gateway 25. We’ll check in again soon. In the meantime, if you’d like to learn more about Human Design and discover how your own Design informs and shapes your life, get your Free Human Design Report today.