What makes you say “Yes!” to life? What is that energy that draws us to make commitments to things? Sometimes we call it a “gut instinct,” when we just feel the impulse to go for it. But how can we explain it? It’s all in your Human Design.
Today, I explore how the Sun’s energy moves us out of “Mental Solutions,” where it sought fixes for many aspects of life, and into “Commitment” through which we gauge our connection to life through a clear “yes,” or a habitual, self-imposed obligatory one.
This happens as the sun moves on into Human Design gateway number 29, which is in the sacral center in the human design chart. The 29 has this sense of urgency to move. The original translation from the Chinese is something like “the abysmal,” or “the deep within the deep,” meaning that you can’t get any deeper than the 29. And that’s where we get this urgency. It’s an urgency to make some kind of change, some kind of difference… or not!
The opportunity for making a difference is very real. And can be very immediate. Because when the 29 is active and it commits to something, then something is going to blossom. Something is going to flower from that commitment. Alternatively recognizing no impulse to move and commit is equally relevant Which is why 29 is a very important gateway in Human Design.
So, what do we mean by this energy of commitment, and why is it so important?
When we are not clearly in tune with our Human Design, it can be difficult to know what to commit to, or why we are committing to something.
“Do I get into this thing or not?”
“Should I put my whole sacral energy into something or not?”
And when the sun goes into the 29, you’re going get this real opportunity to see whether your “Yes” a sincere one. Whether or not this commitment you feel drawn to is really grounded in your own source, or if you’re seeking to oblige or go along with the rule systems and/or follow everybody else’s dictates in life.
We’re not here to live anybody else’s life.
When we look at things really clearly, we see that it’s all about sincere, patient perseverance. That’s what provides the basis for fulfillment. And when you consider your life, you might wonder what am I really here for? If I’m not to be fulfilled in being me and living my life, and if I keep saying yes to all kinds of things that don’t bring the fulfillment, then that’s something that’s really worth looking at.
In fact, when we were compiling our book of destinies, about the 192 life themes in human design, we looked at the work of a woman in Australia who had sat at the bedside of people who were about to die in hospice. She was talking to them in their last days and hours of their lives. And she kept hearing all these regrets from people.
The number one regret she heard was “I wish I’d lived my life according to my own source, rather than doing what everyone else expected of me.”
In the last moments of their lives, these people were realizing that they kept on committing to things that did not work for them, that were not in tune with them, that they were obliging other people’s life circumstances.
That’s why the essential thing with the 29 is to say yes to the things that really matter. To understand where to use the word “Yes.” Because “Yes” is probably one of the most magical words there is. And saying yes and committing to something new is so exciting. It can lead to a massive expansion of your life. And that’s why it’s so tempting just to go for it. But it’s got to be in tune with the rest of your life. It has to align with your Human Design, with your Type and Authority.
When we do this, when we are clear about our “Yes,” we can open the door to something really solid and profound and expansive in our lives.
To learn more about Human Design Gates and all things Human Design, and to discover how your own Design informs and shapes your life, get your Free Human Design Report today.