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ROCK your RESULTS The Secret to Success in your Career, Relationships & Life Begins
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ROCK your RESULTS The Secret to Success in your Career, Relationships & Life Begins
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Are you serious about personal growth?

Are you dedicated to healing, evolving, and coming into your full power and presence in this life?

Do you feel stuck, like something is holding you back from following your personal path to enlightenment?

It’s time for a clear-out.

Karma Clearing by Design with Chetan Parkyn

You may be highly intelligent, wise, and gifted in many ways, yet you’re still not progressing in life in the way you desire. It might be old patterns getting in the way.

Why does this happen?

It could be a sign that you are carrying ancestral wounds—echoes of trauma passed down through the generations that seeps into your unconscious, arresting your growth as you repeat the same patterns that hindered so many people before you.

It can also indicate the lingering effects of unconscious programming; those insecurities, doubts, and misunderstandings that we pick up early in life from our parents, teachers, lovers, and the media. This can stem from a past heartbreak, an absent or negligent parent, or anything that has made you feel you weren’t good enough, smart enough, or just…enough.

Even if you never think about it today, even if you feel like you’ve worked through it, these things can cause you to put up protective walls and bury your vulnerability. They become internalized to the point where you’re carrying around open wounds that you don’t even recognize as wounds. They’re just a part of you.

But whether you recognize them or not, they slow you down. They encourage limiting behaviors that keep you from even imagining you are capable of much more in life.

I’m here to help you get unstuck. I want to help you clear the blockage and let go of the baggage so that you can be free to experience the full force of your own unique presence in this world.

Here’s The Big Question:

Are you ready for real, meaningful growth?

Make no mistake – Karma Clearing requires dedication and personal investment. It’s not always easy, and it may require you to confront uncomfortable truths and pain from your past. However, if you’re willing to be open to this profound and personal process, Karma Clearing will free up the energy you need to experience the healing and transformation you’ve been searching for.

What do we mean when we say “Karma”?

Karma is a word that’s applied here to indicate deep personal and ancestral memories of painful actions and situations that remain unresolved, mostly hidden away in our unconscious. Life wants us to emerge through these old blocks, and continually presents to us ways to go through. Yet, we remain reluctant, often stuck in old patterns and held back by limiting beliefs and fears that have become etched into us. We have forgotten why we came here in the first place and keep missing the opportunities to clear our way—both behind us, and in front of us—to come to our pure essence and experience true freedom.

How does it work?

We go quietly through conscious presence into the unconscious. It is a gentle process that takes you into places you will recognize deep within, but which have been submerged over time. Your senses begin reactivating parts of your nature that you know are true to you, but which have somehow been dulled and dismissed. Once uncovered, everything starts to reawaken, and you recognize a new sense of freedom in how you relate to the world and everyone and everything in it. You begin to trust in yourself again.

We complete this session through a guided meditation that connects you back into the now, easing you back gently into a new acquaintance with your present world.

You learn to move from the past to the present lifetime, to witness the Destiny Path that has been laid out before you. It is your pathway. You recognize deep within you the correctness of the way forward and how to use your internal fire to light your way, incinerating the old patterns as you go.

Why Work with Chetan?

Chetan Parkyn has decades of experience teaching, training, and mentoring people to find clarity and access their full potential. He also has received extensive personal training and private mentoring in deep-level Karmic Clearing techniques from mystics and the most accomplished practitioners in the world.

Previously only offered to private mentoring clients, this is the first time we are offering Karmic Clearing to our community members – You Don’t Want to Miss it.

Love From Our Clients

“An undeniable shift is occurring in my being….”

Language is a poor medium in which to share the wonder and delight in working with Chetan. The communication goes deeper than words can convey. An undefinable shift is occurring in my being – a lightness, an allowing, a settling into who I am – which defies logic or the commonplace.
He conducted a 1:1 workshop over zoom, diving deep into my Human Design, and although I know it well by now there were new treasures to find and challenges to recognize in both my love karma and destiny path.

Chetan’s humanity and humor gave an ease to my discoveries and his knowledge and understanding is second to none. It is an enormous privilege to work with Chetan – if you are ever lucky enough to have the opportunity, seize it with both hands! He has my heartfelt thanks and although it’s too soon to know particulars, I sense that my life’s trajectory has just altered for the better.

This kind of energetic work really does push at the edge of language as a means of communication!

Huge thanks, love and laughter too!

Pippa Wilford

"Working with Chetan was pure magic!"

“When I began working with him, I was lost, confused, overwhelmed, and constantly stressed. Through working with him I realized my true superpowers and my strengths as well as my vulnerabilities that I need to be aware of to protect myself. I learned simple strategies to protect my energy from others and really step into my true strength.

The most important thing I learned from Chetan was that I am different than most people, but a good kind of different. I’ve thought my whole life I was weird. And I am, but the world desperately needs my weird, different self to shift and raise up as many people as possible! I was nervous about the financial investment to work with Chetan but it was worth every penny. I have fully stepped into my power and my insecurities no longer hold me back from accomplishing what I need to do to help the world and make much money in return!

I have already made back far more than I paid to Chetan! Thank you, Chetan.”

Mandi Rose

Your Karma Clearing by Design with Chetan includes:

1. Initial 45-minute Zoom Session with Chetan to prepare

2. Choice of either:

a. One In-person Full Day Session (lunch included) – 7 hours total

b. Two half day Zoom Sessions – 3.5 hours each to be scheduled on two consecutive days.

3. Two 45-minute follow-up “Integration Mentoring Sessions” to support you to incorporate the awareness gained into every aspect of your life, from physical well-being to personal relationships, and of course, into your work or business.

You will walk away from your session newly at peace with yourself. The wounds and conditioning are transformed. Old pain and fears will no longer be lurking in the shadows, sabotaging your spiritual progress. You will shine your light on the areas in which the healing is happening. And you’ll have the tools to continue the healing process long into the future. The result is greater integration, wholeness, confidence, and clarity.

This is your chance to:

Pay in full bonus!

When you opt to pay in full, you’ll receive your entire Karma Clearing Program at a 10% discount – a savings of $800!

Full Pay = $7,200


Or opt for our Payment Plan for more flexibility.

Payment Plan = $3500 down payment + 3 monthly payments of $1500.

Ready to set yourself free with a Karmic Clearing?

We invite you to submit the following form to see if you qualify for a Complimentary 30-minute Discovery Session:

Pay in full: $7200

Submit your down payment of $3500